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Homophobes caught on tape, social media, etc


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A restaurant owner in Davenport, Iowa's Village district recently stepped in it up past his mouth


Davenport Police have released body cam footage showing angry 11th Street Precinct owner John Wisor berating an officer, event organizers and city officials for not forcing QC Pridefest organizers to move a pair of port-a-potties used for medical testing further down the street from his business as they set up for the event on Friday, June 1.

Police were called to the scene near the corner of Mound and 11th streets on Friday after organizers alleged Wisor hurled homophobic slurs at them and threatened to “mess their s—” up if the portable facilities were not moved.

In the video the officer called to the scene tries to defuse the situation as Wisor continues to rant from the porch of his business.

“I do more s--- for this place and this is the f-----g s--- I get. Why the f--- should I give a s--- about this whole damn town if this is the way it’s goig to end up," he says on camera. "I don’t have to live in this s---hole. I’ve got enough money to move wherever I want. I want to do something nice down here and this is the s--- I get? What the f---- has this come to? Because they take it up the a—they can do whatever the f--- they want? Is that what it is?”

Way to fornicate up your business, dude.  I certainly won't eat there again when I visit the Quad Cities.  

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What type of medical testing where the doing? in a portable bathroom?


From the article:

"Following the body camera footage being released, Wisor released an apology via media release. Here the statement is in its entirety:

As the owner of the 11th Street Precinct Bar and Grill, a businessman and resident of the Village of East Davenport, and resident of the city of Davenport, I am sorry that a shadow was cast over the events of Street Fest in the Village of East Davenport this past weekend. What was to be a celebration of inclusiveness became a show of divisiveness and misunderstanding. Admittedly, frustrations of feeling uninformed and excluded turned into some regrettable words and actions. For that, I deeply apologize to those whom I have offended. It is my hope that we are able to put these events of the past weekend behind us and that we can move forward, together.

As a gesture of good will, I will be immediately donating one thousand dollars ($1,000) to each of five (5) Quad Cities area charities. Those charities are The Project of The Quad Cities, The SMB Foundation for Families, King’s Harvest, the Jared Box Project, and The River Music Experience (RME). Additionally, I will be making a yearly donation of five thousand dollars ($5,000) to a local charity or charities. The recipient(s) will be announced each year on June 3.

The events of this past weekend have served to open a dialogue directed to the understanding of different life views among members of our community. I hope that we are all able to continue this dialogue in a positive and civil manner and that we can move to more inclusiveness and acceptance.

The staff at the 11th Street Precinct and myself have always strived to make our place welcoming to ALL and we will continue to welcome the diverse humans who come to be together, who come to celebrate, who come to enjoy life. ALL ARE WELCOME HERE."


John Wisor

Well its great what he's doing when your mad you generally show your true colors so....

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20 hours ago, amazing707 said:

What type of medical testing where the doing? in a portable bathroom?


Well its great what he's doing when your mad you generally show your true colors so....

I imagine this was a test offered to see if a person had HIV or other medical conditions so they needed a place for people to pee in a cup and it wasn't possible to do it with a regular bathroom as the ones that would be available would be in dining establishments and there might have been some health department regulation.

If you're gonna fornicate up your business though by being an anti-LGBT douche nozzle the Village of East Davenport is definitely not the place to do it.  The area always seemed LGBT friendly to me whenever I visited.

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7 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:

Uh no way he wrote that statement himself.

Yeah he either got a lawyer or a PR person to write that for him.  I guess he figured out pretty quickly that he's not fuck face and that it won't be excused for him. 

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So now Twitter's Jack ate at a Chick-Fil-A during pride week, and says he "completely forgot" about what that place stood for.


Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey set the internet ablaze after he "boosted" Chick-fil-A on Saturday. Amid backlash from fellow progressives, he has officially apologized for admitting to the world that he loves the fast food chain — an even more egregious sin to activists because he did it during Pride Month.

On Sunday, Dorsey expressed his regret for promoting the company in a concise apology. "You're right. Completely forgot about their background," he wrote.

I have the following items for sale if anyone believes that.

I can do cash or paypal.









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Meanwhile a CrossFit executive is out of a job now after he made an ass of himself online about pride week...


A high-ranking CrossFit employee was fired after tweeting his support for a CrossFit gym’s cancellation of a Pride event, citing his belief that celebrating LGBT pride is a “sin.”

Russell Berger was the mega-successful fitness company’s chief knowledge officer, often de facto spokesperson, and a co-author of the Russells, a blog about scientific misconduct that he maintained with colleague Russell Greene.

But Berger got into hot water Wednesday afternoon when he tweeted about a CrossFit gym in Indianapolis, Indiana, where owners canceled a workout in honor of Pride Month. Many of the coaches and employees quit in protest, according to WTTV TV in Indianapolis. On Wednesday, the gym posted notices that it was shutting down.

At first, Berger was placed on an unpaid leave of absence. But later on Wednesday, CrossFit announced on Twitter that he had been fired.


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Late, but I just saw this thread.


As a gesture of good will, I will be immediately donating one thousand dollars ($1,000) to each of five (5) Quad Cities area charities. Those charities are The Project of The Quad Cities, The SMB Foundation for Families, King’s Harvest, the Jared Box Project, and The River Music Experience (RME).

You know, when I read this, what immediately jumped out at me was that none of the listed charities is explicitly an LGBTQ-related organization. The Project of the Quad Cities deals with HIV prevention/awareness, but doesn't seem specifically geared towards gay/bisexual men. Meanwhile, King's Harvest is explicitly religiously affiliated, and in a way that made me feel uneasy. (Would their homeless shelter accept a same-sex couple?) Being religiously affiliated is not synonymous with being homophobic, of course. So I decided to do a bit of research because I have no life. Anyway, King's Harvest is apparently (either officially or unofficially) affiliated with the Vineyard Church at Davenport. I was immediately suspicious of the church because I noticed a pointed lack of reference to any sort of sexuality whatsoever on the church's website. IME, churches that refuse to mention sexuality in any way, shape, or form are more often than not homophobic, they're just trying to hide it because they want mass appeal*. But no matter. The Vineyard Church is part of the Vineyard movement, which released a positional paper making it clear that they do not affirm LGBTQ sexuality. 

tl;dr - in response to being called out for homophobia, the guy decided to donate to the ministry of a homophobic church. Great. 

Maybe some people will argue that the church's homophobia shouldn't matter, King's Harvest is still doing good work, blah blah blah. And sure, I'm glad people are being fed/sheltered. But there are plenty of charities out there that AREN'T affiliated with homophobic groups. If there's one situation where an org's homophobic roots does matter, it'd be in a situation where someone is donating money in response to being called out for homophobia. 

Maybe this guy wasn't aware of King's Harvest's affiliated church's homophobia... after all, I had to do some digging myself to find out for sure what the Vineyard Church's stance was. But this coupled with the fact that the guy didn't donate to any LGBT groups.... well, he ain't slick. 

* Okay, sometimes they're "quietly affirming" they just keep quiet about it because they don't want blowback. And frankly I have no sympathy or patience for those churches anymore so they deserve to be lumped in with the homophobic shitheads they're enabling. 

Edited by calvinball
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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

A Knoxville cop, who is also the head of a church counting 16 members, preached that LGBTQ people should be executed. The sermon was recorded and put online on the church's website, this is when hate filled meets stupid. CNN article.


"They are worthy of death," Grayson Fritts said in a June 2 sermon at All Scripture Baptist Church, a small church in Knoxville that he leads.

The church posted the sermon online and then removed it, according to The Washington Post. The video was picked up by the Tennessee Holler, an independent liberal news outlet, and edited into a six-minute clip.

"God has instilled the power of civil government to send the police in 2019 out to the LGBT freaks and arrest them and have a trial for them, and if they are convicted, then they are to be put to death," he said in the clip.

Fritts said it would be easy to find people to arrest at events such as gay pride parades.

"We have a bunch of them we're going to get convicted because they have all their pride junk on, and they're professing what they are, that they're a filthy animal," he said.

CNN has not been able to reach Fritts for comment. Speaking to journalists before giving a sermon last Wednesday, Fritts said his anti-LGBTQ beliefs have not interfered with his work as a law enforcement officer.

"It's totally separate, because if I'm employed by the sheriff's office, then if they came into the sheriff's office, obviously they're allowed there," he said, according to WATE. "You understand what I'm saying? This. I am over this. I am the head of this church. I say who comes and goes. Those people are not permitted to join, those people are not permitted to attend."

Charme Allen, the Knox County district attorney general, issued a statement calling Fritts' comments "personally offensive and reprehensible. Allen said she would review all of Fritts' pending cases and an assistant district attorney will review any complaints about closed cases involving Fritts.

"When any potential witness in a criminal proceeding expresses an opinion of hatred and/or bias towards a class of citizens, I am ethically bound to explore that witness' credibility," Allen said. "Accordingly, I am reviewing all pending cases involving Mr. Fritts to scrutinize them for any potential bias."

 CNN affiliate WATEreported that Knox County Sheriff Tom Spangler said Fritts had taken a buyout recently and is on paid sick leave until the workforce reduction takes effect on July 19.

"I want to be very clear that it is my responsibility to ensure equal protection to ALL citizens of Knox County, Tennessee under the law, my oath and the United States Constitution without discrimination or hesitation. Rest assured that I have and will continue to do so," Spangler said in a statement, according to WATE.

Spangler told the Knoxville News Sentinel on Friday that Fritts will not be fired over possible lawsuits based on First Amendment grounds.

"We looked at every avenue we could look at without violating anybody's First Amendment rights (and) freedom of speech and the best thing for us was what we did," he said. "And that's what we're sticking with."

But hey, he can't be fired because freedom of speech. Wtf? Is it freedom of speech or freedom of hate speech?


The church Fritts leads operates out of a storefront in Knoxville. WATE attended a service on June 12 and reported 16 people attended.

The All Scripture Baptist Churchwebsite says it is "an independent, fundamental, King James Bible only, soul-winning church. Don't expect anything liberal, watered down, or contemporary here."

The website is clear about the church's stance on the gay community:

"We believe that sodomy (homosexuality) is a sin that is against nature. A person will only burn in their lust toward the same gender if they have been given over to a reprobate or rejected mind. God said homosexuality should be punished with the death penalty, as set forth in Leviticus 20:13. No homosexual will be allowed to attend or join All Scripture Baptist Church."

In the sermon that night, Fritts said he's not an outlier about LGBTQ rights.

"The world looks at it like, there's Pastor Fritts, there's that lone wolf," he said. "There's Pastor Fritts, that one guy. That one Baptist pastor that's just a lunatic. That's just crazy. Guess what? There's a lot of people that believe exactly like I believe."

And he's probably right, the cockroaches are stepping in the tRumplight and there are many of them.

21 hours ago, Imrlgoddess said:

Eh maybe she's casting for a press secretary position. You need to be some real shit to be SHS worse replacement. She should try a speaking engagement at Fox News so SCROTUS will notice her.

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And here's a former Indiana lawmaker making an ass of himself


A former Indiana lawmaker and homophobic preacher says Pete Buttigieg needs to prove he’s not a disease-ridden, promiscuous gay man.

Don Boys, a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who has written books decrying Muslims, published a bizarre rant on his Common Sense for Today blog on May 15. In it, he slams the South Bend, Ind. mayor and Democratic presidential candidate for his sexuality.

In the post, Boys graphically describes gay men ingesting semen and rubbing feces on one another, and says most gay men give each other golden showers. Specifically, he said Buttigieg must denounce fisting and rimming if he wants to replace Donald Trump in the White House.

Boys refuses to acknowledge Buttigieg’s “husband,” Chasten, and slams Time for publishing the couple on its cover.

Mr. Boys needs to prove that he's not a fuck stick piece of shit.

Edited by 47of74
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This Hurst guy is a real prince /sarcasm:


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A jail administrator down in Muscatine, Iowa is in a bit of trouble after making some online remarks...


Muscatine County Sheriff C.J. Ryan confirmed Friday that administrator Dean Naylor was placed on leave pending an internal investigation. The Des Moines Register reports Naylor posted online remarks that called Muslims "pawns to the devil" and described  "the gay lifestyle" as an abomination.

Johnson County (Iowa City/Coralville/etc) was none too pleased about Naylor's commentary since they send overflow inmates there.  Nor was a union representing jail employees.  Nor was a Muslim advocacy group.  All three groups demanded Sheriff Ryan do something about this horse's ass.  At least Ryan did the decent thing here.  Some of fuck face's buddies who are sheriffs probably would've given Naylor a raise and promotion.

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  • 7 months later...

For being a liberal heathen who wishes for socialist healthcare, I can't list any of my friend's favorite sexual likes or dislikes. The most I know about any of them is if they identify as queer. Beyond that? Apparently I need to be a fundamentalist asshole to give a shit about what my friends do with themselves or any other consenting adult. 

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On 12/1/2020 at 6:49 PM, AmazonGrace said:

Meanwhile in Hungary:


My 14 year old nephew is in to politics and he showed me the story. I laughed then thought God he knows the word orgy now. 

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  • 6 months later...

A Florida douche cannon was videotaped vandalizing an intersection. 


Delray Beach police confirmed Thursday a 20-year-old man is under arrest in connection with the vandalism of a brand new LGBTQ Pride intersection and crosswalk.

Police on Thursday said Alexander Jerich, 20, is under arrest for criminal mischief over $1,000, reckless driving, and evidence of prejudice, which elevates the crime to a felony.

Jerich was seen by witnesses doing what appeared to be an intentional burnout over the crosswalk on Monday, according to police.

If convicted, Jerich may face penalties under Florida's newly passed "Combating Public Disorder Law," which makes it a third-degree felony if someone "willfully and maliciously defaces, injures, or otherwise damages by any means a memorial or historic property."


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