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Communism has taken over America


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Rev. Franklin Graham claims that secularism and communism are the exact same thing and that it has taken over America.

Communism didn’t go away… it shifted. You see Greece and now Spain falling to the communists in the name of anti-austerity. They spent like drunken fools and now don’t want to pay the price. So they turn to communism instead of God.

I don't know anything about the financial situation in these countries, but I suspect that they aren't communists countries.

The Progressive secularism pushed by Obama and the communists running our country has taken God out of our schools entirely and out of most people’s lives. It is evil and if not rectified, will be the downfall of our nation.

Oh no! Grab your Bibles and beat the communists who have taken over our country! Which version of God was removed from the schools? Even if we stuck to the Christian God IFB aren't going to agree with a Catholic version of God. So what is their solution to narrowing down which God gets to be in school? And all the schools around here still have a moment of silence for kids to pray and if a child decides to pray during the day, as long as it isn't disrupting the class they can.

Secularism and communism are the same thing,†Graham said. “They’re godless. They’re anti-Christ. So now we have the secularists who’ve taken control of our country. They’ve taken control of Washington.

When you make everything into being anti-Christian it stops being effective and starts being laughable.

We need men and women of God who take these local elections serious, so we can take back these various offices and have men and women of God who believe in the Bible, who stand on the word of God,†he said. “America has changed, and it’s not coming back unless the church takes a stand. There are storms that are coming, and we find ourselves in these storms, and many times, we as a church, we run. And we run to the wrong place. You see, Jesus is in the boat [with us]. All we have to do is call Him.â€

This. Is. Sewius!

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Graham is correct that Christians need to run for office. It is vital – school boards are a great choice. I know that in Carson City, Nevada when I was there, most of those elected did not have children. Some were gay and had their own agenda

Those gays and their agenda. :shifty-kitty: It is so super secret that many gays don't even know it.

To remove the communists from our midst, we have to start locally and methodically replacing them with strong Christians and Constitutionalists. The Red Menace never left us… it planned and manipulated and took control when we were asleep. America better wake up and fast, or we indeed, will never be the same.

The Red Menace is here and it is coming for your children.


A relative of mine posted this article. :angry-banghead: I was really hoping it was a satire site, but it does seem to be a real website. If it is satire please, someone tell me and I will feel better about the world. Franklin Graham is still an idiot, though.

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Well dang. Billy's kids just don't have Billy's ability to communicate.

I heard Anne Graham Lotz on some kind of Christian minute on the radio, I can't remember what she said but I remember thinking 'why the heck did she say THAT.'

The Red Menace. Really. Kinda stretching for boogie men.

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Was Billy Graham this much of an asshole? I went to one of his crusades and he was, of course, an evangelical Christian, but I don't remember hearing about him running about making far fetched claims like this.

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Was Billy Graham this much of an asshole? I went to one of his crusades and he was, of course, an evangelical Christian, but I don't remember hearing about him running about making far fetched claims like this.

Not that I remember. Evangelical but not barking mad. Wasn't he Jimmy Carter's spiritual advisor?

Sadly, Right Wing News is not a satirical site. It's owned by John Hawkins.

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"Secularism and communism are the same thing,†Graham said. “They’re godless. They’re anti-Christ. So now we have the secularists who’ve taken control of our country. They’ve taken control of Washington."

Words mean things - and the US is not communist.

(Franklin Graham's comment about the Greek government and anti-austerity probably refers to Greece's need to meet international demands for the use of bailout money about a year-and-a-half ago: The government there cut about 25 000 civil service jobs, so yes, people were pissed. Did Graham think they wouldn't or shouldn't be angry to basically lose their livelihoods? God help him if people ever lost their taste for purchasing his bullshit.)

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For people like Franklin Graham, anything they don't agree with is communist. Other things that religious conservatives have labeled as communism include school desegregation, kindergarten, any attempts to reform the healthcare system, and scientifically accurate sex education.

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I am spanish and as far as i know there is no communism here. And turning to comunksm instead of god? 75% of the population are catholics, you know, bad christians, but christians. How can people be that stupid and misinformed?

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I have an aunt who forwards me the stupidest e-mails. Obama is a Muslim communist without a birth certificate, etc. Some of her crap is easy to debunk by checking Snopes. She is always so amazed that she was fooled by someone whom she trusted as a reliable source. Recently she told me that one of her grandchildren married someone who works for Franklin Graham's organization.

Now I see how the crazy puzzle pieces fit together!

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I have an aunt who forwards me the stupidest e-mails. Obama is a Muslim communist without a birth certificate, etc. Some of her crap is easy to debunk by checking Snopes. She is always so amazed that she was fooled by someone whom she trusted as a reliable source. Recently she told me that one of her grandchildren married someone who works for Franklin Graham's organization.

Now I see how the crazy puzzle pieces fit together!

This was posted on FB by an elderly relative and she is always posting the craziest stuff. That is why I assumed at first that it was satire and was sad to find out that it wasn't.

The thing about Franklin is that a lot of people, especially older people who grew up loving Billy Graham, trust whatever he says just because of his last name. Without that last name I really doubt anyone would listen to a word he said.

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This was posted on FB by an elderly relative and she is always posting the craziest stuff. That is why I assumed at first that it was satire and was sad to find out that it wasn't.

The thing about Franklin is that a lot of people, especially older people who grew up loving Billy Graham, trust whatever he says just because of his last name. Without that last name I really doubt anyone would listen to a word he said.

Our elderly relatives could get together and scare each other silly!

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I am spanish and as far as i know there is no communism here. And turning to comunksm instead of god? 75% of the population are catholics, you know, bad christians, but christians. How can people be that stupid and misinformed?

Communism (and socialism) are easy for them to complain about. Mainly because people don't understand it and what they don't understand, they fear. I am a socialist and I can tell you that most people have NO clue what that is. So, I am called a fascist (which is far right) and communist. all these dumbasses have to do is point out North Korea, China, et al and say "look at them, This is what will happen if we let communism (or socialism) take over"

Learning is hard. Following is easier.

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Greece just elected a left-wing government, elected on an anti-austerity platform. This may mean that they will default on their loans and/or leave the European Union. (I think they're right to do so, as austerity has screwed them. This is ... not necessarily a popular opinion here in Germany, who's been leading the austerity charge. :lol: )

I'm SO tired of right-wing politicians conflating socialism and communism (and fascism! Argh!).

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Does this man not own a dictionary? If he wants people to take him 'sewius', he needs to have a coherent and linear message.

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Yikes. I realize I'm edging up on elderly, and I have a cousin, fewer than four years older than I am, who is becoming a barking wingnut, terrified that Obama is coming to take away our guns. She's never even owned one, or wanted to.

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If we're communist, how doe sthe US have so many rich people and where's my state run health care?

Yeah, that!

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Communism (and socialism) are easy for them to complain about. Mainly because people don't understand it and what they don't understand, they fear. I am a socialist and I can tell you that most people have NO clue what that is. So, I am called a fascist (which is far right) and communist. all these dumbasses have to do is point out North Korea, China, et al and say "look at them, This is what will happen if we let communism (or socialism) take over"

Learning is hard. Following is easier.

I think the approach to socialism/communism is very similar to purity, at least in fundies. It's a no touch policy, everything else makes you a whore/damaged goods. Hold hands, damaged goods. Introduce one social aspect, you're a communist.

And in either situation, even a tiny step into that direction will turn you into a drug addicted prostitute (because drug addictions and sex outside of marriage are the same thing!)/communist (socialism and communism are the same thing too!!!!). There's no grey you hear! ONLY BLACK AND WHITE!

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