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The Incredible Shrinking Michelle Duggar


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Wow, watching her during the wedding of Prissy Keller was a real eye opener. She had the poster of an 90 year old and looked just as frail. Jim Boob likes to boast that women that have such large families have better health because of being a brood mare but I'm not seeing the benefits for Michelle. I don't know how tall she was before having kids but since watching her from the begining of the yearly specials she has shrunk a lot! I wonder if she has lost any teeth or even taken a bone density test.


Anyone else see that Michelle looks worse for having a ton of kids or am I just seeing things?

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I mentioned it in the wedding thread, but I've noticed how the Mullet shrinking for quite some time. She was originally 5'3" but now Jana, at 5'4", towers over her.

I doubt she's taken a bone density test, but it's pretty obvious that she suffers from osteoperosis. Heck, I'm headed that way myself, but it's due to meds, not birthing a passel of kids.

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Michelle looks ancient, hunched and stoop shouldered. Childbearing and not spacing pregnancies has taken its toll. I do wonder if that many serial pregnancies shorten ones lifespan?

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Squeezing outf litters definitely robs the body of nutrients, we all know that. My oldest chihuahua has had 2 litters of 1 pup each and she's shrunken and frail-and her teeth have all fallen out but 2 despite vet are and proper diet! Part of it is supposedly a chi-thing, but no doubt the pups dragged her down.

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Missed the live feed... did anyone grab screen shots?

If you go to the wedding thread, rather late in it, Canadian Hippie made a YouTube video of the first kiss and moments preceding it. For some unfathomable reason, Boob and Michelle are onstage as an "elder" couple. She comes up to about the middle of Boob's chest. I doubt she's much over 5' tall these days, if that.

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Wow, she really has shrunk. I think Michelle has aged a lot since Josie's birth. Looking at her now it's no shock she couldn't sustain one more pregnancy.

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I said in the pp thread about my ggrandma who had 17 live births before dying from breast cancer at 52. My gran would talk about having all those kids wore her body out and how she seemed frail, tiny and shrunken by her mid 40s. Ive seen photos of her as a young woman and again a few years before her death and she did look shrunken.

ill bet jchelle has osteo. All those pregnancies have drained her. We're not meant to have that many kids. Early humans would have breast fed for several years which is natures way of preventing more pregnancies. Jchelle weans at 6 months and then gets pregnant again. Theres nothing natural about that.

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Theres nothing natural about that.

To be fair, she's said she gets her cycles back even when breastfeeding. Some women do, and that's natural. She could be lying about it and just weening super early, but I doubt it.

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The saying 'you lose a tooth for every child' does have a medical basis. The fetus will rob you of nutrients if need be, calcium being an obvious one. This lowers bone density and can easily lead to osteoporosis. It's less common in the modern age now that milk, cheese and other dairy are cheap and affordable but it was a different case a century ago.

Michelle won't find out she has osteo until she's broken a bone, probably. She may have it in early stages but the amount of travelling she does indicates it's not too bad as of yet. My grandmother has the condition and has shrunk a foot and a half in about 15 years.

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Her bones probably look like swiss cheese at this point.

I think the miscarriage really did a number on her. She looks broken, and the "keeping sweet" expression is much more forced.

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Her bones probably look like swiss cheese at this point.

I think the miscarriage really did a number on her. She looks broken, and the "keeping sweet" expression is much more forced.

She's doped up to the tits.There isn't enough xanex in the world to fill the holes in her bones or her heart.

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I think the miscarriage really did a number on her. She looks broken, and the "keeping sweet" expression is much more forced.

The group candid in Josh's instagram has a really forced 'keep sweet' look. I think she's realizing that this is the end of her glory. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost. :|

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Wow, when I first looked at the screen cap I assumed she was sitting down, but she's actually standing. In a year even Hannie will be taller than she is. She never seemed short before so something is different. Can someone put an older picture next to the newer one to compare? I don't know how to put two side by side.

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I agree with other Michelle probably has osteoporosis. The pregancies have had their effect on her bone health and she also may not be getting the recommended daily amount of calcium in her diet.

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Wow - the shrinkage is marked. I just looked at a Duggar family photo on the Joshie's website and M came up to JB's shoulder. In the photo posted here, she's far shorter and I'm positive she wasn't wearing stilletos at Josh and Anna's wedding.

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