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Duggars win: Fayetteville repeals equality ordinance


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Wow, Josh, you are such a dumbass. That is not how you show love to someone. How is that ever loving?

Okay, so imagine that people treated you the same way as LGBT people are treated by the laws you support, because of being Christian. Actually, no, because you can choose not to be Christian. Maybe because of something about you that you cannot choose, like because of the colour of your hair. Because of this thing that you cannot choose, that doesn't hurt anyone, you are not allowed to marry Anna because your relationship is sick and wrong. People think it is disgusting that you are in a relationship, and feel sorry for your children and talk about how you are probably screwing them up for life. You get stared at wherever you go, and are taught that because of this thing about you, God hates you and you are going to Hell. This is the sort of thinking that laws like that breed.

And not only that, the law is against you too. You are not allowed to use public bathrooms because people think that you will probably molest someone. Not because you would ever do that, but because you look like the kind of person who would because of the colour of your eyes....or because Bill Gothard and Doug Phillips sexually assault people, so all people of your religion must do too. You cant get married, because it is disgusting and disturbing that a guy as fat as you should ever marry, as imagine the two of you having sex, ew! Nobody wants to be reminded of that when they see you holding hands with Anna. You have to keep your relationship a secret because you could be fired if your boss found out, and legally there is nothing you could do. When you wanted a wedding cake, the bakery refused you because they don't want to make a cake supporting Christians getting married.

And what is worse, they say they treat you like that because they love you.

But its not loving, is it?

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When I lived in Cincinnati it had the distinction of passing an ordinance that barred sexual orientation as a reason for claiming discrimination--like Joshie, the powers that were portrayed it terms of "equal rights, not special rights." Like many of the other blatantly unconstitutional ordinances passed at the time, it didn't fly.

I'm not at all surprised the Duggars act like douches, but it does gall me that this is going on at the same time that they are routinely being promoted as celebrities by mainstream media, especially People magazine. I'm going to inundate People with this. Hope others will also.

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Give me a break. No one wants the Duggar's' love. People just want them to stay in their lane and stop inserting their sticky peaks were they do not belong.

Josh needs to stop lying already. When you truly love someone or want to show love, you don't try to harm or oppress the people you claim to love. Josh needs to be reminded that he works for a lobby group that feels the work of the Ugandan President is the work of the lord. Wanting people executed or imprisoned for being who they are is not loving. It is dangerous and destructive, and people need to call him out of that very fact.

Put a sock it in, Josh. You are a hateful, dangerous minded person. Nothing loving about what you stand for.

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This is how they show love?

I'm unable to find the best words to accurately express my complete bewilderment.

...........what the what?!?

In their eyes, "showing love for the LGBT community" is telling them they'll go to hell unless they repent.

Asswipes. :x

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People magazine this week of course has the Duggars again, but at least it mentions that they have encountered criticism for their opposition to gay marriage. Slight wake-up call.

But I don't get the whole "as god designed it" thing. Isn't the Biblical model polygamy and keeping concubines? Plus impregnating the maid and then casting her out into the desert?

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I think this bit from Mrs Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian, is called for here:

[bBvideo 560,340:20l03fue]

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I'm a health blogger and posted this on my blog FB page as I track any sort of legislation or what not for any protected class because it could ultimately affect those who are disabled. I introduced it by saying I don't normally post stuff like this BUT pushing your feelings on sexuality aside, it concerns me that it opens a Pandora's box as far as discriminating against any class of people. IE it scares me that they can use the same laws to discriminate against disability. (Just trying to make myself perfectly clear...I think it's relevant to the patient community and something we need to be aware of.)


I don't regret posting it and I won't be taking it down. But it frustrates the hell out of me that people can't critically think!!!!

(Rant complete)

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Well now that it is struck down can Fayetteville now discriminate against women who have 19 kids and counting.

Loathsome family

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