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Maxwellian evolution


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I saw something today that said humans see more shades of green than any other color, because when we were not as evolved, we had to be able to see predators lurking in the wild. I immediately thought of the Maxwells and their thousand shades of beige (I think they see in beige. And before anyone says Sepia, sepia is way more exciting than Maxwell beige), but it got me thinking.

If the whole world adopted a Maxwell style of living, what would humans evolve to be like/have thousands of years from now (physically, mentally, etc)? What would Earth and society look like?

(This is a silly thread, for the record. Feel free to use your imagination.)

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Well, let's see. Only 25% of each generation would reproduce. We'd still be omnivorous but limited to a flavorless diet of burritos and smoothies (beans would become the largest agricultural crop). Our brains would be wired to do everything in 15-minute blocks. Faces would probably be locked into permanent smiles regardless of how we're actually feeling. Beyond physiological changes...arts and literature would be purely utilitarian if not altogether nonexistent, cola drinks would be a forgotten historical footnote, and our ceiling fans would be impeccable. And Steve, of course, would be exalted as the Only True God.

What else?

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No one would be able to sing on key. All great literature (and not-so-great literature) would have long since gone out of print. There would be no schools or universities. There would be no small cars. No one would think it possible that most Western women once wore pants or worked for pay. There would be no concept of birth control, vacations, or individual friends. There would be low demand for new homes and none for apartments, as young people would not move out of their parents' homes until they got married (IF they ever got married).

(I can't even imagine what the economy would look like if every single adult stayed out of the workplace, choosing instead to have questionable ministries and home businesses.)

I have never had any interest in dystopian fiction, but the Maxwellian Universe would make an incredible concept for a series.

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The human race would be extinct. The Maxwellian existence is only possible if there's a much bigger segment of society supporting them.

The real question would be: where would they all go when they died?

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Read The Giver, by Lois Lowry. They only see in beige (or black and white, I can't remember).

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Well, let's see. Only 25% of each generation would reproduce. We'd still be omnivorous but limited to a flavorless diet of burritos and smoothies (beans would become the largest agricultural crop). Our brains would be wired to do everything in 15-minute blocks. Faces would probably be locked into permanent smiles regardless of how we're actually feeling. Beyond physiological changes...arts and literature would be purely utilitarian if not altogether nonexistent, cola drinks would be a forgotten historical footnote, and our ceiling fans would be impeccable. And Steve, of course, would be exalted as the Only True God.

What else?

Teri would be remembered as the risqué Pepsi abusing ancestress, kind of like how we look at great great great grandma with her laudanum bottle for nerves.

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The maxwells would make a great book. Like flowers in the attic, only without the incest. Or dancing.

Maybe without incest. Have you seen how they pose Anna and John like a married couple all the time? It would only be a matter of time until they embraced either incest to keep the godly line isolated and pure or polygamy so those few young debt free home owners with godly small businesses could provide for and impregnate all the godly stay at home daughters.

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I think humans would die out of boredom long before we had a chance to evolve (devolve?) into a Maxwellian dystopia. At least I hope so. I can't imagine living a life that devoid of hope and fun.

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Is this a trick question? You can't use a fundie family's name and evolution in the same sentence!

The prayer closet has been getting mighty full these last few days, but I think there's room for you there, 16strong. :naughty:

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We'll be living in (beige) caves. Assuming the whole world actually follows Steve's dictates, there will be no higher education, thus no scientists, engineers, doctors, etc. Infrastructure will deteriorate and no-one will be qualified to fix it. There will be no international trade. People will die from preventible diseases. On the plus side, climate change may be halted. On the minus side, we will not be able to adapt to the climate change already imposed so infrastructure melt-down will happen more quickly. Steve has absolutely no idea how much of his life is utterly dependent upon the ebil guvmint- its educational programs and its organization- and the rest of the world.

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"....and all the cabinets and all the ceiling fans all over the world were as bright and shiny as the sun forever and ever."

The End.

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Is this a trick question? You can't use a fundie family's name and evolution in the same sentence!

The prayer closet has been getting mighty full these last few days, but I think there's room for you there, 16strong. :naughty:

This would not be the first time I've been put into the prayer closet recently. What can I say, I'm a rebel. :lol:

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"....and all the cabinets and all the ceiling fans all over the world were as bright and shiny as the sun forever and ever."

The End.


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