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Bates Family - Part 4

Coconut Flan

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The bread on the floor doesn't bother me as much as the TP. The bread was toasted, killing any germs. Meanwhile the TP was manhandled and in a trash can. I don't want that near my sensitive areas.

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The bread on the floor doesn't bother me as much as the TP. The bread was toasted, killing any germs. Meanwhile the TP was manhandled and in a trash can. I don't want that near my sensitive areas.

I don't mind food on a relatively clean floor being eaten if it's dry like toast. Moist stuff like peanut butter toast is different.

In college one of my professors had her son in her office during a lab meeting. He came into the lab with candy and dropped a piece on the floor. He was going to eat it. His mom looked at him sharply and said "only at home!"

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I don't mind food on a relatively clean floor being eaten if it's dry like toast. Moist stuff like peanut butter toast is different.

In college one of my professors had her son in her office during a lab meeting. He came into the lab with candy and dropped a piece on the floor. He was going to eat it. His mom looked at him sharply and said "only at home!"

I agree. I don't mind eating something dry if it falls on the floor either lol. But yes, ONLY on my own floor, and not if it rolls around everywhere or something lol.

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The bread on the floor doesn't bother me as much as the TP. The bread was toasted, killing any germs. Meanwhile the TP was manhandled and in a trash can. I don't want that near my sensitive areas.

Hmm, maybe you should try family cloth instead :lol:

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I don't mind food on a relatively clean floor being eaten if it's dry like toast. Moist stuff like peanut butter toast is different.

In college one of my professors had her son in her office during a lab meeting. He came into the lab with candy and dropped a piece on the floor. He was going to eat it. His mom looked at him sharply and said "only at home!"

Yeah, I'm OK with eating small, dry, non-sticky things off the floor if it's my clean floor. Anywhere else? Hell to the no.

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This is way funnier to me than it should be, lmao

Since when do men attend wedding showers? Usually, showers are between close female family and friends. I dont know. maybe my traditional self just can't get use to men being at showers.

Wait, he eats bread off the floor and take toilet paper from a wedding shower?! I have missed these new lows in Gil Bates behavior.

For GIl's sake, I hope it was staged.

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Oh for Pete's sake, if the floor was clean (which in my house would be the case) and the bread was dry, I'd do the same thing. People carry their germ phobia to excess. It's a luxury to throw away food because it touched a not 100% sterile surface for a second. No surface is sterile, btw.

I even understand the toilet paper collection. I wouldn't use it as toilet paper fwiw, but with a family that large there MUST be some use for it. Cleaning the cooking grate, wiping working surfaces in the garage etc. Paper towels are expensive but practical since you can throw them in the trash. I'd use that collected toilet paper for that.

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I don't see the big deal with Addie wearing that dress. It's a very specific look that will never be used again and she'll outgrow it soon anyway. I know my niece was in a wedding and used her flower girl dress as a 'princess dress up' dress. She was 4 and outgrew it within a few months and if she was to be a flower girl again, no doubt the bride would have wanted a different dress to match her wedding style.

The hole in the trampoline is another matter....

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I don't see the big deal with Addie wearing that dress. It's a very specific look that will never be used again and she'll outgrow it soon anyway. I know my niece was in a wedding and used her flower girl dress as a 'princess dress up' dress. She was 4 and outgrew it within a few months and if she was to be a flower girl again, no doubt the bride would have wanted a different dress to match her wedding style.

The hole in the trampoline is another matter....

I don't think anybody was criticizing that she's wearing the dress (except me initially, but I already explained that I understand now that she'll grow out of it quickly and thus it's not really worth it to just store it for special occasions). The problem is that a floor-length dress on a trampoline is extremely dangerous, especially on a little girl who probably won't hold it up consistently. But yeah, I didn't even notice the hole when I first watched the video. Holy crap, that is so fucking dangerous. :o

ETA: I'm with Pretzel on the Gil stuff. I would have made sure that I'm the one who eats the bread that fell on the ground, but I definitely wouldn't have thrown it away. And I totally would have still used that toilet paper, especially for wiping stuff, probably not as toilet paper. I also wouldn't have brought it home from someone else's party, but if it'd been my own party, you better believe I would've saved it.

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Oh for Pete's sake, if the floor was clean (which in my house would be the case) and the bread was dry, I'd do the same thing. People carry their germ phobia to excess. It's a luxury to throw away food because it touched a not 100% sterile surface for a second. No surface is sterile, btw.

I even understand the toilet paper collection. I wouldn't use it as toilet paper fwiw, but with a family that large there MUST be some use for it. Cleaning the cooking grate, wiping working surfaces in the garage etc. Paper towels are expensive but practical since you can throw them in the trash. I'd use that collected toilet paper for that.

I don't understand the bread thing either. As long as it's not sticky and not covered in cat hair, I will eat it if it falls on the floor. If I toasted bread and it fell on the floor, you better believe I'm not sticking another piece of bread in the toaster to do it again. Now if I had buttered it and it fell face down on the floor, that would be a whole different thing but if it fell on the non-buttered side. Edible. For sure!

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RE: the bread dropping/eating. I've seen much worse things happen at McDonald's when I worked there in my teens.

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I asked my husband about the TP thing. He agreed he wouldn't have let it get tossed. Not that he would have used it for TP but like others had said cleaning things up. I hadn't even thought of that.

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Re the toast, if it's my house and something like toast, then definitely the five second rule applies.  If I'm out eg in a food court, I wouldn't.  And yes, I'd be saving that toilet paper for wiping up spills.  I just helped in a move, and the paper towel used to wrap china and glassware was most definitely kept for cleaning up.  Which was just as well when I dropped and broke an egg on the kitchen floor that night.  (The five second rule didn't apply for the egg!)

RE: the bread dropping/eating. I've seen much worse things happen at McDonald's when I worked there in my teens.

umm, I'm hoping these worse things were done by customers, and not in the kitchen.  I don't want to know if it was in the kitchen!

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Does anyone know who is the girl next to Nathan in this picture?


She was also in the Show a lot of times, but I never found out who she is.


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but Gill is not going to keep it for spills, he will have the whole family using it two square at a time. I’m getting itchy just thinking about it. :hand:

Also Alyssa wanted to throw the bread out. It was her house, her kitchen It should have been her say. 

I don’t mean to come across as a wasteful person. I just think Gill is a creepy grifter that dose stupid/gross stuff on a TV show.



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Wait, he eats bread off the floor and take toilet paper from a wedding shower?! I have missed these new lows in Gil Bates behavior.


in the episode where they all went down to visit Alyssa a pice of bread fell on the floor and Gill picked it up and put it in the oven to be toasted with the rest. Alyssa and several of the kids were horrified. Kelly said he was practical and couldn’t stand waisting food.


In another episode they were at a wedding shower and they did the game where you make a bride out of toilet paper. Gill raided the trash at the end to take it all home to use as TP. he even said “and this is the good kind†while stroking it lovingly.


he is CHEEP :shifty-kitty:


This is way funnier to me than it should be, lmao

Since when do men attend wedding showers? Usually, showers are between close female family and friends. I dont know. maybe my traditional self just can't get use to men being at showers.


Wait, he eats bread off the floor and take toilet paper from a wedding shower?! I have missed these new lows in Gil Bates behavior.

For GIl's sake, I hope it was staged.

I'm guessing one of three things here:

Option 1 - Gil and some of the boys arrived at the end of the Shower to help pack things up.

Option 2 - This was a "Jack and Jill" Style Shower, in which both males and females are invited. I didn't want a Wedding Shower (and thankfully my sister, best friend, and brother listened to me on that) - if I had, it would have had male and females guests though. I have social anxiety and generalized anxiety; having my Fiance by my side would have helped keep me calm and get me through being the center of attention.

Option Three - This was actually a "pounding" or some other non-Shower party.

I'm guessing the first option is the most likely.

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Mixed showers are becoming more and more common it seems.  One of my daughters was given a shower by her friends and it was a backyard pool party and barbecue with entire families including all the children.  The "old ladies" were all invited to a more traditional shower at an auntie's house.  I say more traditional in that was all women until the last half hour when several of the men folk showed up, but it was a catered brunch with no games so not traditional in that respect.

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Well Kelly's sister Kim said on Facebook that Lawson and Jinger were not courting and that she and Keely thought the rumors were so funny.

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Many apologies in advance if I am posting this in the wrong place.  

A lawsuit has been filed that could potentially cause trouble for Gil Bates in his capacity as board member at IBLP.  Another board member of interest is Stephen Paine.  I wonder how, if at all, this will affect Gil Bates - reputation-wise and/or his finances (personal liability if there's been gross negligance on the part of the board maybe?)   I looked around to see if this was being discussed elsewhere (I'm not new to the board's structure & "workings" ... but I'm new to posting)  and didn't see it.  

The lawsuit was filed by five women who allege they experienced "sexual abuse, sexual harassment and inappropriate/unauthorized touching" while "participants, interns, or employees of IBLP."

I read it over on Recovering Grace (http://www.recoveringgrace.org/2015/10/negligence-lawsuit-filed-against-iblp/)   

I'll keep looking for this elsewhere on the board...

P.S.   I personally think Lawson and Jinger ARE courting and it will be announced on the Bates show this season.  

ETA:  OOPS - right after I posted I found where it was discussed - at least eight hours ago.    ...... slinks away ...


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The girl in the picture is Courtney Green, fundie friend and Bates wannabe.

Will the new  "Bringing Up Bates" season feature two new courtships?: http://bates-family-photos.tumblr.com/post/131457716259/possible-courtships-to-be-confirmed

Is this tumblr a reliable source? Is this the tumblr that was suppose to have a Q&A with Kelly(I don't know if it happened)?

That tumblr does usually have reliable, interesting info, actually.

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Does anyone know who is the girl next to Nathan in this picture?


She was also in the Show a lot of times, but I never found out who she is.


i think she is a friend of the girls, she always appears on photos with the girls or with other friends

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