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Todd Friel on the Duggars


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This is a bit old, as it happened before Jubilee miscarried, but here's professional asshole Todd Friel claiming persecution because some media types *gasp* disagree with the Duggars' choice to have 20 kids.




And here's my comment to someone's FB posting of this video (it provides a decent summary if you don't want to give him the page views)



Wow...where to begin?


First, imposing your values on someone indicates some use of force to make someone else behave in conformity to what you want. The host of this bit shows nothing of the sort: only media personalities reacting in disbelief to the Duggars expecting (though sadly not anymore) their 20th child. They have their rights to their opinions and to express them just as the Duggars have the right to have all those kids.


Also, do we know for sure any of these ladies are atheists? I don't have a clue who the first two ladies are, and Joy Behar is better described as an agnostic. I smell strawman arguments!


Second, the atheist vs. Christianity argument for kids is disingenuous at the very best. I would venture a guess that the vast majority of people who want and have kids, including Christians, are fully aware that children ARE a responsibility. They are mouths to feed, and bodies to clothe, and minds to educate. That doesn't take away from a desire to have children, though--they can both coexist and in most cases do. To be honest, I'd be more concerned about the parents who have kids without actually realizing how much of a responsibility it will be.


Also, don't get me started on the "good thing we didn't abort so and so" bit. I've never heard of anyone calling for the Duggars to abort Baby #20, and to construe it from the above statements is a serious leap of logic. I wonder about this guy's mind if he can so quickly go from "Should they be having twenty kids?" to "They should abort #20!!"


Third, that one woman brings up the point about can the Duggars be responsible parents,to which the host said "Mind your own business." along with a few immature comments. I'm sorry, but the Duggars chose to put their lifestyle on television and in the public eye. And based on what they show, I think there are serious questions as to their responsibility as parents. Can they afford all those kids, apparently so, but as anyone who's watched the Duggar show, Mama and Papa Duggar seem to do a lot more preening for the camera and showing off than actual parenting. That job seems to go exclusively to their teenage daughters, who still need to be parented themselves. Sorry pal, they put their parenting, or in some cases, lack of on display, therefore you can't pull the privacy card when someone calls them out on it.


As far as who's going to determine how many kids you have, once again, that's a serious leap from a fairly legitimate concern as to whether or not a TV family who noticeably pawns their young children off on their teenagers to raise is responsible enough for another baby.


Fourth, as far as the "enough" comment by Joy Behar...I'm sorry, but living in a large apartment or having a lot of cars pales in comparison to the responsibility of having kids, let alone potentially 20 of them. Nor is Joy actually advocating putting limits on the Duggar's baby-making, only expressing she feels that it is enough. I think this guy should really take some logic or debate classes before making another video.


Finally, and to repeat, NO ONE IS IMPOSING THEIR OPINIONS ON THE DUGGARS OR ANY ONE ELSE! They are simply disagreeing with the choice to have 20 kids. Stop making it sound like you're being persecuted because people are disagreeing with the choices of a family who very much put their lifestyle out there for public consumption.

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Great Avatar BTW- " I thought that went pretty well..." as he sits naked on a rock

Third, that one woman brings up the point about can the Duggars be responsible parents,to which the host said "Mind your own business." along with a few immature comments. I'm sorry, but the Duggars chose to put their lifestyle on television and in the public eye. And based on what they show, I think there are serious questions as to their responsibility as parents. Can they afford all those kids, apparently so, but as anyone who's watched the Duggar show, Mama and Papa Duggar seem to do a lot more preening for the camera and showing off than actual parenting. That job seems to go exclusively to their teenage daughters, who still need to be parented themselves. Sorry pal, they put their parenting, or in some cases, lack of on display, therefore you can't pull the privacy card when someone calls them out on it


Hope I did that right- your comments were absolutely brilliant and called BS on his many assumptions....e.g. should have 20 vs. aborting 20.

Excellent response, and thanks for sharing here

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