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Santorum Says Gay Parents Worse Than Convicts


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For the second time in as many days, Rick Santorum waded into the issue of gay marriage, suggesting it was so important for children to have both a father and mother that an imprisoned father was preferable to a same-sex parent.

If fathers are so effing important wouldn't it be better to have two fathers than just one?

I've always disliked Santorum (the man) but I absolutely despise him since learning that his wife had was what effectively a second trimester abortion in order to save her life, and yet he would deny that two other women.

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Not just legal relationships, either. He would be taking away their mothers and/or fathers. Possibly the most significant trauma that a small child could experience!
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What is his obsession? The economy's in the toilet, people are working two and three jobs to feed their kids -- what do gay people existing and having human rights have to do with anything?
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He'd probably blame the economy on teh gayz. Wait, didn't one of them do that already?

And I agree - why the fuck do all these people care if two adults in a stable, same-sex relationship decide to have a child together? How does it personally affect them?

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Just a friendly reminder to Google on santorum and click appropriately to keep the REAL definition of santorum front and center.

That's all. Thanks

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Well, has he ever seen this docu about this Dutch gay couple??

I'd rather prefer these two men taking care of my children than Santorum or any other fundie for that matter.

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All I can think of is the cute young lesbian couple at my church and their adorable two-year-old twins. One mommy is a teacher, and the other coordinates outdoor expeditions. Their little house is cozy and gorgeous, and their relationship is more functional than most heterosexual marriages I've encountered.

Oh, and there's another lesbian couple, of 20+ years standing, with a teenaged daughter. We were discussing abstinence-only sex education and accidental pregnancies, and I told her, "People can say what they want about gay parents, but you two know damn well straight where your kid came from!"

In both these cases, the pregnancies were much wanted and meticulously planned for.

Oh, and bite me, Rick.

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Something about this particular post really brought it home to me what it would have been like if I had married a woman instead of a man. I have pretty much always wanted children. Raising 3 kids in today's economy is bad enough. Thinking about trying to have children with the likes of Santorum breathing down my neck makes my stomach hurt.

Good thoughts toward any gay parents reading here and prayers if you want them. And here's one Christian who won't be voting for Santorum or anyone who spouts his crap.

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It is scary out there. In all states, gay couples can't formalize the non-biological parent's relationship to the child before that child is born and in many states there is no path to legal recognition of the non-bio parent. When I was pregnant will my DD, I got very sick with pre-eclampsia and spent two weeks in the hospital before she was born at 29w. It was a really scary delivery for everyone involved-the last thing I remember before they put me under was the OB screaming "Jesus Christ where's that blood!) I couldn't sign the paperwork designating my partner as DD's guardian until after she was born and we couldn't submit our second-parent adoption paperwork until after she was born. I was really scared that I would die in childbirth and

1. our dd would get sent into foster care

2. My partner wouldn't be able to visit her in the NICU

3. My partner wouldn't be able to make medical decisions for DD (or God forbid, end of life decisions)

Luckily we were at a hospital that was really cool (partner held DD in the NICU while I was still in surgery), and my parents would have totally supported my partner as the mom of DD. As much as I appreciate how good everyone was to us, it sucks to know that preserving your family is totally dependent on the kindness of strangers, and if strangers aren't kind you may be shit out of luck.

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He was on the UK news tonight, along with the other candidates. He really pinged my gaydar.

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I decided the problem to them, whether they'd admit it or not, comes down to it being really hard to convince your children that being gay (or just living a gay lifestyle, for the ones who got to the point of realizing sexuality isn't a choice) is a horrible, horrible sin against God when the family down the street with two daddies is actually really nice and gets on great with the rest of the neighbors, the kid does great in school, etc etc.
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I don't know. I'd like to think it was that simple, but I feel like there's got to be more to it. After all, people who think being gay is a "horrible, horrible sin against God" feel the same way about atheists, but there aren't hordes of conservative Republicans trying to deny marriage and adoption rights to atheists. Heck, a lot of these fundies have similar negative views about feminists, pagans, Muslims, and people who believe in evolution. But the real vitriol only comes out when they start talking about rights for LGBT people.

Maybe the LGBT community serves as a legal scapegoat? Perhaps they understand that it wouldn't be politically advantageous (or even acceptable) to attack the legal rights of those other groups, so they focus on "teh gay" instead?

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The scapegoat thing makes sense to me - otherwise they'd go after divorced people, right? They can't do that anymore because so many people are divorced.

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