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Blair Tsantles: Any word?


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Awhile ago we learned that Blair Tsantles (nee Brown) was pregnant and due to give birth on September 6th (fifismemories.blogspot.com/2011/01/blair-is-pregnant.html). It's been nearly three days since that due date, but we have yet to hear word of her status. Scott Brown always brags about the birth of any of his grandkids. I wonder if everything is alright--especially since we've heard so little about Blair's pregnancy (which should have been a pretty big deal considering it's her first).

The Browns made more mention of Monica's pregnancy than they did of Blair's (and to think of it, I don't think they made any mention) and Blair's their own daughter. Any of you super sleuths know what's up?

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I was wondering about this myself. I think we will hear something though when it happens. Kelly will post something on FB probably, or Dougie on the blog, or Scott himself.

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Scott's been busy growing himself a beard (check out his NCFIC blog) and he's looking a lot like Dougie from the latest photos. Blech. And since Kelly was really the princess, I'm guessing Blair just isn't quite as high a priority.

I have often wondered where all those kids (the Brown's) came from. They are all adopted (and the Browns have said that), but it's obvious Blair and David are biological siblings. Anyone know the story on whether Kelly and Claudia are also somehow related? I don't really see a resemblance.

C'mon Blair -- let's get this baby up and running!

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That post... I just can't imagine being excited that my 17-year-old brother was becoming a father, even if he was married. I also can't imagine being married to a 17-year-old boy at any age, let alone 23. That's such an obnoxious age, and then I'm sure she's supposed to submit to him... that's just a weird situation.

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Ugh, this couple always creeps me out! I'm only 21, and there's no way I'd get near a 17-year-old boy! Even the mature ones are still pretty ridiculous. And I'm sorry for the image, but... can you imagine banging a teenage boy as an adult? I wasn't sold on the idea even when I was a teenager! Aside from the questionable legality of it, it would just be so stupid. :lol:

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When she was my age, he was 14. When she was the age he was when they married, he was 11. Just... yuck.

My grandparents married at about the same ages--I think he was 24 and she 17, and they had a great marriage. I'm sure theirs can be, too, but I still find it creepy. I feel the same when the woman is very young, but it does seem more normal to me, which probably isn't fair, though I do think the average 17-year-old girl is more mature than the average 17-year-old boy (not that that's saying a lot--17 is so young).

And, yeah, a 17-year-old virgin? Poor Blair.

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Ugh, this couple always creeps me out! I'm only 21, and there's no way I'd get near a 17-year-old boy!

They creep me out, too. Their age difference wouldn't weird me out so much if they were both older, but a teenage boy marrying a 20-something woman...just...no.

I don't know too much else about them. What does this 17-year-old do for a living? How will he be supporting his family?

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I just can't believe his family allowed it! I mean, yeah they're fundies and they have their agenda. I get it. But yuck.

But he is a MAN! He needs to take charge and his family cannot tell a MAN how to live. REAL Christian men at 17 can marry and support a family on their fake job(I know he gave himself some self important title I can't remember)with no skills. Remember? :whistle:

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I have been lurking at this new board for a while. I had just figured out the old board and made a few comments on there, when the format switched. Being technically challenged, I decided just to read and give up on trying to post. This morning, though, the news of Blair's new baby came up in my Google reader and I came over to see what everyone her at FJ was saying about it.

I am both intrigued and mystified by the age difference with this couple. I have an 18 yr old son and the thought of him marrying a 20-something is well....I don't actually have a category for it. I can't imagine.

If I can figure out more about posting, I may start commenting more. At any rate, I read pretty regularly here.

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Is the age difference ick factor because *she's* the older one (rather than the reverse), or because he was so young to start with?

I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, the ick factor is that a 17 year old child was married to a 20-something year old. Then they reproduced immediately.

They make MTV reality shows about teenagers having babies. Yet, fundies push it and promote it and want it.

It's icky and wrong on a lot of levels. No matter who the 17 year old is, the boy or the girl.

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Thank you for the welcome :)

The blog is one that I heard about here. It is on the sticky list and called A Room With a View.

The address is misselizabethdaming(dot)blogspot(dot)com

I'm sorry I don't know how to link or break up links.

Elizabeth Daming is Monica's sister, I believe and she says she is close friends with Blair.

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Wow! Scott and Deborah are hawking their father-son conference and it's up to Blair's SIL's sister to make the announcement!? Not even Blair's sister Kelly B*r*a*d*r*i*c*k has a word on her FB page!!! :o

I've heard of "the fair-haired girl" getting all the attention in life, but this is beyond it!

I guess Blair even falls behind Monica Daming Brown since of course the boy-child of the Brown family, Monica's husband, outranks the not-incredibly-pretty sister.

Thanks again, Alcyone! And for future reference, just delete the http:// from any website url you want to post as 'broken' and all of us, even the smartPhone users, will be able to get to it with just a copy and paste!


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A new post @ NCFIC.com -- about the co-10th anniversaries of the deaths of thousands of unarmed & unprepared people and the founding of the NCFIC.

Not a word about the new grandchild -- and it's even a manly boychild.

Maybe Blair doesn't want publicity. Oops, I mean, Taylor. Of course.

(JMHO, but if the facts of 9/11 haunt you as they do me, do NOT read the post. The writer goes on and on drawing parallels between NCFIC's foundings and the mass murders of that day.

(It's genuinely disturbing to me and the most brazen act of hucksterism based on the attacks that I've seen. Yes, much worse than selling gold-plated "twin towers" coins. )

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In the NCFIC post, he says that a handful of Christians gathered for "the purpose of rebuilding the church and the family". And lo and behold, they succeeded! In less than 10 years! Could he possibly be any more full of himself and his handful of helpers?

I found it interesting that one of his reflections was that their sons had become men earlier than they did and are now "ten years ahead of where we were at their age". Thinking about the kind of pressure those sons must have been under makes me sad for them. I wonder if new little baby Aeden will have the same kind of expectations thrust on him. If so, Taylor could be a grandpa before he is 36.

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[quoting Alcyone]

I found it interesting that one of his reflections was that their sons had become men earlier than they did and are now "ten years ahead of where we were at their age". Thinking about the kind of pressure those sons must have been under makes me sad for them. I wonder if new little baby Aeden will have the same kind of expectations thrust on him. If so, Taylor could be a grandpa before he is 36.

A grandpa at 36. See, back in the day, thst sorta thing was only acceptable in the hill country... Oh, wait....

Seriously : Aeden Chase? Major epistemological self-conscious fail, wouldn't you say?

Maybe Scott is boycotting mention of the birth bcz the name is a disappointment to him after The preceding 4.

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Interesting: "In the past two weeks, my wife Deborah and her daughters have made ..." posted by Scott in 2010. Are they not also his daughters?

Hmm :think:

I'm sure it was probably a mistake, but wouldn't it be interesting if Deborah was previously married and had those kids B.S. ("Before Scott") and then Scott adopted them once they got married and they've been glossing over the fact that she's a divorcee this whole time? It wouldn't be the first time something like that happened in Vision Forumworld (Yes, I'm looking at you James and Stacey McDonald ! :liar: ).

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