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Ben Graduating CC and Becoming a Pastor


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I really wish Ben would get himself to UoA and get at least a bachelor's degree. I find it annoying that they exited their wedding to the UofA fight song when neither bride nor groom attended the college for even five minutes. At least go there a semester and earn the right to act like an alumni/former student.

I would not be interested in Duggar kidult spinoff shows except for "Benessa Goes to University."

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Well, he is college freshman age.

Right, that's what I was getting at. ;) He's behaving about how I behaved at that age, which is why people his age really don't need the responsibility of a wife, baby on the way, and probably at least 5 more babies in the near future.

I agree he's going about achieving this goal in a really half-assed way, which is what lots of kids his age do because they have no concept of the hard work that goes into achieving success for most people and still think announcing, "I want to be an X" is all it takes.

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Well, he is college freshman age.

I'm with you, though. Some of the stuff I posted on the internet when I was 19 is pretty damn cringe-worthy now. I think Ben is largely behaving in an age-appropriate manner; the problem is he's about to have far more responsibility than a kid that age should have.

That being said, by the time I was 16 or 17 I realised that my dream of being a novelist was not a realistic employment goal, and a better one would be to write in my free time and, if I'm very very lucky, one day I'll be able to do it full-time. It's not impossible for a pastor to have a day job during the week, is it? I mean, I know they need time to write sermons, make hospital visits, attend/lead funerals, meet with engaged couples, etc., but something (like personal training) with flexible hours wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility, would it?

The problem with Benessa's current employment situation isn't that they're unemployed, IMO, but that they have no employment security. When TLC cancels the show, they'll be out of a job, with no skills to help either of them find another. However, that also makes this the perfect time for Ben to get some kind of training, whether that be going to seminary, getting a degree, doing an apprenticeship, something to give him a good chance at a career. I have no idea how much they're getting paid per episode/how that shakes out per year, but I would guess that, if they're being frugal (and, if they're not paying any rent, that's pretty damn easy), they should be able to save/invest well enough to support them should the show get cancelled while Ben is at university or recently graduated and looking for work.

It's not the fact that Ben wants to be a pastor that irks me, personally, so much as the way he's going about doing it. It seems so half-arsed, like a kid scribbling away "when inspiration strikes" and hoping to be the next JK Rowling, as though he's doing it because it sounds cool rather than out of genuine devotion. If he were attending seminary, involved in a local church, etc., I'd be more inclined to view it as a plausible career path.

It's not impossible; my pastor is also a part-time English lit teacher. That's the way it is in a lot of rural areas too - I'm thinking of a talk I heard about ministry in Appalachia, and apparently a lot of the pastors there also have full time jobs as mechanics or whatever is going really, because the majority of the churches are much too poor to pay a minister's salary.

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It's going to be a reality check when they have baby #1.... shit's going to get real.

Ben's a cute guy, but when he opens his mouth, he sounds really slow and awkward. Jessa is more compelling, but lacks warmth. Maybe as they grow up, Ben will become more adept verbally, and Jessa will gain a little veneer of compassion. Time will tell.

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He tweeted something last night that had horrid grammar. All up in your grill fire and brimstone loses something when the grammar stinks.

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He tweeted something last night that had horrid grammar. All up in your grill fire and brimstone loses something when the grammar stinks.

I'm pretty sure he's quoting Christian hip hop song lyrics. But why? It doesn't jibe with his brand. I guess this is part of his new brand? Who consumes Christian hip hop? I want to know if he's getting paid for tweets like that, or if those are just lyrics he likes.

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When I was growing up in a fundie-lite church, we had several people who "dedicated their life to ministry" but that didn't necessarily mean they wanted to be a Sunday morning preach from the pulpit type pastor. I can't imagine Ben running a church or Jessa being a pastor's wife at all.

But I almost hope it happens just to see JimBob's piety and supremacy as the ultimate uber zealous headship of the Duggar family come under fire. Just imagine the fireworks when Ben starts disagreeing with anything with JB about anything in the Bible, etc. I don't think JB could take it if his former toilet scrubbing lackey was suddenly in a position that made him even appear more extra spiritual than JB.

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I'm pretty sure he's quoting Christian hip hop song lyrics. But why? It doesn't jibe with his brand. I guess this is part of his new brand? Who consumes Christian hip hop? I want to know if he's getting paid for tweets like that, or if those are just lyrics he likes.

I'm sure that there's a market for Christian hip hop, but I feel like in all likelihood the majority of it's like the majority of Christian rock, where it could have the potential to delve into some really interesting, thought-provoking lyrics and content, but tends to be as bland and inoffensive as possible, and thus remains as just a "moral substitute" rather than a natural outgrowth of or expansion upon the existing genre. There are some Christian metal bands who write some songs about the Book of Revelation or Leviticus (which both naturally lend themselves to metal, IMO), and plenty of secular rappers touch on Christian themes in their work (Jesus Walks by Kanye West, for instance), but neither of those are Duggar-approved.

Though part of me wonders if Ben listens to secular hip hop. I could see him being into more "bro-y" hip hop like Lil Wayne or Wiz Khalifa. Possibly Eminem. Definitely not Nicki Minaj, Lil Kim, Missy Elliott, or Azealia Banks (all of whom are female rappers who write songs about having, shall we say, rather active sex lives). Definitely not Frank Ocean (who is openly bisexual and has publicly stated that some of his love songs were written with another man in mind). Definitely not more political rappers like Common or Immortal Technique.

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I don't know if the fundies really look at the educational aspects when choosing a pastor. They are more likely to follow the person who has the most charisma and can lead them down the "righteous" path. I don't see that level of charisma in Ben, he certainly doesn't know how to "work a crowd" so to speak. He seems oddly uncomfortable when he is around a large grouping of fundies. I feel as though he won't have a great amount of success in pastoring. Unless he cashes in on the Duggar fame and opens up a little Church of his own and the fundies just flock there to get on camera. But as for the amount of education he needs, I don't think it matters. A friend of mine paid money and got ordained online just so he could perform the wedding for his best friend. So really all Ben needs to go is whip out his debit card and "poof" he's an ordained minister.

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My dad was not the best conversationalist and stumbled expressing himself, but won many public speaking contests. So don't rule out Ben as a preacher with planned sermons. He didn't stumble over his wedding vows in front of a crowd, so there is hope. Content of his sermons may be out there... don't want to even think about it...

Long time lurker coming out of my corner...

I've always thought his stumbling (and for that matter, the stumbling of every younger person on this show) was a symptom of recitation versus saying what you actually believe in your heart to be true. People who memorize doctrine (or dogma, call it what you will) sound robotic and rehearsed after a while — you certainly see that with Michelle and Jim Bob. But I think Ben is still fearful of saying the wrong things in front of a camera because he knows he represents his belief system and, now that he's married into it, the Duggar family. I've seen Jill and Jana do it in talking head interviews before (I think it was the episode where they visited the Creationist museum).

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I don't know if the fundies really look at the educational aspects when choosing a pastor. They are more likely to follow the person who has the most charisma and can lead them down the "righteous" path. I don't see that level of charisma in Ben, he certainly doesn't know how to "work a crowd" so to speak. He seems oddly uncomfortable when he is around a large grouping of fundies. I feel as though he won't have a great amount of success in pastoring. Unless he cashes in on the Duggar fame and opens up a little Church of his own and the fundies just flock there to get on camera. But as for the amount of education he needs, I don't think it matters. A friend of mine paid money and got ordained online just so he could perform the wedding for his best friend. So really all Ben needs to go is whip out his debit card and "poof" he's an ordained minister.

I think you are right - clearly education means nothing to these people, and a group might chose him just to get on this Famewhoring for Jesus bandwagon.

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  • 4 weeks later...
not now when the Duggars reputation is ruined, I hope they wont listen to him

But he has such a great forgiveness story now. His BIL molested his wife, and Ben knows he has to forgive him like Jesus did. What stirring testimony that will be.

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I am so glad Ben at least has an AA- he has accomplished something tangible that might help him secure employment. Maybe he should head back to State Farm, where he purportedly once worked, or even start up a windshield repair business. He needs to do something. Hope Jessa's delivery does not go the way of Jill's-

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If Ben really wants to be a minister, he'll need to start at the bottom and work his way up. Pre-Joshgate, he might have been able to use the Duggar name to open up some door, but now the Duggar name is worthless, except perhaps among the most extreme IFBers. Something tells me that Benessa, while extremely conservative, don't want to be stuck in IFB land (which they probably view as declasse at this point), but want more mainstream success, like Mars Hill before it imploded. Assuming that his education is finished, Ben's best bet would be to buy a storefront type church and work his way up. It would be difficult, especially without the kind of free advertising TLC could provide, but it's doable. With a baby on the way, Benessa need to start planning for the long-term future, one that isn't going to involve having a TV show.

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I am so glad Ben at least has an AA- he has accomplished something tangible that might help him secure employment. Maybe he should head back to State Farm, where he purportedly once worked, or even start up a windshield repair business. He needs to do something. Hope Jessa's delivery does not go the way of Jill's-

Yes, I was thinking that the windshield repair would be a good place for him to start. He has done it before and so he has some experience. And doesn't his dad or grandpa own a franchise? I think they need to move to where Ben is from, and have him do that while Jessa studies online community college classes while she gestates. Jessa is probably decently bright, and she might do well with something like office manager.

She might also do fine with real-estate but unfortunately her name would be a hindrance to her at this point.

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Yes, I was thinking that the windshield repair would be a good place for him to start. He has done it before and so he has some experience. And doesn't his dad or grandpa own a franchise? I think they need to move to where Ben is from, and have him do that while Jessa studies online community college classes while she gestates. Jessa is probably decently bright, and she might do well with something like office manager.

She might also do fine with real-estate but unfortunately her name would be a hindrance to her at this point.

You guys think like normal ppl and expect this logic from the Duggars but they are not like that. She wont go to college and she wont get a regular job. Her husband will try to be a minister (although I honestly dunno whos gonna wanna listen to him) and she will pop out babies year after year. Had Jessa ever had interest to do anything real she would have gone to college years ago. Her job is to procreate and her husbands job is to act like a clown and make a fool of himself

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Pastoring is a lot more than getting up and preaching. Meetings, counseling, community events, etc.

I do believe that Pastors should be trained. It's one thing to be trained, but you have catch what you're taught. How discerning is Ben?

What kind of Pastors wife would Jessa make? Is she qualified for that too?

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Pastoring is a lot more than getting up and preaching. Meetings, counseling, community events, etc.

I do believe that Pastors should be trained. It's one thing to be trained, but you have catch what you're taught. How discerning is Ben?

What kind of Pastors wife would Jessa make? Is she qualified for that too?

I'm not seeing Jessa as a patient, selfless (JOY), pastor's wife.

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It just NOw occurred to me that Bin and the Seewalds are not Gothardites because he went to community college.

I agree that auto glass or state farm would be the best bet. How many children could they produce. This is so disgusting. :x :shifty-kitty: :cray-cray:

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