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Lori Alexander 33: Counting Everyone's Calories

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Got this conversation before she deleted the whole thing...



Lori and Ken are in absolutely NO position to give marriage advice in any form. They have the most miserable marriage of any couple I know of...including my parents. 

Yeah...I'm not one to follow Lori's advice either. Today's fun featured working all day, stopping by hubby's work (he ended up having to work until 9 b/c someone got sick), going to the gym and realizing I left my shoes at home...so I came home, changed for the gym here (although man, I wanted to just sit home), worked out, went to the grocery store, came home, ate my lean cuisine and yogurt (cuz I sure as hell wasn't cooking for myself tonight) and may or may not be awake when hubby gets home around 9:30. 

Oh...and to @smittykins I think it was who mentioned eating at a southern home...yup...don't say "diet". They'll stuff you like a Thanksgiving turkey then get upset when you skip ONE dessert. And, if you're particularly bitchy, they'll talk shit behind your back for months to come!


Maybe the only way that Lori will change is if she lost EVERYTHING (Ken's paycheck, Ken's money, Ken's (since she doesn't seem to think women should have much rights) house and other property, and her grown kids can't support her to the lifestyle that she currently has.  But then, if Ken passed away suddenly, would Lori give up any inheritance, since (in her mind) bible.

Is it bad that a part of me wants to win the lottery and move next door to her? I can't imagine the blog posts that she would write about me: a working mother, who eats more than 4 chips at a time, and enjoys archery, wearing yoga pants (and I also wear running skirts regularly) and yardwork. LOL 


Lori and many of those like her, are a good example of if you say something with enough confidence chances are some people are going to believe you. I learned this when I had to do debates for different classes. It's how some politicians get into office I think. Say bull crap with confidence and chanced  are someone will follow. 

And it sounds like the pastor Cooley guy is a nice little critter. I think she's found a new favorite chauvinist to follow. Of course he's ticked off that women have more rights now. It's hard to be king of the castle when all of your subjects are questioning you and want their needs taken into account. 


Whatever happened with that one pastor that was all over Lori and callimg her out?  Threatening to talk with her church?  Anything come of that?

1 hour ago, Sarah92 said:

Lori and many of those like her, are a good example of if you say something with enough confidence chances are some people are going to believe you. I learned this when I had to do debates for different classes. It's how some politicians get into office I think. Say bull crap with confidence and chances  are someone will follow. 

I learned that lesson in a mock election in civics class in high school. The candidates were coming up with the craziest ideas, but none of us called them out on their bs, so it just kept going.

I also learned that getting a better-known politician to endorse your candidate works wonders. Our minority candidate won. As far as we could tell from the results, she won because of votes from the other class that only saw our ads and campaign literature. The only outstanding thing they saw was our television ad made in the state capitol building, with a well-known state legislator endorsing her. It was a very educational experience. :my_biggrin:


I posted back on thread #32 about the Lori Alexander FB page.....It's gone now, which is no surprise to me. Did whoever start that not think no one would figure out it wasn't Lori?

And, Lori, if you're reading here....you're welcome.

28 minutes ago, WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo? said:

I learned that lesson in a mock election in civics class in high school. The candidates were coming up with the craziest ideas, but none of us called them out on their bs, so it just kept going.

I also learned that getting a better-known politician to endorse your candidate works wonders. Our minority candidate won. As far as we could tell from the results, she won because of votes from the other class that only saw our ads and campaign literature. The only outstanding thing they saw was our television ad made in the state capitol building, with a well-known state legislator endorsing her. It was a very educational experience. :my_biggrin:

Yes when doing debates, If I didn't know the subject well, I'd just use what info I did remember and make it sound like I knew more. The Art of Bullshiting at its finest.  But Lori is very confident in what she believes, so even if she isn't actually saying much people think she is. Although I think in Lori's case she dreams of being noticed by a big named preacher or writer. But she quotes them because people know who they are.


Just popping in to say that Lori is batshit.

As you were.


A tad OT, but felt compelled to share this, from the FB of the Rev. Tega Swan, a UCC minister:

The Double-Edged Sword of One-Sided Submission.

Have you heard those arguments that say women are emotional and men are rational? Guess what? That's the outcome of pushing the 'women submit' doctrine. Let me explain.

Although God equally credited men and women with rationality (can be seen in the equal intellectual prowess of both), through sin and wrongful interpretation of several Bible verses, men tell women "it's not their place to use their minds." They say "let's think for you."

As a result, obedient women don't think - they react. And then when they react, men say "women are emotional." Well..., you made them so!

Here, let's fix this. Let every person use the mind God gave him or her! Don't tell anyone NOT to use their mind! (That's controlling another human being and it's wrong! That's also destroying and erasing the gift of and presence of God in another human being (cf. slavery)).

Our job is to learn to 'work together' by rationalizing our different viewpoints and positions, not coerce, force or manipulate other human beings (not even our children) into agreeing with us.

Women are not from Venus. Men are not from Mars. Men and women are both from God (Gen. 1:26-27), who created them in His wonderful image which includes high levels of rationality and intelligence.

Imposing one-sided submission on women, renders half of humanity powerless and makes them victims, making half the human race control the other, making the human race enemies of one another. Let's stop that because not even God renders humans powerless or makes them victims. Instead, He, who owns all the gifts in infinite measure, says to us who possess limits on our abilities, "Come, let us reason TOGETHER"(Isa.1:18a, emphasis mine).

If God who's higher than all, can take this position with humans, why do humans who are equal with one another regardless of gender, ethnicity, social status, etc., do differently???

Christians, let's take the front row and fix this:

Let Christian men and women: reason TOGETHER. Make decisions TOGETHER. LEAD TOGETHER. Do life TOGETHER. Do NOT place one gender above the other!


Since Lori is always going on about boys being unable to sit in a chair at a desk, here’s a shot of the room I’m working in today:




What you are seeing is a new trend in elementary called flexible seating. Out of the frame there are a few standing desks and four low desks that allow students to sit on the floor. Exercise balls are very popular and allow for some movement. Kids come in and choose a spot and type of “chair” for the day each morning.


ETA can’t get spoiler tag to work via my phone for photo. Help? Anyone?



So can anyone with medical/ hormone knowledge tell me how true the hormone post is? From classes I know that one of the hormones released would be cortisol. It's a stress response and is commonly seen in responses to trauma. However, it's released by both genders in response to stress. Constant elevation is linked to stomach problems because it does induce flight or fight responses. Also it potentially draw protection away from the immune system (I don't have research in front of me). But I'm uncertain about the other hormone stuff. 


I love this...

"I don’t know anything about Dr. Lee but I know that he’s done a lot of research and helped a lot of people."

She loves to rush and quote people that she knows nothing about or has done no research on.  That sentence sounds like a 5 year old. I just know he helps people so he must be correct in all he writes.

11 hours ago, Beermeet said:

Whatever happened with that one pastor that was all over Lori and callimg her out?  Threatening to talk with her church?  Anything come of that?

I was thinking about that the other day as well. I suppose it was someone just screwing with her, trying to give her a little scare. 

I’d say I feel sorry for her, except that I don’t.

18 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

I love this...

"I don’t know anything about Dr. Lee but I know that he’s done a lot of research and helped a lot of people."

She loves to rush and quote people that she knows nothing about or has done no research on.  That sentence sounds like a 5 year old. I just know he helps people so he must be correct in all he writes.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that she might mean she doesn't know if this Dr Lee is a Christian. Or, to be more precise, the right 'brand' of Christian. :my_rolleyes: 

But of course, she's never let her lack of knowledge about someone stop her from quoting them ad nauseum, as long as they preach her agenda, has she? 


Good grief. She's using yin and yang to explain why women should be keepers at home? I like to think that maybe she's realized that her "she probably took her kids with her" explanations of the Proverbs 31 wife are a bit shaky, so now she's using non-Christian work to show us that she's been right all along.


Bullshit. I was raised in a "perfect" fundie home. Was a "perfect" stay at home daughter until I was 29. I still got all out of wack with my hormones, thyroid and adrenals. (I credit this partly because of living in despair/depression/emotional and mental stress for years while feeling trapped)  Bullshit lori  

My husband struggles with adrenal/cortisol related issues as well. 


Fuck her  


4 hours ago, EowynW said:


One of my favorite snark sites. I think of lori every time I read this page. 

Me too.  He's awesomely funny but the comments are truly epic.

2 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

So can anyone with medical/ hormone knowledge tell me how true the hormone post is? From classes I know that one of the hormones released would be cortisol. It's a stress response and is commonly seen in responses to trauma. However, it's released by both genders in response to stress. Constant elevation is linked to stomach problems because it does induce flight or fight responses. Also it potentially draw protection away from the immune system (I don't have research in front of me). But I'm uncertain about the other hormone stuff. 

I work with medical records, so if we've got anyone in endocrinology here I would welcome the opportunity to learn some more!  

That being said, I'm pretty sure most of what Lori is quoting is bullshit, at least the extreme male/female dichotomy. Men and women both produce estrogen and testosterone, in different proportions of course, but that yin/yang thing? Nowhere nearly as clear-cut as Lori would have us believe.  Extreme stress is unhealthy for women AND men, and what constitutes stress for the individual isn't nearly as gendered either. 

Lori also conveniently ignores the effects of frequent pregnancies and caring for numerous offspring.  She seems to think that constant childbearing is healthy, but most OBs say otherwise.  I'll take the doctor's word on that, since I'm pretty sure s/he knows more than Lori does! 


Reader who wants to be a sahm:


 We do need extra $$$$ for us to survive



it sounds like the best thing you can do is come home.

:pb_lol: Of course she should!  Surviving isn't all that important "anyways", and like Ken says, starving isn't painful.

Don't you just hate it when people worry about silly things?

Go ahead, Lori.  Write a post so that after she quits her job, you can tell her she can't afford not to buy all organic.  I mean after all, does she want to be healthy and eat as God himself intended, or not?!?

Deleted Instagram comment:


Lori, Do your daughters-in-law and their parents agree with you on this topic?

Lady, Lori's own church doesn't agree with her, and more than one has told her she couldn't preach her message on their grounds. 

Has she come under their authority?  NO.  She answers to no one (including Ken Alexander).  He tried to get her to make changes.  Once, she told him to get his own blog.  The last time she outright refused (according to Ken himself).

This woman does exactly as she pleases.  I think it's very telling that none of her family  comment on her blog.  Not her sisters, not her daughters, and not her parents.  The only family that has ever commented have been her two (awesome) aunts, who chimed in to tell Lori how wrong she was, and that they didn't appreciate the way she was talking about the family.


Here we go again. I did a little reading up on Dr. Lee last time she mentioned him. Most of the info that pops up is from his own websites. Dr. Lee sells his own line of drug free hormone replacements. He seems to be knowledgeable and follows a new-age type of thought process. I think his use of  yin/yang has more to do with over simplifying an explaination of hormones to women just like Lori rather than actually prescribing to the concept. In other words, it's a marketing angle and as usual Lori falls right in.

From Dr. Lee:

"Although generalizations are always untrue by their very nature, women tend to “default” more on the side of yin behavior and men tend to “default” more on the side of yang behavior."

See, Lori? Your guru doesn't like generalizations. Maybe you should follow that part of his advice.


Yes I've noticed that none of her family seem to interact on her blog. I wonder if she told them not to or if they just ignore her. I know if someone in my family was airing all our dirty laundry I might be a little ticked off. 

And yes with the hormone thing being taken to extremes. It goes back to some of the stuff I mentioned last night about debating. Use a little bit of truth and then put your spin on it. Sounds kinda believable and fits what they want to believe. Also getting a little new age with that yin yang stuff. 

 To be honest having children sounds way more stressful than having a job. For me I almost think having kids would raise my hormone levels lol.


More proof that Lori reads here!! I went back to her post on poverty, the one about you just need to be married, etc..and she changed her sentence from "all one needs" to avoid poverty to "the best chance". 

Here is original, thank God I captured that...followed by the current version.






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