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Chickenpox Outbreak @ NC Anti-Vax School


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I had a bad case of chickenpox. It was exasperated by eczema. My parents found the pox marks the night of my sisters birthday party. I gave chickenpox to my sister and all of her friends. I also gave it to most of my kindergarten class. 

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While most people who have chicken pox are fine after a few days and have no complications, it can be serious or even deadly for some people. My nephew's friend has had chicken pox a few times, people were dissmive of his mum when she said you can get it more than one time.

Hopefully the parents now will vaccinate now before their kids catch worse viruses.

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27 minutes ago, Glasgowghirl said:

While most people who have chicken pox are fine after a few days and have no complications, it can be serious or even deadly for some people. My nephew's friend has had chicken pox a few times, people were dissmive of his mum when she said you can get it more than one time.

Hopefully the parents now will vaccinate now before their kids catch worse viruses.

I think of the flu the same way. Most people get over it but there are always some people that die from it each year. A close family member of one of my ILs died from H1N1 and he was young and healthy. He wasn’t a smoker or obese. It was one of those freak things. It’s unfortunate that the flu shot is less effective than many other vaccines. But we still get ours just in case. 

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23 hours ago, PennySycamore said:

I'm supposed to get my shingles vaccine in January and I hope it's the Shingrix one.

Insist on Shingrix; it's now recommended by CDC: 


CDC recommends that healthy adults 50 years and older get two doses of Shingrix, 2 to 6 months apart. Shingrix provides strong protection against shingles and PHN. Shingrix is the preferred vaccine, over Zostavax® (zoster vaccine live), a shingles vaccine in use since 2006.

Oct 25, 2018


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My dad got shingles when I was less than two years old and had to be airlifted to a country with better hospitals (we were posted overseas at the time). He spent weeks in the hospital before being allowed to return.  I never got chicken pox when there was an outbreak when I was a kid, so we wondered if maybe being around him before he was diagnosed had given me antibodies. The chicken pox vaccine came out when I was in high school so they did a titer to see if I did have antibodies, but it came up negative, at least at that point. Therefore, I immediately got the chicken pox vaccine. I didn't want to get chicken pox (especially as an adult) and definitely don't want shingles.

My mother got the first shingles vaccine of the recommended two doses a few months ago, but they're running really low on the Shingrix vaccine due to demand outpacing production and she had to wait for the second until today. Apparently they've not been letting people who haven't already had one vaccine start the series recently, since they want to make sure people who've started can finish it, rather than having a bunch of half vaccinated elderly people running around.

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So this led me down a rabbit hole on Waldorf schools. I knew they were anti-vax, but I thought that was because they were hippy-crunchy artsy-focused schools. Nope. They're nuts, 


They like to claim that while they are based on the Steiner's philsophy of anthroposophy, they don't teach it. Which sounds a lot like the claim by Delphi schools that they are based on Hubbard's philsophies, but don't teach Scientology. 

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I read this interesting article in the New Yorker yesterday about how this one doctor who was (and maybe still is) a big anti-vaxxer is now making his money being the "expert" witness for the defense in felony child abuse cases.  He claims that all these kids with broken bones just have rickets.  

An Anti-Vaxxer's New Crusade

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