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Bengi graduated from collage. Jessa tweeted.


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According to her Facebook post it was National Park College which is in Hot Springs they offer two year degrees and certification but you can get a four year there through connected colleges from what I read on their website.


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Well, I say good for Ben. He's still a douche, but maybe some younger Duggar will be a little bit more accepting of higher education. They're celebrating Ben as if college is acceptable or something.

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What degree has he done? Is this a legit college or similar to Clown College?

I hope it'll get him some employment other than Jboob Co.

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Well, good for Ben. Hope he has a (real) job lined up since he's not a student anymore and has a baby on the way.

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Ughhhhhh...and in front of the gym before the ceremony, I can just envision Jim Bob, with his "gather 'round, daddy's gonna 'splain things" hands up in the air, informing the young Duggarlings:

"Now guys, this is what's called a 'community college.' It's where people who don't have our life experience have to go to get learnin' done, because they don't trust God enough to provide. They have to get in all kinds of debts and face temptations, and many of them fail. They wear these robes and hats to cover their shame in front of their parents." :angry-banghead:

On a more positive note, maybe bringing the J'crew to the graduation ceremony of a secular college will crack the door open to some bit of real education? I can at least dream....

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It's a legit college, a community college. Associate Degree in Political Science, I believe. He finished earlier this year and the ceremony was today.

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What degree has he done? Is this a legit college or similar to Clown College?

I hope it'll get him some employment other than Jboob Co.

It's legit; probably an associate's degree. In the United States, public community colleges offer two-year degrees (or two years of general education that will transfer to a four-year uni where you can finish your bachelors). This particular school has some sort of bachelor's program, but I doubt that's his program.


Congratulations, Ben.

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What degree has he done? Is this a legit college or similar to Clown College?

I hope it'll get him some employment other than Jboob Co.

It's a legit community college, not like Clown College. I think he said he was majoring in political science. I'm glad he actually finished his Associate's; wasn't sure that he would. Hopefully he'll find himself a proper job now.

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It's been interesting to see the family having to face college as a thing. I wonder how they reconcile going from higher education not being something they should consider at all to praising Derrick and Ben for getting degrees from public institutions. I hope it leads some of the kids re-think what they had been taught.

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I hate to be a party pooper, but I never understood the value of an associate's degree. /cc dropout whose plan was to transfer

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So does this two year degree really hold much value if not transferred?

(I don't want to offend anyone, I'm just curious as to how a two year degree will hold against a four years fully completed bachelor's in the competitive job market)

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His AA degree, turning 20 and a baby all in the same calendar year. Benjie boy is growing up.

He should use his degree to get a job independent of the Duggars/JB.

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I have an associates degree, it's worth nothing. Unless you have one in computer science you've wasted your time.

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I hate to be a party pooper, but I never understood the value of an associate's degree. /cc dropout whose plan was to transfer

In the real world, he'd definitely have to take it farther (BA at least) to have it really mean anything or be valuable.

Poli Sci, eh? Wonder if he and JessaBlessa have political office in their long term sights. That's a frightening thought.

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A lot of RNs have just an associate degree. That's probably the best example of what an associate degree can get you. And paralegals as well (I have an associate degree and as of TODAY a paralegal certificate aka another 30 units of law classes, and I am pretty proud of it so I'm defensive lol). But usually you go to CC for two years and then transfer.

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A poly sci aa is only worth the ease of transfer for a BA/BS. Good for him, though. It's something... Hope it leads to further ed. He needs it!

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Of course Ben can't really use his PS degree and it would be great if he transferred. But of course he won't.

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A lot of RNs have just an associate degree. That's probably the best example of what an associate degree can get you. And paralegals as well (I have an associate degree and as of TODAY a paralegal certificate aka another 30 units of law classes, and I am pretty proud of it so I'm defensive lol). But usually you go to CC for two years and then transfer.

Congratulations! :clap:

A vocational degree is useful; I agree.

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I have an associates degree, it's worth nothing. Unless you have one in computer science you've wasted your time.

I beg to differ, an associates degree is usually a stepping stone to a higher degree and it depends on what you get your associates degree in. I got my ADN (Associates degree in Nursing) and worked along side nurses who had their BSN (Bachelors degree in Nursing) and made only 50 cents less an hour. I did the ADN because going to the University was so expensive. I ended up going 2 more semesters online and finished my BSN in nursing, because Associates degree in nursing is actually a 3 year program. So it really depends on what field you go into. I doubt Ben's associate in Political Science will be as lucrative as my associates degree in nursing.. he'll definitely have to go on to a higher level of education. But doing it the way really saved me a ton of money and kept me out of debt with student loans. So don't knock an associates degree, most people do a 2 yr at community college then transfer and do a 2 yr at the University to get their degrees, the amount of money saved doing it that way can be astronomical. Plus, a lot of community colleges offer certificate programs and people get licensed in Heating and Air or in Electronics and become electricians which can be a very lucrative career. It just upsets me to see people be so small minded, if your associates did nothing for you then you should take a step back and look and see how you can use it to further yourself by continuing your education.

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The Seewalds home school, right? If so, an AA from a legit community college could be very helpful down the road. Even if Ben chooses not to pursue a bachelors right away, he at least has that avenue open to him now without needing lots of remedial courses.

I have a friend who earned an AA 15 years ago. He was gainfully employed providing IT support for a large corporation until they outsourced all IT services last year and laid off all of their in-house IT staff. He's starting a BA this summer, in a field that has nothing to do with IT. He and Ben are actually a lot alike, with my friend having the benefit of 20 extra years of life experience.

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A lot of RNs have just an associate degree. That's probably the best example of what an associate degree can get you. And paralegals as well (I have an associate degree and as of TODAY a paralegal certificate aka another 30 units of law classes, and I am pretty proud of it so I'm defensive lol). But usually you go to CC for two years and then transfer.

Congratulations on the certification!

I can actually see Ben pursing a paralegal career. I just checked the AR requirements, and they don't require a degree or certification. I can totally see a conservative Christian lawyer or firm hiring Ben, and possibly even paying for him to get a certificate.

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