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Rebecca (rather unusual maiden)'s blog is gone!


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So the newly married Rebecca from Rather Unusual Maiden had a married blog that she started after she and Justin got married this summer, but it's disappeared! I'm sad, because I really did like those two--they seemed to really love each other :(

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She had posted that horrible Ray Comfort video on her blog last time I checked where he compares the Holocaust to abortion and it's possible she got too much flack about it and took her blog down? That's all I can guess since she seemed to enjoy blogging and talking about her wedding and her new life.

Her old blog is still up (her pre-wedding blog) here: ratherunusualmaiden4god.blogspot.com/

Perhaps she's got an email address buried somewhere there? Sorry, didn't have time to check it out thoroughly! :)

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I must have missed the video post... the last one I saw was about how they'd been hiking with their youth group and she twisted her ankle, so Justin was doing everything for her, which was refreshing to read.

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Aw. I liked her, although not some of her views so much obviously, and it was nice to hear about her married life. She honestly seemed happy which was refreshing.

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Count me amongst those that really liked her! I thought she and her husband were a good match, and they seem genuinely happy. buddingmedievalist- I agree about her husband helping out with the ankle, it was refreshing to read.

I read the hiking post this morning, and thought maybe you clicked the wrong link because it's still in my RSS feed. Nope. Blog is gone when you try to access it outside of Google Reader :( I hope everything is OK.

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That's a pity as I kinda liked to read the blogs of those that actually came here! Wonder what happened I didn't think she would be one that would shut down her blog.

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Guest Anonymous
That's a pity as I kinda liked to read the blogs of those that actually came here! Wonder what happened I didn't think she would be one that would shut down her blog.

On a shallow note, I am disappointed because I asked her a qu. about her thoughts on the film, and then forgot to go back and look for her response.

I thought it was odd of her to pull the "Don't dare say mean things on my blog" card in the first place. But if she can't handle dissent, then it is goodbye to more bad rubbish, IMO.

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From what I remember from when she came here she seemed to handle it ok? I was just a lurker then but she seemed ok for a fundie anyway.

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Maybe Justin didn't want it to be a couple blog.

that's what I'm thinking too. It was unusualcouplebutterflydays before. And before that, it was unusualcoupleforgod, which disappeared after like 4 posts. My prediction is he is going to start his own blog to advance the work he's doing with the teen group she keeps mentioning. I'm not sure if he's a youth pastor or what the deal is- does anyone know his story?

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that's what I'm thinking too. It was unusualcouplebutterflydays before. And before that, it was unusualcoupleforgod, which disappeared after like 4 posts. My prediction is he is going to start his own blog to advance the work he's doing with the teen group she keeps mentioning. I'm not sure if he's a youth pastor or what the deal is- does anyone know his story?

I found their bible college online back when they graduated. She graduated with a certificate of bible studies/something or other. He graduated with a bachelors in some type of bible study, with a secondary of education. I know she mentioned that he was student teaching, but I don't think? the college was actually accredited and I don't think he got his state teaching certificate (and even then, I'm not sure what he would be certified to teach). I hope I'm wrong about that, because that would certainly provide more income for them down the line. She has mentioned that he is the youth pastor at their church, so I guess that's his current occupation.

I wish she would blog as much as she used to. I have to wonder if she's either looking for a job or working; or if reality has set in and things aren't quite as romantic and rose-colored as she imagined. Sometimes it's easier to say nothing than try to come up with a happy, cheerful post.

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