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Trump 59: The Walls Are Closing In, So Naturally He's Running Another Grifting Scheme


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9 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:


Yeah does anyone have a big ass mirror I could borrow to hold up to his face?

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Take a look at the upscale dining on “Trump force one.”  Paper plates, plastic tray, and paper doily included. 


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6 hours ago, fraurosena said:

I hate to give him credit for anything, but saying he is for social security is a smart move on his part. Especially as the Republicans have been all but crying from the rooftops that they want to cut social security and medicaid. He knows that the large majority of people want to keep them, so taking this stance give him a political adavantage over his rivals.


The thing that boggles my mind most is that many of the Republican everyday people will agree with cutting those things. Because somehow they have managed to twist and turn their minds to the point that they believe that what that REALLY means is cutting those benefits for "illegals" or "druggies" or people poorer than them who they consider "lazy" or whatever. They fully believe that THEY will get back what they've paid in, that they are the good people and they'll get the support they need, and cutting those programs will just reduce the amount of money going to people they consider unworthy in whatever way.

Until it happens, and suddenly grandma is flat broke and they can't retire anymore and their uncle on disability can't get his medicine and wow, we didn't think it'd affect US, just those OTHER people! 

Like I have heard this sort of thing frequently from people regarding abortion. They are "pro-life" because it's a baby in their mind, and abortion should be totally illegal, full stop. But that's not what many of them really mean, because when you ask them about saving the life of the mother they are like "well of course THAT would still be legal, duh." If you ask about treatment for missed miscarriage being at risk they are like "of course that won't be a problem" until, of course, overzealous legislation causes it to be an issue and they are SHOCKED. 

I wonder if it's because Republican politicians are such inveterate liars that their supporters automatically assume that they don't mean what they are saying... that what they actually mean is whatever the supporter agrees with. So when a Republican says "cut social security" they assume what he means is "cut social security for the lazy moochers." Until THEIR social security is cut and then they are like "What?!?! He said what he really meant this time?!"

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1 hour ago, Alisamer said:

The thing that boggles my mind most is that many of the Republican everyday people will agree with cutting those things. Because somehow they have managed to twist and turn their minds to the point that they believe that what that REALLY means is cutting those benefits for "illegals" or "druggies" or people poorer than them who they consider "lazy" or whatever. They fully believe that THEY will get back what they've paid in, that they are the good people and they'll get the support they need, and cutting those programs will just reduce the amount of money going to people they consider unworthy in whatever way.

Until it happens, and suddenly grandma is flat broke and they can't retire anymore and their uncle on disability can't get his medicine and wow, we didn't think it'd affect US, just those OTHER people! 

Like I have heard this sort of thing frequently from people regarding abortion. They are "pro-life" because it's a baby in their mind, and abortion should be totally illegal, full stop. But that's not what many of them really mean, because when you ask them about saving the life of the mother they are like "well of course THAT would still be legal, duh." If you ask about treatment for missed miscarriage being at risk they are like "of course that won't be a problem" until, of course, overzealous legislation causes it to be an issue and they are SHOCKED. 

I wonder if it's because Republican politicians are such inveterate liars that their supporters automatically assume that they don't mean what they are saying... that what they actually mean is whatever the supporter agrees with. So when a Republican says "cut social security" they assume what he means is "cut social security for the lazy moochers." Until THEIR social security is cut and then they are like "What?!?! He said what he really meant this time?!"

Branch Trumpvidians are all for other people being hurt by fuck face and his GQP enablers.  And have been known to whine even when the GQP isn't hurting the people they want to hurt, like a BT complained to fuck face several years back.  People like that I'm a little less than inclined to help when they have problems.

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The idea of TFG accusing anyone else of ethics violations is hilarious:


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There's a post up over on Truth Social about "Winning Publishing" doing Trump's latest coffee table book.  It's set to the opening music of "YMCA" (I shit you not) and looks about as low rent publishing as our fundie family, The Rodrigues', efforts.



He's also reposting his screeds against Stormy Daniels and bragging about how the J6 Prison Choir is now #1 on iTunes.  Trump recorded his part of this at Mar-a-Lago.  I think he should have just gone to the prisons and recorded there.  If we were lucky, maybe they wouldn't let him back out.

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He's concerned with issues that impact average voters: "Trump weighs in on proposed golf ball limitations: ‘What a mess’"


Former President Trump is offering his thoughts on newly proposed golf ball limitations for professionals, calling the potential rule change a “mess.”

The United States Golf Association (USGA) and the R&A group — the two governing bodies of professional golf — proposed new limitations on golf balls this week that would reduce the distance that players could hit the ball.

With the new proposal, professional golfers would be required to use a modified ball, which would be tested to ensure that it could not be hit over the distance of 320 yards.

Trump railed against this proposal in a Truth Social post, saying that the new rule would hurt the entertainment value of golf.

“Here we go again with the USGA wanting to cut the distance out of a golf ball! Remember, you still have to chip, putt, and do everything else. They really have bigger problems, like LIV,” he said in a post

LIV Golf is a Saudi-backed golf league now in its second season as a competitor to the USGA’s professional tour, with plans to host three tournaments this year at Trump-owned golf courses in Florida, New Jersey and Virginia.

“People want to feel and watch the long ball. Also, they want to see the great players hit home runs, not singles and doubles,” he continued. “Length is important for Entertainment Value. LEAVE THE GOLF BALL ALONE. Balls will be mixed for years to come. What a mess. Also, allow long putters, and ball drops from past heights!”

During his time in office, The Washington Post estimated that Trump played 261 rounds of golf, or about one round every 5.6 days. According to Golf Week, Trump owns 16 golf clubs around the world, including 12 in the United States.

Trump’s partnership with LIV Golf has brought criticism from many groups, including families of 9/11 victims, who say it contradicts his statements blaming Saudi Arabia for the attacks.

However, Trump said last year at a LIV Golf event at his golf course in Bedminster, N.J., that the league has been a “great thing” for Saudi Arabia.

Trump was not the only person to criticize the new proposal limiting driving distance.

Professional golfer Justin Thomas slammed the USGA’s proposal this week, describing it as “so bad for the game of golf” and calling it an attempt to solve a problem that does not exist, according to Yahoo Sports.


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He's starting to go full-on ballistic about the investigations.



"Americans will not tolerate..."  This sounds like he's trying to get another insurrection started.  "Our Country is not going to let this happen."  Yep, Sparky.  We are.  You're a big old crook and it's time you got indicted for the multiple crimes you've committed.

I'm just glad that the Dominion case has dampened enthusiasm over at Fox.  If he had their full backing, we might be looking at more trouble than just the usual fringe groups.  As it is, it's bad enough.   I hope the FBI is watching for any planned movements.

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Why does Trump care about limits on golf balls? He always cheats, so it shouldn't matter to him how far they can go.

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Color me completely not surprised: "Two gifts to Trump family from foreign nations are missing, report says"


Federal officials cannot find two gifts received by President Donald Trump and his family from foreign nations, including a life-size painting of Trump from the president of El Salvador and golf clubs from the Japanese prime minister, according to a new report from House Democrats.

The gifts are among more than 100 foreign gifts — with a total value of nearly $300,000 — that Trump and his family failed to report to the State Department in violation of federal law, according to the report, which cites government records and emails.

The 15-page report, a result of a year-long investigation by the House Oversight Committee into Trump’s failure to disclose gifts from foreign government officials while in office, revealed that the Trump family did not disclose dozens of gifts from countries that are not U.S. allies or have a complicated relationship with Washington. That includes 16 gifts from Saudi Arabia worth more than $48,000, 17 gifts from India worth over $17,000, and at least 5 gifts from China. Trump reported zero gifts entirely the final year of his presidency, according to the report, while he reported some of the gifts received in previous years.

Trump repeatedly told advisers that gifts given to him during the presidency were his and did not belong to the federal government, former chief of staff John F. Kelly and other aides have previously told The Washington Post.

Investigators are continuing to search for the large portrait of Trump gifted to him ahead of the 2020 election by Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele and the golf clubs worth more than $7,000 that Trump received from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during visits to the Trump International Golf Club and Kasumigaeski Country Club in 2017 and 2018, the report says.

Most of the more than 100 gifts identified by the committee are now in the custody of the National Archives or the federal government, even if they had not been reported to the State Department. It is unclear how many of the gifts were returned before Trump left office and after, officials say.

The incomplete accounting practices revealed by House investigators is based on a review of presidential records, so any gifts to the Trump family that were not memorialized in written communications by administration officials could still be outstanding. Republicans did not appear to participate in the investigation, which began while Democrats controlled the House.

“We’ve been able to piece all of this together through independent sources, but there could be a lot more given that none of these gifts have been reported and we’ve only found out about them through different kinds of investigative work and accidents,” said Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, who declined to comment on whether the committee will make a criminal referral to the Department of Justice.

Email correspondence between Trump White House officials reviewed by The Post show a haphazard accounting of items given to Trump. In one email exchange, the White House Counsel’s Office provided incorrect guidance to White House staff on the process of accounting for foreign gifts.

The report also raises concerns about whether the unreported gifts may have been used by foreign governments to influence U.S. policy positions toward those countries. A letter issued to the State Department from Raskin on Friday requested documents and communications related to foreign gifts and Trump and his family, including “any references to effects on U.S. foreign policy.”

Typically, the White House Gifts Unit records all domestic and foreign gifts and their valuation that are received by the president and first family. If an official wishes to retain a gift, they have the option of paying full value, as outlined under the Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act. The 1966 law prohibits officials from personally keeping gifts from foreign entities worth more than $415.

Otherwise, the gift is transferred to the Archives, where it is stored for use in presidential libraries. Gifts meant for the White House residence are referred to the Department of the Interior’s park service, and gifts that are not sent to the Archives, or not personally retained by the president or his family, are sent to the General Services Administration. Luke Niederhelman served as the director of the White House gift office under Trump and did not immediately respond to request for comment.

Separately, the Office of Protocol in the State Department publishes an annual list of all gifts from a foreign government to a federal employee. The State Department disclosed in 2021 that because Trump White House officials failed to provide a list of foreign gifts Trump received before leaving office, the department did not have the necessary data to compile a complete 2020 report.

The Post first reported last fall that investigators were seeking help from the National Archives to locate dozens of pricey mementos gifted to Trump and his family.

Email correspondence included in the committee’s report shows then-Deputy White House Counsel Scott Gast incorrectly advising Molly Michael, Trump’s executive assistant, who had asked about required disclosures and payments for gifts in January 2021, that “no disclosure is required for any gifts that are purchased with personal funds.”

“While this is accurate for domestic gifts, Mr. Gast failed to specify that all foreign gifts over the minimal value are required to be reported, regardless of disposition,” investigators wrote.

Gast did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The committee’s effort to track down the portrait of Trump serves as a snapshot of the disorganization within the Trump administration’s gift accounting practices.


In November 2020, the U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador emailed Trump son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner’s assistant, Avi Berkowitz, to notify him that President Nayib Bukele had delivered a painting to the residence that needed to be shipped to Trump.

“President Bukele contracted the same Salvadoran artist who completed his portrait for the Presidential House here,” wrote Ambassador Ronald Johnson in an email that featured photos of himself flashing a thumbs up next to the large painting. “It took the artist 6-months to complete the painting, and the attention to detail is absolutely amazing (see some close-up examples below).”


The email was forwarded directly to Kushner, who then asked his assistant Cassidy Dumbauld to “take care of this,” remarking that the painting was “very nice.” Dumbauld replied later that day that the painting was set to be delivered to the White House. Investigators, however, state in the report that there are no records to account for the gift, and neither the National Archives nor the General Services Administration had records for the purchase of the painting.

“ … despite GSA transition documents indicating that the Director of Correspondence for the Office of Donald Trump certified ‘full compliance with the final disposition of gifts’ in April 2021, certain records suggest the portrait may have been moved to Florida ‘as property of the former President’ in July 2021,” investigators concluded.

A spokesperson for the National Archives said they cooperated with the report but declined to comment on its findings.

Ethics experts say the issues reflect a broader problem with enforcement of the emoluments clause of the Constitution that requires the president ask Congress for permission to accept a gift from a foreigner.

“If someone accepts a gift you are not allowed to take under the Constitution or government ethics rules, it’s not criminal,” said Richard Painter, the chief White House ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush. “But if anyone knowingly lied on the gift disclosure forms, that’s a violation of the false statements statue and that should be referred to the Department of Justice.”

The committee’s findings show extensive discrepancies in the formal accounting of gifts. For example, the State Department’s Federal Register Listing reported that the Trump family received 10 gifts from Saudi Arabia in 2017, two gifts from the country in 2018, zero gifts in 2019 and one gift in 2020. But the committee identified 16 additional gifts from Saudi Arabia that had not been reported, worth more than $45,000 in total.

Kushner, who has financially profited from the close relationship forged with the Saudis during the Trump presidency, purchased and retained five gifts from the Saudis, according to GSA records obtained by the committee, including a $24,000 dagger and sheath given to him by Mohammed bin Salman and two sword sets worth $8,800.

Raskin recently renewed a document request related to Kushner’s investment firm, which raised $2 billion from the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia, as part of an ongoing investigation into Kushner’s ties to the Saudi government.

A spokesperson for Kushner declined to comment.

While there are no records of Trump personally purchasing any of the foreign gifts he received, other family members did legally purchase gifts. Correspondence obtained by committee investigators showed that at least one Trump family member sought to shroud the acquisition.

In one instance, Melania Trump sought to “recall from NARA diamond earrings given by the Czech Republic, valued at $470, but wanted to avoid public disclosure of the item,” investigators wrote. “The note stated: “RECALL FROM NARA (FLOTUS prefers not to disclose any items publically [sic], PURCHASE?'”

Ivanka Trump was also showered with gifts throughout her time as a senior adviser to her father and received items including a mosaic portrait of her in mother-of-pearl from Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas in 2017, and a $2,450 chunky gold bracelet from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2020.

She purchased several items to keep, including a $1,200 Steiff “blond mohair” teddy bear sporting a red and white jacket with gold trim gifted by former Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz in 2019, according to the report.


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This was retweeted not just by Allison Gill (Mueller She Wrote) but also by Heather Cox Richardson!  So it looks like it might, just maybe, Dear Dog, be real!)


Edited by church_of_dog
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1 hour ago, church_of_dog said:
This was retweeted not just by Allison Gill (Mueller She Wrote) but also by Heather Cox Richardson!  So it looks like it might, just maybe, Dear Dog, be real!)


From your lips to God's ears.

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1 hour ago, church_of_dog said:
This was retweeted not just by Allison Gill (Mueller She Wrote) but also by Heather Cox Richardson!  So it looks like it might, just maybe, Dear Dog, be real!)


Hope this isn't a heads-up for him that it's time to take a late night flight someplace international.

OTOH, I believe his Secret Service protection is likely a big plus for this legal situation.  I'm not sure he can ditch them easily and I  imagine they regularly report their whereabouts.

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Yep they're getting ready


Local, state and federal law enforcement and security agencies are preparing for the possibility that former President Donald Trump will be indicted as early as next week, according to five senior officials familiar with the preparations. 

Law enforcement agencies are conducting preliminary security assessments, the officials said, and are discussing potential security plans in and around the Manhattan Criminal Court, at 100 Centre Street, in case Trump is charged in connection with an alleged hush money payment to Stormy Daniels and travels to New York to face any charges.

The officials stress that the interagency conversations and planning are precautionary in nature because no charges have been filed.

The agencies involved include the NYPD, New York State Court Officers, the U.S. Secret Service, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, the officials said.

I hope if fuck knob's Branch Trumpvidians try anything they get arrested and charged with felonies so they loose the right to carry firearms at the least.

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Bad news for Trump just keeps on coming. Can’t think of a person who deserves it more than him.


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Donald is trying to rally the troops now.


"Protest, take our nation back!"  What is he expecting?  Mobs in the street?  

I wish his followers for just one moment could see what a coward he is.  He'd rather people be told a lie and fight and die for him rather than just accept that he has to obey laws like everyone else.  The word is that he plans to allow the arrest.  Myself?  I think he's on the phone with Saudi Arabia to see if he can flee to there.  No way will he let himself to be put on trial.

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So I guess he is being arrested Tuesday. He seems to be in a panic.

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@Xan, you said "What is he expecting? Mobs in the street?"  I think that is exactly what he is expecting. It is also what I fear. He managed it once and very nearly took down our republic.  

Edited by Becky
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I think they ought to surprise him and arrest him today.  Take all of his passports.  Don't give his brain dead followers time to organize.  And I wonder if he really will go peacefully if indicted.  I can see him refusing to leave Mar-a-Lago.  

This is not unwelcome news but I think there's going to be violence and MAGA bros out looking for retribution.  We're entering dangerous territory.

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So far, from what I’ve seen anyway, he’s the only one saying he’s going to be arrested Tuesday. No official notice confirming that. Apparently he had access to “ILLEGAL LEAKS!!”. (Quotes and caps his…)If there was a leak, I can’t believe that it only reached as far as him, so I’m seeing this as him just ginning up his “supporters” (quotes mine… 😛).  He may have to show up in court Tuesday, and he’s exaggerating. It would be on brand. 

I would love it if he were arrested, so I hope he’s right and I’m wrong! Husband and I have a plan to celebrate if he is indicted. With cake! So I need this to happen, so we can have indictment cake. 🤣 And, you know, for justice and all. The important bit. 

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Indictment cake!  Sounds yummy and just what I crave. :cakeslice: 

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