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What reminds you of fundy stuff?


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I went out for my friend's birthday last night and we went to a bar and there were women in VERY defrauding outfits with the words 'quiver' on them, offering a new drink with the same name. It just made me laugh...and I have to say that's the kind of quiver I prefer! Have you ever seen anything which has the same name or phrase as a fundy one?


When I go to town, the grocery store, the co-op or the GW fundies are everywhere, from frumpers in denim skirts to, Mennonites with lacy head coverings to Muslim women fully veiled.


I do have a full quiver, but that's because I participate in archery. :violence-bowandarrow:


I found a long, denim skirt in Wet Seal.

Fundie fashion is EVERYWHERE O_O


I walked into Starbucks today and almost tripped over my own feet. Long denim skirts! Head coverings! Fundies! In Germany!!! I started to giggle, my friend looked at me like I'd finally lost it. I tried to explain it to her, but she still didn't find it funny.

The fundies were from the States and I think they noticed my staring.


The other night my husband was making gumbo which we have rarely. So after having upteen children ask him whats for dinner, he just handed me the cookbook when I asked. I promptly asked if we were having Jumbo for dinner to which he burst out laughing the in the real world "G" is not a "J" sound and "J" is only used to replace "G" if you want to mess up a prefectly good girl's name like Ginger. He then accused me of having FJ on the brain. :oops:

Same vain of thought, I pronouced the seasoning ginger with a hard G such as in GO or GOAT. :oops:

The Duggars have really messed with my mind by naming Jinger the way they did. :doh:


When my mom's facebook friends (I view this as spamming) post advetisments that are pro-life, saying things on the lines of: "If you're pro-life, you're on God's side!" How do the ads' creators know if God loves me for the choices I make or not?


Never had any of those but facebook keeps telling me to go to a fertility clinic or buy baby hairclips. Not exactly sure what that's about!

Those ads just sound intrusive. Religion is incredibly personal here and apart from the odd advert for an Alpha course on a bus you NEVER get adverts about God in the UK, which is no bad thing. And in response to that ad...I am pro life but not anti choice!


Well, when I was at the grocery store today I saw Velveeta, it made me shudder and thing of the Duggars.


Whenever I open a can of creamed soup.

Whenever I open a can of creamed soup.

Speaking of creamed soup, whenever I taste salt in something that seems like it shouldn't be salty. A lot of things I've eaten in the past few days have been very salty and reminded me of the Duggars.


Tator Tots have been forever tainted in my mind. I can't walk past the freezer section without thinking angry thoughts.......

Same goes for Nike shoes - I connotate "Nike" with bad now so I only wear puma's.


Anyone ever see the Wee Sing videotapes years back? I only just realized in recent years how much the Bitty Booty family in Wee Sing in Sillyville reminds me of the Duggars. Matching prairie wear, kids' names all begin with the same letter, Southern accent, and the whole family even sings together. Though I think you'll find their singing much more enjoyable than the Duggars. lol. Go to about 4:15 in this video and then see the beginning of part 7 for them singing "Rizzledy Rozzledy"!

Of course, one way they're NOT similar is that the Bitty Booties dance :P


When my brother gets married next summer, he will become a father of a five year old daughter(she is already calling him dad)

The other day, his wife told him that her family is a bit troubled at how rambunctious their previously quiet grandchild has become. My brother said that he was glad that his daughter was adventuresome and that he planned to encourage her.

It made me happy that my brother will be the opposite of most fundie dads


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