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Film: One Generation Away


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Santorum is promoting a documentary that suggests American Christian believers are one generation away from a country that is comparable to a nazi regime.

One Generation Away is a documentary-style film slated to release September 1. The film focuses on seven ongoing cases studies of religious freedom across the country: Mt. Soledad in San Diego, wedding service providers in Oregon and Washington, Hobby Lobby, chaplaincy in the military, two education cases with a collegiate counseling program, and high school cheerleaders in Koontz, Texas. “The fight to protect our religious freedom is paramount to our country’s future prosperity,†Santorum says. “Taking that fight to the big screen and impacting the culture along the way allows us to inform on this critical subject in a meaningful and entertaining way.â€

The film will include interviews with more than 40 political, business and religious leaders, including Steve and David Green of Hobby Lobby, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Jennifer Marshall of Heritage Foundation, Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas, and Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association. “The tone and message of One Generation is that freedom must be available for all to be effective,†Jeff Sheets, president of EchoLight Studios and founder of Abington Ridge Films, explains. “Our intended goal is to promote ongoing, civil dialogue that respects each other even while at times disagreeing.â€


Trailer at the above link.

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It's hilarious how the religious right claims imminent national doom and persecution when they are not allowed to trample on the Constitutional rights of others under the guise of "religious freedom."

I can thing of places in the world where real human rights abuses takes place on a daily basis. Santorum and his ilk are not among those who face religious discrimination. When they say inflammatory things like this to whip up their unsophisticated supporters, they look really ignorant.

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And speaking of Santorum, I should squeeze this in on this thread: they just had the Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference in DC, which Santorum attended, and it was pretty wacky.

They placed Obama figurines in the urinals


Ted Cruz's father preached dominionism:


And I leave you with this jewel


"They are winning the war" over gay marriage, Religious Freedom Coalition chairman William Murray said of the Democrats.

"It's just not an issue that politically can be done anymore," the 68-year-old told AFP, adding that US courts will take the next key steps.

"It's become a Hollywood issue, and I don't know what Hollywood will promote next," he sneered: "polygamy or sex with dogs."

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Instead of making this movie to be a scary cattle prod to use on their base, why don't they just look at more progressive countries who have allowed increased equal rights freedom to see where we'll be in the next generation. (imo about the same, just more accepting of all ways of life)

so on the trailer they quote Reagan, who was speaking when? 1961? One generation ago? :lol:

(From Reagan's speech trying to block the passage of Medicare.)

They're using the analogy of WWII Germany to scare the base, without acknowledging the circumstances in Germany at the time are nowhere near our circumstances in America today. :roll:

That little blip about abortion and birth control being a blessing in most American's eyes just exposes their agenda. They really just want to ensure that big profitable companies keep the legal right to meddle in employees' personal lives. (ie refusing contraceptive or reproductive health services in health coverage plans, and the legal right to discriminate based on orientation)

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It's hilarious how the religious right claims imminent national doom and persecution when they are not allowed to trample on the Constitutional rights of others under the guise of "religious freedom."

I can thing of places in the world where real human rights abuses takes place on a daily basis. Santorum and his ilk are not among those who face religious discrimination. When they say inflammatory things like this to whip up their unsophisticated supporters, they look really ignorant.

Exactly. Why didn't they use North Korea as an example of what can happen to freedom of religion when government becomes so powerful and invasive? That's today, not 70 years ago. Boo, Santorum. :doh:

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It is a shame we can't send Frothy and his supporters back in time to Nazi Germany since they are so fixated with it, then again they would really enjoy it if they were the Nazis.

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Or, from another viewpoint, we are one generation away from a Christian theocracy in the US. Given the right set of circumstances (GOP, which is beholden to the Christian Right, gains full control of Congress, the Presidency and the Supremes) it could happen.

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Or, from another viewpoint, we are one generation away from a Christian theocracy in the US. Given the right set of circumstances (GOP, which is beholden to the Christian Right, gains full control of Congress, the Presidency and the Supremes) it could happen.

With crap ideas like this: :angry-banghead:

Dramatically reduce the size and scope of government.

Shut Down the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Abolish the Federal Reserve System and return to a policy of sound money.

Restore the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 8th amendment rights of every American.

Protect the life and liberty of every American, including the unborn.

Repeal the Patriot Act and other legislation that violates 4th amendment rights.

Return the United States to a foreign policy of non-intervention.

Remove ALL police cameras from public streets in all cities nationwide.

End the so-called "War on Terror" and abolish the Department of Homeland Security.

Withdraw the United States from the United Nations and other one-world organizations.

Remove "big government" Republicans and Democrats from office.

End Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC, and other communist programs.

Disband Child Protective Services and government foster care programs.

Restore individual sovereignty and reduce the role of government in our lives.

Restore the rule of law and criminally prosecute politicians who violate the law.

Allow American citizens to spend their own money, own their own property, raise their own children, practice their own religion, be secure in their persons, be free from government harrassment and regulation, own and carry deadly weapons for protection, travel and do business from state to state unmolested, and speak and think freely without danger of imprisonment.


discussed here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=22368

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Santorum is ignoring how Hilter's Nazi regime was based on Christianity. Hitler was very devout. So maybe Santorum's really saying that the growing Tea Party is dangerous for this country.

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Santorum is ignoring how Hilter's Nazi regime was based on Christianity. Hitler was very devout. So maybe Santorum's really saying that the growing Tea Party is dangerous for this country.

Exactly. :clap: :clap: :clap:

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With crap ideas like this: :angry-banghead:


discussed here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=22368

Well...that was the dumbest list I have read in a long time. The ignorance astounds me. What do they expect disabled, sick, the elderly, and abused children to do or where to go.

And he last part...I am rather certain we already have those liberties here.

Also...he misspelled harassment.

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That list sounds like it was written by an 18-year-old. If the US was governed by all the items on that wish-list, we would cease to exist as the United States. But let me address the issue of Medicare as I am old enough to remember (barely) why we have Medicare. The truth of the matter is that prior to 1965, when Medicare began, senior citizens were unable to obtain health insurance. Why would any insurance company underwrite insurance for an aging population? Makes no financial sense for them to do so. For that reason, seniors back then had to cover the cost of their healthcare out of their savings. And, of course, their savings ran out pretty quickly so the poverty rate amongst the senior population skyrocketed. No first-world nation wants their seniors to live in poverty, thus Medicare was born. If anybody thinks that insurance companies will altruistically offer to provide health insurance to seniors at a fair premium, they are delusional.

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Or, from another viewpoint, we are one generation away from a Christian theocracy in the US. Given the right set of circumstances (GOP, which is beholden to the Christian Right, gains full control of Congress, the Presidency and the Supremes) it could happen.

That is what I thought they were going to say. My thought is that anything short of that is failure in their books, hence their fear mongering.

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