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Artemis (Cynthia Jeub) 3: The Grift Goes On

Coconut Flan

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Their level of agressive entitlement is unreal. Too bad their fellow anti-work comrades aren't helping them out. 

Edited by Giraffe
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5 hours ago, formerhsfundie said:

"Fundraising is getting so much harder. I blame the price gouging that’s affecting everyone except the extremely rich. People can’t spare what they used to, because life is getting more expensive. Food, housing, and everything else is climbing up and up."

"The poorest are hit hardest because of the greed of the richest. I truly don’t know what we are going to do. We need to move again because we can’t afford to stay in this area. Moving itself is expensive, too. We haven’t received any donations yet toward moving."

And honestly I do think it’s because so many people are struggling more than ever. We just don’t have the “same $20 to share around” that we had even a couple of years ago. And that is scary.

They aren't completely wrong. Inflation IS making it hard for everyone. Wages aren't and haven't matched inflation in a long time.  However, economics is a complex topic and there are a thousand reasons why food, housing, and basic supplies are more expensive. [snip long paragraph of stuff no one cares about] 

The "I truly don't know what we are going to do" is ridiculous. I have a suggestion. 

Get. A. Job. 

Like every other person who wasn't born into the 1% (and even they have jobs.) Plenty of people are struggling with mental and physical health and still go to work. Go sign up for a temp agency. There are tons of jobs that are just one or two days - company needs someone to catch up on filing. Company Y needs someone to sort out some boxes. Company Z needs someone to fill in and answer phones for a week. It's money that can help.  I can't see how someone who has experience with public speaking, can write coherently, and operate computers and basic software couldn't keep a job. I see people every day who don't email, can't figure out websites, don't know a browser from a bulldozer. Unemployment is at like 4%, everyone is having workforce shortages. We've hired so many terrible receptionists and had an administrative assistant who called out 25% of the time and we still worked with them. 

4 hours ago, Mrs Ms said:

Any I have been to in Germany and New Zealand had one person handling the cash and other people serving. Plus power and hand washing facilities. Usually with a few tables and chairs right next to the sale area to sit and eat immediately. 
Plus all the ones in Germany I saw had display cabinets for the products like in cafes. I think the ones in NZ usually had insect shields and/or see-through lids and weren’t right at the front edge of the table. 

So in the US, a bake sale is usually something put on by a group - like the French club wants to go to France, or the Band needs to raise money to get new uniforms, or a church group wants to raise money to send to a natural disaster type place.  They are low-key -usually, people donate some brownies or cookies, and it's just a couple of card tables in a hallway or on a sidewalk somewhere. They aren't going to buy glass display cases and set up a storefront. Maybe in areas wealthier than mine? 

Not only is that a waste of money that they need to get to the fundraising goal, it also would open up a ton of liability and be against the law. Restaurants have to follow very specific laws - they pay $$ for their building, for commercial equipment. The employees go through either ServSafe or Food Handlers classes or both. 

They have to carry certain types of insurance (commercial liability, liquor liability if they have a liquor license, music licensing if they have music, property insurance, car insurance if they have commercial vehicles, excess/umbrella, etc. ) They have to renew licenses and undergo extensive permitting.  They have to submit plans (all of which come with a fee), every time they change things.  Everything is inspected and regulated-  seating, business plans, outdoor seating, signage. It's extremely expensive to start a restaurant and I don't know why anyone would want to, the margins are so low. They require so many employees and there is so much overhead. 

The bake sale where some kids sell each other cosmic brownies at lunch a few days a month is one thing, but setting up a permanent location where you ship orders, or operate what appears to be a bakery that skipped the legal process is another.  

I guess I'm just a little confused if we are talking about the same thing. Because a place with dedicated staff, display cases, and seating sounds like a bakery to me, more than a bake sale.

And more so than the unfairness of a charitable group being able to operate an unlicensed business at a lower cost than a business that invested heavily and paid for the right to be able to operate, we are talking about food and food safety. Which should be regulated because foodborne illness can kill people. 


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52 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

They aren't completely wrong. Inflation IS making it hard for everyone. Wages aren't and haven't matched inflation in a long time.  However, economics is a complex topic and there are a thousand reasons why food, housing, and basic supplies are more expensive. [snip long paragraph of stuff no one cares about] 

The "I truly don't know what we are going to do" is ridiculous. I have a suggestion. 

Get. A. Job. 

Like every other person who wasn't born into the 1% (and even they have jobs.) Plenty of people are struggling with mental and physical health and still go to work. Go sign up for a temp agency. There are tons of jobs that are just one or two days - company needs someone to catch up on filing. Company Y needs someone to sort out some boxes. Company Z needs someone to fill in and answer phones for a week. It's money that can help.  I can't see how someone who has experience with public speaking, can write coherently, and operate computers and basic software couldn't keep a job. I see people every day who don't email, can't figure out websites, don't know a browser from a bulldozer. Unemployment is at like 4%, everyone is having workforce shortages. We've hired so many terrible receptionists and had an administrative assistant who called out 25% of the time and we still worked with them. 

So in the US, a bake sale is usually something put on by a group - like the French club wants to go to France, or the Band needs to raise money to get new uniforms, or a church group wants to raise money to send to a natural disaster type place.  They are low-key -usually, people donate some brownies or cookies, and it's just a couple of card tables in a hallway or on a sidewalk somewhere. They aren't going to buy glass display cases and set up a storefront. Maybe in areas wealthier than mine? 

Not only is that a waste of money that they need to get to the fundraising goal, it also would open up a ton of liability and be against the law. Restaurants have to follow very specific laws - they pay $$ for their building, for commercial equipment. The employees go through either ServSafe or Food Handlers classes or both. 

They have to carry certain types of insurance (commercial liability, liquor liability if they have a liquor license, music licensing if they have music, property insurance, car insurance if they have commercial vehicles, excess/umbrella, etc. ) They have to renew licenses and undergo extensive permitting.  They have to submit plans (all of which come with a fee), every time they change things.  Everything is inspected and regulated-  seating, business plans, outdoor seating, signage. It's extremely expensive to start a restaurant and I don't know why anyone would want to, the margins are so low. They require so many employees and there is so much overhead. 

The bake sale where some kids sell each other cosmic brownies at lunch a few days a month is one thing, but setting up a permanent location where you ship orders, or operate what appears to be a bakery that skipped the legal process is another.  

I guess I'm just a little confused if we are talking about the same thing. Because a place with dedicated staff, display cases, and seating sounds like a bakery to me, more than a bake sale.

And more so than the unfairness of a charitable group being able to operate an unlicensed business at a lower cost than a business that invested heavily and paid for the right to be able to operate, we are talking about food and food safety. Which should be regulated because foodborne illness can kill people. 


No, definitely talking about the same thing. Both the places I was involved with in Germany ran it like a cafe/sale hybrid during the school fairs or the open days and had space to store the cabinets during the rest of the year. Plus enough people to bake things and then have people staff it during the day. No clue how other places handled things.
At my kids school here in NZ we do a similar cafe/bake sale hybrid in one of the classrooms for the school fair. The rest of the year, any of the classes wanting to raise extra money for camp or so do a straight bake sale just outside the staff room (which has a kitchen.) A parent or teacher will pre-cut any cakes or slices, a teacher will supervise the cash and the kids serve the baking. Covid has definitely made covering things and wearing masks more of a thing!
As we are a food allergy family, it’s not my favourite, but it is super common here and would be front page news if someone got food poisoning anywhere in the country from one. 

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1 hour ago, Maggie Mae said:

I guess I'm just a little confused if we are talking about the same thing. Because a place with dedicated staff, display cases, and seating sounds like a bakery to me, more than a bake sale.

No, it typically takes place in a church hall or gym or a cafeteria at school or a community center. It’s not a permanently set up bakery, but these kinds of locations typically have some tables and chairs in a back room to put out and a fridge in the back, sometimes even plates and cutlery and a dishwasher. The “staff” are just volunteers who come out for the day. So you have one person making coffee, one handing out cakes, one handling payments and one in the back to get new cakes from the fridge, cut them, bringt them out etc. It’s all very much improvised and nothing like a real cafe or bakery.

9 minutes ago, Mrs Ms said:

but it is super common here and would be front page news if someone got food poisoning anywhere in the country from one. 

Agree. I’ve never heard of food poisoning from a bake sale, ever. I know it makes sense to have all the hygiene regulations in place for professionally run businesses. But for charity bake sales, apparently they’ve been doing fine without those for decades here. It’s just not an issue.

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They could have moved closer to Ryann’s family last summer instead of moving to Seattle…that would have saved them their donors several thousands…but it’s not money they had to earn so they don’t care. Every decision they make is very reactive as opposed to proactive. They rarely think of the consequences.

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2 hours ago, Bookworm1564 said:

...it’s not money they had to earn so they don’t care. Every decision they make is very reactive as opposed to proactive. They rarely think of the consequences.

This seems to be their bottom line. And apparently enough people are seeing that that no one's willing to waste anymore money on them! Sadly I doubt anything will make them stop and think - unless it's someone in their anti-work community who they trust (which I highly doubt they have). If someone they know personally finally opened their eyes to how ridiculous the anti-work movement is, I could maybe see one of them accepting how untenable that belief system is and making changes from there. So realistically? They'll live their lives as (attempted) master grifters.

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Art isn't going to get a job.  If they did, it would make their application for SSI next to impossible to get approved some day.  Still no donations.  People are just tired of them asking for hundreds of dollars every month and less than a year ago many thousands.  Another request for many thousands just isn't going to get traction.  I think moving is probably a good thing but they will end up having to leave everything behind since nobody is willing to donate.  Art saying they would bake pies and use some of the initial funds for pie making stuff just shows how they thought they would have no problem raking in donations from people.  And it hasn't happened. They should feel grateful that their airfare and housing (whatever that means) are covered and try to figure out how to move their bed.  Or sell the bed on facebook marketplace for (hopefully) a good price and buy a new (used) one when they get to the secret new destination. 

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2 hours ago, keepercjr said:

Art isn't going to get a job.  If they did, it would make their application for SSI next to impossible to get approved some day. 

Art will never get a job because Art doesn't want a job. If someone handed them a job they'd still turn it down. They're not interested in work, only grifting. Art & Ryann seem like such a toxic pair!

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2 hours ago, keepercjr said:

 Or sell the bed on facebook marketplace for (hopefully) a good price and buy a new (used) one when they get to the secret new destination. 

Did you notice the photo they are using of themselves is really old? The secrecy of this whole thing makes it even sketchier. 

This is not what people signed up for when they started following an ex-fundie who left the mega fam. It's interesting to me how far they think their original base will go without building/maintaining or even entertaining them on any level. 

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3 hours ago, keepercjr said:

Or sell the bed on facebook marketplace for (hopefully) a good price and buy a new (used) one when they get to the secret new destination. 

I thought that the adjustable beds would be covered under their medicaid/medicare if was medically necessary? Is that not the case. I know they sought donations for the bed they are using now.  

If it's not actually medically necessary, they can get one for half the price, and maybe it would be an incentive to not stay in bed all day. 


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29 minutes ago, Giraffe said:

Art will never get a job because Art doesn't want a job. If someone handed them a job they'd still turn it down. They're not interested in work, only grifting. Art & Ryann seem like such a toxic pair!

Right.  Art doesn't want to work.  Instead they want SSI so they don't have to work. 


14 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

I thought that the adjustable beds would be covered under their medicaid/medicare if was medically necessary? Is that not the case. I know they sought donations for the bed they are using now.  

If it's not actually medically necessary, they can get one for half the price, and maybe it would be an incentive to not stay in bed all day. 


They didn't get it because it was medically necessary.  They (the 2 of them) spend the majority of their day in bed so they wanted an adjustable one so they could sit up and work on their laptops. 

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24 minutes ago, keepercjr said:

they wanted an adjustable one so they could sit up and work on their laptops. 

If they can do that then they are probably able to find some kind of work that would go towards supporting themselves.

I think the thing that makes me saddest about this is Chris Jeub is probably looking at all this and using it with the younger siblings as an example of why you should not defy him God because you'll end up like Art. 

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38 minutes ago, Ozlsn said:

I think the thing that makes me saddest about this is Chris Jeub is probably looking at all this and using it with the younger siblings as an example of why you should not defy him God because you'll end up like Art. 

Art has to be aware of this too and it makes you wonder why they haven't tried harder to attain even a modicum of "worldly" success--you would think it would be important to them to prove that despite their crappy upbringing they managed to achieve some measure of happiness/prosperity.  Like the protagonists in The Glass Castle or Educated, that we've mentioned before.  But it's all poor me, I had to change diapers and look after my gazillion siblings instead of going to school, thus I can never make anything of myself.      

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1 hour ago, keepercjr said:

Right.  Art doesn't want to work.  Instead they want SSI so they don't have to work. 


They didn't get it because it was medically necessary.  They (the 2 of them) spend the majority of their day in bed so they wanted an adjustable one so they could sit up and work on their laptops. 

This is just so sad. I wish Art had a mother to barge in and remind them that they are way too young to live like this, and had things to offer the world. Or at least kick them into gear and get them to a real therapist, and have them follow through with treatment, which should absolutely include things like "shower once a day," "leave the house and get fresh air" and "take medication to treat underlying chemical imbalances. 


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If they can make graphics for social media, assemble fundraisers, and bake pies they can get some kind of employment. The stress of all of this scrambling for cash has got to be more stressful than many jobs! 

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4 hours ago, Kolache said:

If they can make graphics for social media, assemble fundraisers, and bake pies they can get some kind of employment. The stress of all of this scrambling for cash has got to be more stressful than many jobs! 

But they can't handle deadlines according to Artemis. Someone suggested a WFH job and they said that in addition to not paying enough, they wouldn't be able to guarantee meeting deadlines all the time. Which is an excuse IMO, and I struggle with ADHD. Life is about deadlines and meeting those deadlines. They can certainly make sure their "needs are met" when they have a bill payment deadline. So why couldn't they deal with a deadline from an employer? It's easy. They don't want a job. 

A few years ago they got into the "anti-work" movement and have been obsessed ever since. They've been involved with people who were on SSI disability and decided that since they have some aches and pains from helping raise their younger siblings they deserve disability and are going after it. 

Don't get me wrong, I feel like a universal basic income would be wonderful and that we do have problems in our capitalist system, but deciding it's easier to beg for money and not do anything constructive with life is not the answer. Not knowing if you'll be able to scrape together enough money for laundry and face wash has to be more stressful than getting a 40 hour a week job dealing with customers over the phone for $17/hour and benefits. But for whatever reason they have decided this is the way to go, which is sad and infuriating. They need some mental health assistance because there's a strange codependency going on with Ryann and thinking the world owes them a living is entitled. 

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2 hours ago, HumbleJillyMuffin said:

They need some mental health assistance because there's a strange codependency going on with Ryann and thinking the world owes them a living is entitled. 

While I agree a universal basic income would be a huge help for many (me included!!), at the end of the day this seems to be their primary need. Unfortunately good mental healthcare is incredibly hard to find in the best of circumstances and worse when one is on Medicaid. Sadly I don't see things changing for Art without outside interventions that will probably never come. 

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58 minutes ago, Giraffe said:

While I agree a universal basic income would be a huge help for many (me included!!),

I’m not sure it would make much of a difference. Because if everyone got it, I bet it would only massively increase inflation. Kind of like the cost of living is different in different countries and is usually higher where the average income is higher.

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People haven't donated because of social media algorithms. Yeah, that must be it. And can we please stop calling it fundraising and "meeting needs"? You aren't a charity. 


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Alligator rhythms are doing it!!  They need to watch those berries, too.  Nefarious they are.  They've over reached and people are no longer willing to support the con.  To me that's what they've devolved to is trying to run a scam.  

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Posted (edited)

I wouldn't normally go to "you should panhandle" as a source of revenue but at this point they'd probably get loads more money that way. Potentially considerably more. Probably counts as work though so I suppose Art is too good for it. 

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1 hour ago, Giraffe said:

I wouldn't normally go to "you should panhandle" as a source of revenue but at this point they'd probably get loads more money that way. Potentially considerably more. Probably counts as work though so I suppose Art is too good for it. 

It's funny you say that because my husband had made a comment about them being on par with the pandhandlers at the stoplights in our city. I said I had a lot more respect for the panhandlers at the stoplights because at least they go out there every day and show up. Artemis and Ryann can't even be bothered to show up, rather they just put out the electronic begging bowl and expect it to be filled with money. 

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I am 100% more likely to give cash (if I have a few dollars on me) to a panhandler than Art. Posting online seems so much lazier than actually going outside and spending hours standing outside and asking strangers for money. 

Maybe it's the same, but I feel like the panhandlers are more vulnerable and they spend their time doing something (asking for money) vs Art. Art spends 10 minutes every few weeks, while still in bed, asking for money and then getting upset when people ignore them. They honestly would likely feel better and have that sense of accomplishment if they had just gone out to beg for laundry money, or stood with a sign that said something like "please help, can't afford food or rent" 

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11 hours ago, HumbleJillyMuffin said:

People haven't donated because of social media algorithms. Yeah, that must be it. And can we please stop calling it fundraising and "meeting needs"? You aren't a charity. 


"Mutual aid"? Which part of this is mutual?

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8 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

"Mutual aid"? Which part of this is mutual?

Well they did say last year and this year that if they had any leftover funds in the month of February they would give it to persons of color because it's Black History Month. Besides, they light up the world so much by just being themselves, that means they earned their aid. 

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