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Ivanka and Jared 2: Tarnished Gold


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12 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Awesome and brutal ad:


This might be the most brilliant political ad I've ever seen.

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We've always said he would sacrifice anyone and everyone, and now it seems it's Jared's turn. Will he also be ditching Ivanka or will she get a divorce?

"Malignantly Crazy" About Bad Poll Numbers, Trump Is Thinking Of Replacing His Son-In-Law


In Donald Trump’s West Wing, being a member of the Trump family has historically been the ultimate job security. But that truism is being stress-tested after a run of polls consistently show Trump losing to Joe Biden at this stage of the race—a CNN poll this morning has him down 14 points. According to a source close to the White House, Trump has mulled taking oversight of the campaign away from his son-in-law Jared Kushner. “Trump is malignantly crazy about the bad poll numbers,” a former West Wing official said. “He’s going to broom Kushner and [Brad] Parscale—the numbers are not getting better,” a Republican close to the campaign said.

Long before the reelection campaign went sideways, Trump frequently blew up at Kushner. For instance, former West Wing officials recall how Trump hated when Kushner received too much positive press (In January, Trump was rankled when Kushner’s portrait graced the cover of Time). “Any time Jared is in the papers, Trump complains, ‘We have to get Jared back to New York!’” said a Republican who heard Trump make the comment. In the end, the source cautioned that Trump won’t push Kushner out. “This is typical with him and Jared,” the source said.

(The White House did not respond to requests for comment. Kushner declined to comment.)

The polling has gotten worse because Trump still hasn’t figured out how to handle the politics of the protest movement sparked by the police killing of George Floyd. Axios reported the campaign is debating whether Trump should talk about national unity. Trump took some solace in last week’s unemployment report, which was less horrendous than many economists expected. “He was in a good mood, he thinks the jobs numbers will turn things around,” said a Republican that spoke with Trump.

Last week, Trump’s former defense secretary James Mattis released a blistering statement criticizing Trump’s use of military force to clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square so Trump could stage a photo op outside of a church. Mattis had agonized for months about whether to speak out, a person close to him told me. Mattis told people that Trump is a “proto-neofascist” but Mattis worried it would politicize the military if he denounced Trump. “Mattis’s thinking was, you can’t involve the military in politics, plus Trump could go haywire,” said the source. But Lafayette Square changed his thinking.

Over the weekend, Trump called around to New York friends and outside advisers in hopes they would validate Trump’s belief that the polls are wrong. “He’s asking people to agree with him that the polls are biased. But no one is telling him what he wants to hear,” said a Republican briefed on the calls. Republicans know how bad things are, but the party still believes sticking with Trump is the best bet for holding the Senate. Last week, Mitch McConnell told Republican senators that they couldn’t abandon Trump, according to a source. McConnell reminded Republicans that former New Hampshire senator Kelly Ayotte lost her 2016 reelection bid after breaking with Trump over the Access Hollywoodvideo.

(Through a spokesperson, McConnell denied making the comment.)


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I wish the #BunkerBitch would get rid of him. He has no reason to be involved with this situation:


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@fraurosena  I think it will be very interesting to see what she would do if actually faced with the choice between husband and father. My guess is Jared would be gone so fast, we'd barely see the skid marks on the floor from his shoes as he got pushed out the door. My opinion  is that she aligns herself with the greatest power in her sphere, which seems to be Fucknut because he's certainly the loudest in the room, but maybe Jared has some sort of quiet bully power in private that may win out for her, or she does see daddy as finally fully aboard the crazy train and will want to cut ties. She could be an interesting barometer for the future of this (hopefully over) administration.

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7 hours ago, AnywhereButHere said:

@fraurosena  I think it will be very interesting to see what she would do if actually faced with the choice between husband and father. My guess is Jared would be gone so fast, we'd barely see the skid marks on the floor from his shoes as he got pushed out the door. My opinion  is that she aligns herself with the greatest power in her sphere, which seems to be Fucknut because he's certainly the loudest in the room, but maybe Jared has some sort of quiet bully power in private that may win out for her, or she does see daddy as finally fully aboard the crazy train and will want to cut ties. She could be an interesting barometer for the future of this (hopefully over) administration.

My opinion is that Ivanka and Jared care for each other but that the relationship was formed and solidified through mutual business interests.  Since both Daddy and Jared have a fair amount of power I believe Ivanka would get maximum benefit by enabling them to hold onto and build on what they've got.  I also think that she'd want to do what she felt was best for her children; e.g., marriage intact, secrets undisturbed.

I wouldn't be surprised if Trump resented Jared, occasionally, but I'd be amazed if he'd be willing to take the chance of fully alienating him and upsetting Ivanka by cutting him loose.  Also, Trump is polling badly enough right now that I doubt he'd want to give ultra-observant Jewish voters who have supported him a reason to think twice (or once) about voting for him again.  It probably wouldn't buy him votes with mainstream Jewish voters like me either, though I also don't know that he'd lose any. 

If Trump is really unhappy with Jared I'd expect to see him reassigned to a position that seems, at least on the surface, to be a big promotion.  I don't think Ivanka would be put in a position where she needs to choose.  I realize the question was hypothetical.

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16 hours ago, AnywhereButHere said:

@fraurosena  I think it will be very interesting to see what she would do if actually faced with the choice between husband and father. My guess is Jared would be gone so fast, we'd barely see the skid marks on the floor from his shoes as he got pushed out the door. My opinion  is that she aligns herself with the greatest power in her sphere, which seems to be Fucknut because he's certainly the loudest in the room, but maybe Jared has some sort of quiet bully power in private that may win out for her, or she does see daddy as finally fully aboard the crazy train and will want to cut ties. She could be an interesting barometer for the future of this (hopefully over) administration.

I agree that Jared will be out faster than the speed of light if she actually has to choose; although, like @Dandruff, I don't think she will really need to. I also think she is (or believes herself to be) the power behind 'the throne', so to speak. What she says has a lot of influence with daddy-dearest; the standing in front of the church holding up a bible was her idea, for example. 

Like her father, she has an inflated view of her own intelligence, and she is probably just as self-centred and self-serving as he is. She is using both him and Jared for her personal interests. As long as she perceives them to be beneficial to her desires, she will stick by them. As soon as one or the other, or both don't fulfil her needs, she will drop them like a hot potato. I don't think the needs and wants of her children will factor into it at all; although that is based only on my perception of her narcissism.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That dress reminds me of my late grandmother's bedspread:


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Ugh, I can't take more than a few seconds of watching her speak though.  She's doing that weird spokesmodel thing of maintaining a permasmile at all times, thus leading to strange sounding consonants due to never closing her lips over her fake grin.  

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Treason Barbie is irony personified:


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#HeWentToJared us trending now because #BunkerBitch did just that. 


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14 hours ago, 47of74 said:

#HeWentToJared us trending now because #BunkerBitch did just that. 


Yeah, well it's July and we're really not rockin', so....

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Treason Barbie plays cowgirl badly:


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LOL -- someone at the George Harrison estate gets a thumbs up from me:


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Oh look, Covid Barbie thinks people can just go out and find something new.


A new White House-backed ad campaign aims to encourage people who are unemployed or unhappy in their jobs or careers to go out and “find something new.”

The Trump administration has long emphasized skills-based job and vocational training as an alternative to two- or four-year college degree programs, arguing that college isn’t for everyone and that many jobs don’t require a degree.

But the long-in-the-works effort has taken on a new sense of urgency after the coronavirus outbreak cost millions of people their jobs, many of which may be lost forever.

The campaign is a product of the White House’s American Workforce Policy Advisory Board, which President Donald Trump created in 2018. The board is co-chaired by Trump’s daughter and White House adviser, Ivanka Trump, and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.


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I know I'm singing to the choir on this, but the absolute tone-deafness never fails to appall me!!! Has Ivanka ever had single interview for a job in her life?? Even one???

Smug, arrogant, tone-deaf WANKERS!!!!!!!!


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6 hours ago, 47of74 said:

Oh look, Covid Barbie thinks people can just go out and find something new.


I am. I'm going to find a new president. 

Wtf with these people. Tone deaf to the max. 

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4 hours ago, WiseGirl said:

I am. I'm going to find a new president. 

Wtf with these people. Tone deaf to the max. 

As someone who's job was affected by all this I consider it patronizing in the extreme.  I get pissed off real easy when people patronize me. 

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So Idiot Barbie tweeted this:



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44 minutes ago, fraurosena said:

So Idiot Barbie tweeted this:



Puzzling.  Maybe they're trying to get Trump's base to buy the products, after sales took a nosedive?

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The internetz are having fun with this. 

Also this 




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But everyone just listen from the People article it's okay because she is supporting a Hispanic business and the White Hose has done so much for Hispanics. Who else thinks it's the first can of Goya she ever saw?


"statement, White House communications adviser Carolina Hurley responded to the backlash, saying, "Only the media and the cancel culture movement would criticize Ivanka for showing her personal support for a company that has been unfairly mocked, boycotted and ridiculed for supporting this administration - one that has consistently fought for and delivered for the Hispanic community. Ivanka is proud of this strong, Hispanic-owned business with deep roots in the U.S. and has every right to express her opinion"

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13 hours ago, Dandruff said:

Puzzling.  Maybe they're trying to get Trump's base to buy the products, after sales took a nosedive?

 I saw a Trump supporter yesterday on Twitter encouraging people to buy Goya products.

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