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Gay waiter gets homophobic note instead of a tip at Missouri diner


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That's right.  Another incident - this one in Missouri - of a waiter getting no tip and a stupid note left behind.  This one has the added benefit of the waiter having to ask what it meant since he was from Guatemala and didn't 'get' the message.  They made the man cry.  One of the three people involved has apologized. 

Seriously - I'm preaching to the choir here at FJ - but at no point does leaving nasty notes and stiffing the waiter scream 'come be a Christian.' 


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I don't get these people, I don't get tips at my fast food job but I know what its like to be abused by customers for no reason. They may not have been Christians the people who wrote the note, if they are then they need to start acting more Christian.

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Kansas City is my hometown. It's fairly gay friendly, as these things go, has been for a long time, and that neighborhood in particular would be, not just saying so because I'd choose to live near there if I went back. People like the note writer are the ones who'd be out of place, and I hope plenty of people make sure the waiter knows that. There is a place in the same shopping center called Second Best Coffee that I've enjoyed visiting on trips home. It's all very laid back, you know?

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12 minutes ago, backyard sylph said:

Kansas City is my hometown. It's fairly gay friendly, as these things go, has been for a long time, and that neighborhood in particular would be, not just saying so because I'd choose to live near there if I went back. People like the note writer are the ones who'd be out of place, and I hope plenty of people make sure the waiter knows that. There is a place in the same shopping center called Second Best Coffee that I've enjoyed visiting on trips home. It's all very laid back, you know?

Same with St. Louis, many of the people there seem friendly and accommodating of others.  At least that's what I experience when I go down to visit my sister, brother-in-law, Maggie, and Marvel the Kitty.  I think the entire table would stick out like a lump of bull excrement on a white tablecloth over in St. Louis too.

What always gets me is the number of "adult" shops and services along I-70 in Missouri once you're outside Kansas City or St. Louis given how many rural areas in Missouri would be part of the bible belt.  

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8 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

Same with St. Louis, many of the people there seem friendly and accommodating of others.  At least that's what I experience when I go down to visit my sister, brother-in-law, Maggie, and Marvel the Kitty.  I think the entire table would stick out like a lump of bull excrement on a white tablecloth over in St. Louis too.

What always gets me is the number of "adult" shops and services along I-70 in Missouri once you're outside Kansas City or St. Louis given how many rural areas in Missouri would be part of the bible belt.  

It's hilarious. I always know I'm getting close to "home" when I start seeing Lion's Den billboards. It's because Missouri still has unincorporated areas with no statutes against all that sort of thing, so, adult shops, fireworks, and booze abound. But also churches!

Let's be rude and assume those people were Kansans. ;-)

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2 hours ago, backyard sylph said:

It's hilarious. I always know I'm getting close to "home" when I start seeing Lion's Den billboards.

Around here the interstate has "Olivia's" billboards.... no kids, that is NOT a pizza place....

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It's hilarious. I always know I'm getting close to "home" when I start seeing Lion's Den billboards. It's because Missouri still has unincorporated areas with no statutes against all that sort of thing, so, adult shops, fireworks, and booze abound. But also churches!

Let's be rude and assume those people were Kansans. ;-)

There's Shelton Fireworks in St. Francisville. Right across the border from Iowa. It's about the 1/2 way point in the trip. We call it Big Red. Complete with big no smoking signs above the entrances to keep the clientele from putting the store into orbit.
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That woman's apology though (where the fuck did she get the waiter's phone number??).


My daughters God father is a homosexual [...]

Yeaaaah, right. Cause people who speak of gay people as "a homosexual" tend to be of the super-accepting kind. NOT.

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3 hours ago, JillyO said:

That woman's apology though (where the fuck did she get the waiter's phone number??).

Yeaaaah, right. Cause people who speak of gay people as "a homosexual" tend to be of the super-accepting kind. NOT.

It's very "My cousin dated a black guy. We had him at our house a few times."

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Yeah I also found the apology hard to take.  If she has any gay people in her life close enough to be her kid's godparent, I find it hard to believe she would have been so silent during the whole incident.  And if it truly was her creditcard, then nothing should have stopped her from adding a tip to the receipt that she would have signed.  My opinion is that she's full of crap and just covering her back from the publicity.

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Ah the adult entertainment places between CoMo and KC... Because truck drivers have the time to pull off and visit those establishments...

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1 hour ago, catlady said:

Yeah I also found the apology hard to take.  If she has any gay people in her life close enough to be her kid's godparent, I find it hard to believe she would have been so silent during the whole incident.  And if it truly was her creditcard, then nothing should have stopped her from adding a tip to the receipt that she would have signed.  My opinion is that she's full of crap and just covering her back from the publicity.

And question - how the hell did she or anyone else at the table know for a fact that the waiter was gay?  I don't think he came up to the table and said, "Hi my name is Eddy.  I am a homosexual and will be taking care of you today!" 

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On 8/8/2016 at 8:33 PM, 47of74 said:

Same with St. Louis, many of the people there seem friendly and accommodating of others.  At least that's what I experience when I go down to visit my sister, brother-in-law, Maggie, and Marvel the Kitty.  I think the entire table would stick out like a lump of bull excrement on a white tablecloth over in St. Louis too.

What always gets me is the number of "adult" shops and services along I-70 in Missouri once you're outside Kansas City or St. Louis given how many rural areas in Missouri would be part of the bible belt.  


Certain major employers here (in StL) offered benefits to same-sex domestic partners long before any marriage equality laws passed -- going back at least a dozen years. 

And speaking of adult stuff ... on the east side (for those who aren't familiar with the lay of the land, that means Illinois' suburbs of StL), there are oodles of strip and nude clubs, which, apparently, are heavily regulated and so not very fun on the Mo. side of the river. And at any given time, their lots are chock-FULL of cars with Mo. plates, owned by good, strong, Christian family-values men, no doubt.

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It sounds like she was apologizing for the note, but not for not leaving a tip.  With no explanation of why she didn't leave a tip, it's hard to buy her apology being anything other than, "I didn't mean to let you know that I purposefully stiffed you on the tip.  My intention was that you would just assume I forgot about it, and I wouldn't have to support you, which is a win-win."

I suspect she either never tips, has another horrible excuse (race, religion, foreigner, etc.), or she didn't know about the Godfather's orientation beforehand.

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12 hours ago, polecat said:

Certain major employers here (in StL) offered benefits to same-sex domestic partners long before any marriage equality laws passed -- going back at least a dozen years. 

And speaking of adult stuff ... on the east side (for those who aren't familiar with the lay of the land, that means Illinois' suburbs of StL), there are oodles of strip and nude clubs, which, apparently, are heavily regulated and so not very fun on the Mo. side of the river. And at any given time, their lots are chock-FULL of cars with Mo. plates, owned by good, strong, Christian family-values men, no doubt.

Yes I am familiar with the lay of the land down there.  Back when my sister and brother in law got married there was the bachelor party and certain individuals went to Illinois for some adult entertainment.  My understanding was someone got sick on the way back to the hotel while riding in his mother's car.  He was able to lean out the open window so he didn't throw up inside the car, but still got most of the material all over the side of her car. 

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On 8/10/2016 at 10:09 AM, Mirla said:

It sounds like she was apologizing for the note, but not for not leaving a tip.  With no explanation of why she didn't leave a tip, it's hard to buy her apology being anything other than, "I didn't mean to let you know that I purposefully stiffed you on the tip.  My intention was that you would just assume I forgot about it, and I wouldn't have to support you, which is a win-win."

I suspect she either never tips, has another horrible excuse (race, religion, foreigner, etc.), or she didn't know about the Godfather's orientation beforehand.


Disclaimer: I am NOT making excuses for any of these people.

But the only way I can see her being ignorant of the nasty note situation was if she left her credit card with someone (boyfriend, best friend, someone else she trusted) to pay while she went out for a smoke or some other reason. Otherwise, she'd have had to known, imo. 

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On August 11, 2016 at 0:23 PM, polecat said:

Disclaimer: I am NOT making excuses for any of these people.

But the only way I can see her being ignorant of the nasty note situation was if she left her credit card with someone (boyfriend, best friend, someone else she trusted) to pay while she went out for a smoke or some other reason. Otherwise, she'd have had to known, imo. 

She still needed to sign the receipt, which is when she would have decided not to leave a tip. So either she's trying to cover her own ass or she had someone else sign for her. I'm honestly not sure if that would be legal or not - it could be depending on who signed (like a spouse.)

Personally, I'm leaning more towards, "She's an ass who got caught being an ass and now wants to look like she isn't an ass."

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43 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:

She still needed to sign the receipt, which is when she would have decided not to leave a tip. So either she's trying to cover her own ass or she had someone else sign for her. I'm honestly not sure if that would be legal or not - it could be depending on who signed (like a spouse.)

Personally, I'm leaning more towards, "She's an ass who got caught being an ass and now wants to look like she isn't an ass."


I was thinking she just let someone else sign for her (which people do all the time, legal or not -- my friend used to sign her mom's name to her CC receipts, my husband signs mine, etc.) -- and like I said, I was totally not making excuses for her. It's just that that was the ONLY way I could see her being ignorant of what went down. Anything else, and she had to know. And, tbh, she probably did.

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