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Chelsy and John's Wedding and the Aftermath


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John is about to become "extended family."

So the wedding is this Saturday, December 30th.  We don't want this Very Important Occasion and future developments to get lost in Maxhell, especially as these two seem a darn sight more interesting than the rest of the clan.  

The Bontragers have been kind and un-paranoid enough (unlike Stevehova) to live stream weddings in the past so I expect a link to appear on their family page soon. http://bontragersingers.blogspot.com/  And here is their wedding website.  https://www.theknot.com/us/john-maxwell-and-chelsy-bontrager-dec-2017

As we know, Steve got gazumped by the Bonts when he tried to get a monopoly on engagement announcements, but the family is planning the rehearsal dinner.  Chelsy is showing signs of independence and may not be easily absorbed into the Borg.  This could be FUN!

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53 minutes ago, Four is Enough said:

Let us fervently hope that this is FUN! @Palimpsest they all need some fun.. especially Sarah and Mary! The wedding is the 30th?

Yes. The same day as the Matthias Wissman's wedding. Which is odd since the Bontragers and Wissmans are friends. But I guess this probably happens a lot in fundie land. There are only so many free weekends and tons of fundies getting married.

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I love how it says "aftermath" Like this is going to be a devastating event and everything afterwards will be different. :pb_lol: 

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7 minutes ago, HarleyQuinn said:

I love how it says "aftermath" Like this is going to be a devastating event and everything afterwards will be different. :pb_lol: 

To the Maxwells, it is going to be devastating and everything will be different. To them, they are losing a family member, not gaining one. Most likely, they are going to cry and cry when they go home and John isn't there. 

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29 minutes ago, HarleyQuinn said:

I love how it says "aftermath" Like this is going to be a devastating event and everything afterwards will be different. :pb_lol: 

Well, I was rather hoping Steve's head will explode when I wrote that title ... ;) 

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The Botrangers seem to enjoy serving food that is both adequate in quantity and appetizing.  Essentially, they seem to have a normal, healthy relationship with food and guests.  Steve Maxwell gets stressed out about soft drinks and insists on inflicting bland, boring food on his guests in TIGHTLY controlled quantities.

I wonder if there will be stress about the wedding reception?  I would expect the Botrangers to want to actually serve a decent spread to guests, possibly even in a loosely controlled buffet setting, which is possibly Steve's worst nightmare.  I can see him throwing a fit about this.  


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Wasn't Chris and Anna's wedding live streamed?

I bet the sisters sing "Trust Ennnnddddd Obeeeeeeyyy"

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Damn it! I've been resisting going down the Maxwelll path, but.....I suspect at some time I will need rescue ferrets....

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Instead of a champagne fountain, they could have a Pepsi fountain.  :coke:

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i'd go to a wedding that had a Pepsi fountain!  Steve would turn on a faucet and call it a beverage fountain.

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I expect the Maxwells are so stressed about the rehearsal dinner they are hosting that Steve and Teri aren't focused on the reception.  I expect that is Bontrager territory.

We do know that they are serving Anna's smoked meatballs for the rehearsal dinner.  I've never eaten a smoked meatball and would prefer it to stay that way.  I hope they skip Teri's "favorite salad" in favor of something that isn't smothered in sour cream and mayo. 

But what will the decorations be like for the rehearsal dinner?  Are the going to recycle the sunflowers?  Has Teri updated her shopping list because some prefer lettuce?  Will they share sweet memories?  Will John move a fridge and put new oil in his truck before the ceremony? And how much will Teri weep? 

As for the wedding:

Will Steve marry them?  Will John preach a little sermon?  Will the Maxwells sing (please Rufus no, but I hope the Bonts do)?  How defrauding will the bridesmaids' dresses be and what if they have contrasting buttons?  How will they manage 14 bridesmaids, 2 best men, and 9 groomsmen?  Will there be cake as well as Allison's cheesecakes?

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Aaah, I thought the wedding happened already. I came here looking for snark to keep from falling asleep at work.

I think her dress will be nicer than the other Maxwell ones we've seen but I'm sure Steve had to approve it... 

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i know it won't happen, but i'd love to see her in a knee-length strapless sheath, and then watch Steve pass out from the sight of her cleavage.

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Let's start a betting pool! During the course of the wedding and reception, how many times will Stevehovah pose the most important nuptial query of all: do the newlyweds know where they're going to go when they DIE???


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If I recall correctly, Stevo doesn't approve of frivolous Christmas decorations that don't scream Jesus, like trees.  I hope the church/reception area has a metric f**kton of Christmas trees.

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When I got married I was looking for long sleeves and it was all strapless. I was ahead of the times since long sleeve dresses are quite easy to find these days. I believe Chelsy might be making or altering her dress. So I'm sure she can easily find long sleeve patterns. She can have a fashionable and pretty dress that fits most of Steve's modesty standards. I'm sure she may break a few rules though. You can't please Steve anyway.

I imagine Chelsy will wear something similar to this. A higher neck line though. If she bends over then Steve might start to weep in the middle of the reception. And no one wants that. 


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 I’m haunting the facebooks of Chelsy’s aunt and the two cousins I’m friends with. My husband is covering one of them at work so I know he’s going.

I am way more excited for this than I was my own wedding.

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I have an all-day family gathering that day(well, counting 3 hours driving there and 3 hours driving back, lol) so I won't be able to watch this thread go. But reading it after will be fun. Fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun .............Hey, it's less than a week away! Happy dance!

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I’ve been stalking chelsy’s pinterest for Months to see if she pins  clues about the wedding style and decorations. So far the only wedding related thing are the the bridesmaids hairstyles. She wants braided, curly updos

her Pinterest is Chelsy Renee if anyone wants to lurk

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Aww thanks @Palimpsest this is turning into my favourite FJ Xmas EVER. 

Maxwell wedding. John Shrader hopefully being deported or going to jail. Hoping for a JillRod courting announcement and I have the holy trifecta! Pray with me. 

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I forgot a really burning question - will Chelsy wear shoes?  I have a vague memory that she said she was going to eschew footwear for her wedding.

I hope she rethinks that for two reasons, which have nothing to do with Fj's often rigid opinions of sartorial appropriateness for weddings: 

  1. I would hate her to get frost-bitten tootsies -  my limited experience of Iowa in winter is that it is wicked cold.
  2. If she is trying to be "unique" she missed that particular boat.  Jill Duggar Dillard already did the barefoot bride bit, Chels.  

I hope she takes Jinger as her shoe role model instead.  I freaking loved Jinger's floral shoes, even though I can no longer tolerate high heels.

If Chels is using NR Anna's pattern for her wedding dress I hope it is for the skirt only.  Modest really does not have to equal Frumper and Chels is (or used to be) a pretty snappy dresser.

@JermajestyDuggar, I agree that she will never, ever, please Steve so she might as well let it all hang out!  Where is Pnina Tornai (spelling?) when we need her?  

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