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All the pro-spanking books on amazon


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There's not only Michael Pearls. I have search books promoting spanking and child abuse in Amazon. Here are the link + extract form review.

"Spank your child, PLEASE !"

http://www.amazon.com/Spank-Your-Child- ... _pr_sims_t

"Spanking, Why, When, How ?"

http://www.amazon.com/Spanking-Why-When ... Roy+lessin

http://cdugan0.tripod.com/RoyLessinOpenLetter.html : a letter from someone raised with Lessin spanking

One aspect of receiving a Roy Lessin spanking is the sexual aspect. It's taken me years to even begin to allow myself to speak of this aspect. You see, as a child I had no idea what sex was. I just had this funny sensation that came and went during the Roy Lessin spanking ritual. To my great dismay, I learned that sexual stimulation can be cross-wired with the painful ritual of spankings. This cross-wiring was a real problem for me. Because I couldn't cope with the double message of love and pain, I avoided developing an intimate relationship with a man for a very long time. It took years for me to find a healthy sexuality outside the memories I have of the Roy Lessin spankings. I struggled with this double message as a child. I feel a deep sense of shame as I remember hitting and torturing my dolls and Barbies when no one was around. I needed some way to express the fear, pain, and sexual confusion I felt inside; yet my childish mind couldn't comprehend the significance of what I was doing.

As a grown woman I still fear Roy Lessin spankings. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night begging my husband to "not let them get me."

Children needs a lots of love and a spanking !

http://www.amazon.com/Lots-Love-Spankin ... _pr_sims_t

She writes about spanking, "there is no carry-over guilt, resentment, irritation or anger" (p.1). She means, of course, that *she* doesn't feel these sorts of emotions after she hits her child "hard" with a 15" paddle. The *child's* feelings don't enter into her picture at all, except as "back-talk" or "defiance" requiring yet another spanking

Shepherding a Childs heart (Tedd Tripp)

http://www.amazon.com/Shepherding-Child ... JDSXD6NBVJ

"If you fail to spank, you fail to take God's Word seriously. You are saying you do not believe what the Bible teaches about the import of these issues. You are saying that you do not love your child enough to do the painful things that God has called you to do."

Don't make me count to three

http://www.amazon.com/Dont-Make-Me-Coun ... VH5FYS4AXZ

I was taken aback by pages 58-59 in which hitting puppies was recommended, and compared to hitting children. On pages 110-112 hitting infants under 1 year of age, and children who are ill, is encouraged. And on page 112 there is the incredible statement: "There are many adults who could benefit from a good old fashioned whippin'" Using a whipping instrument "with a little flex so that it stings" is recommended, to deliver the "swats" (page 129). The parent announces the number of "swats" supposedly to show self-control, yet to me it seems like a form of sadism. After the "swats" the parent is to hug the child, thereby confusing pain with affection.

Growing kids Gods Way (Ezzo parenting)

http://www.amazon.com/Growing-Kids-Gods ... =Gary+Ezzo

After all of that good advice, they present the "discipline method" which boils down to strict corporal discipline. More than just spanking, the Ezzos actually recommend using a switch on very young children. They draw their readers in with sound parenting techniques, and then blindside them with veiled child abuse. The premise is that it is "only child abuse if you whip your child when you are angry", and that it is "not abuse if you don't leave a mark". It is frightening to think that there are those out there who support this curriculum.

They even suggest withholding milk from infants in order to coerce obedience

The Strong Willed Child by James Dobson

http://www.amazon.com/The-Strong-Willed ... ewpoints=0

It is the most pessimistic parenting book I have ever read

Please read with a grain of salt - some of the ideas, like hitting a child with a small belt or paddle if they do not stay in bed, and then telling them you love them, are really off the wall

How to make children without losing your minds

http://www.amazon.com/Making-Children-w ... s=spanking

hen he suggested throwing away a picky child's food, I was skeptical. But as I read on, he further explains that parents are not to offer ANY food the the child for the rest of the day. Even if the kid is hungry. He says that any physician will tell you that skipping a meal "won't kill" the child. Ha!

James Dobsons, again !

http://www.amazon.com/New-Dare-Discipli ... s=spanking

it recommends hitting little children, even babies only 18 months old!

The author clearly doesn't like children. He is so focused on labeling children as selfish, demanding, defiant, bratty, rebels that he forgets to consider respect and love.

This is the "show them who's boss" mentality, sugar coated with a biased religious tone, or portraying the parents as the victims to justify hurting children. For instance, when a baby is not ready to take a nap an the mother forces her, the child starts crying from her crib. Dobson says she "was brazenly rejecting the authority of her mother." A baby!

Desperate mom needs breathe

http://www.amazon.com/Desperate-Hope-Mo ... T0ND93PXZ9

It seems to approve spanking

Give them grace

http://www.amazon.com/Give-Grace-Forewo ... T0ND93PXZ9

Apparently the author's idea of giving kids grace is doling out long, depressing, age inappropriate diatribes about what ghastly sinners they are and after a spank delivering the good news that Jesus died for all their terrible behavior

"He stood in your place and felt the rod of correction too, so that we would never have to experience God's wrath. But I have to discipline you now because your disobedience shows me that you have forgotten how wonderful his love is."

"Sometimes we may feel that we are in a season in which we are doing nothing but spanks and that when we share the gospel with our kids they act as though they are deaf."

Parenting by the Book

http://www.amazon.com/Parenting-Book-Bi ... s=spanking

He calls children "Little Criminals" when he is trying to prove his point on original sin. Is name calling really necessary? Is belittling really necessary? He advocates sitting on a child to make them stop screaming once they "come into their own" around toddler-hood

To Spank or not to Spank ?

http://www.amazon.com/Spank-Not-John-Ro ... s=spanking

This is just another sad example of so called experts who want to justify hitting children

While describing the fear that his own chidhood spanking caused him, he simultaneously gives permission to parents to hit kids

Dobson ter !

http://www.amazon.com/Temper-Your-Child ... s=spanking

Dobson recommends painfully pinching a child's trapezius muscle to make a child "want to cooperate."

"Administer spankings with a neutral object--that is, a small switch or belt...A spanking should hurt or else it will have no influence. Two or three stinging strokes on the legs or bottom with a switch are usually sufficient to emphasize the point, `You must obey me.'"

Raising Godly tomatoes

http://www.amazon.com/Raising-Godly-Tom ... s=spanking

This lady is downright scary. How to dominate and control your children, instead of treating them like humans. This isn't parenting.

A biblical approach on spanking

http://www.amazon.com/Biblical-Approach ... s=spanking

All on the title…

The Key to Your Child's heart

http://www.amazon.com/Key-Your-Childs-H ... s=spanking

If you believe that hitting your children is an appropriate method of disicipline then this is the book for you. If not pass on "The Key to Your Child's Heart". The author states that the "paddle" used to spank his kids was decorated by the entire family!

A standard guide to fundamentalist parenting: beat the heck out of your kid's hind end and then give hima bible lecture while the sting is wearing off.

Mike Storms

http://www.amazon.com/Mike-Storms-Paren ... s=spanking

This book also advises very harsh punishments, helicopter parental behaviour and stoops to suggesting we spank young children for "wilful misbehaviour" although "using a spoon or belt is going too far".

If you search "spanking" + "parenting" on Amazon, one of the first suggestions is Duggar books...

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Given the fact that so many parents already spank, do we really need pro-spanking books?

It's like writing a pro-McDonalds book. Crap tons of people are already downing the greasy junk. No one really needs to promote it any more than it already is.

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Given the fact that so many parents already spank, do we really need pro-spanking books?

It's like writing a pro-McDonalds book. Crap tons of people are already downing the greasy junk. No one really needs to promote it any more than it already is.

If so many people writes about this, it's because there's a public...

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This is sad that their r so many books about justifying spanking. I was never spanked & I am greatful for that.

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I threaten to spank my kids all the time, they find it absolutely hilarious, my son (9) will stick his butt out at me and say 'go on then', then I take a faux angry step towards him with my hand in the air and swing at his butt deliberately missing so he can run at top speed yelling 'haha you miss'.

How wonderful to have these books there to tell me how to turn his laughter and happiness into crying and fear, much better for his emotional and psychological health and well being. :cray-cray:

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I'm not against spanking if a kid isn't responding to other discipline (lucky are those whose kids always respond to time-outs instead of deciding they'll push limits and see what you'll do if they simply will not sit down), but my god, those books make it sound like it's a fun, exciting thing to do. To me, the pro-spankers are the people who think every kid needs to be spanked right away instead of using it as a back-up when other methods fail, and those books take it to the level of sounding like a fetish and like the downfall of society will be a lack of liberal spankings.

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I will never understand why people take such delight in being cruel to children. :angry-banghead:

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I will never understand why people take such delight in being cruel to children. :angry-banghead:

THIS^^ I don't condone spanking in anger, but I can understand that occasionally a kid can push your buttons enough to make you do something you regret. I CANNOT understand calmly beating a child far less delighting in it as these folks tend to do. The idea of hitting a small child with a wooden spoon really makes me ill. I can't imagine what type of mental gymnastics are required to keep doing it to your children.

My mother jokingly said to my daughter a few years ago that she was going to spank her. My daughter had no idea what crazy granny was talking about. It's one of my favorite memories.

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THIS^^ I don't condone spanking in anger, but I can understand that occasionally a kid can push your buttons enough to make you do something you regret. I CANNOT understand calmly beating a child far less delighting in it as these folks tend to do. The idea of hitting a small child with a wooden spoon really makes me ill. I can't imagine what type of mental gymnastics are required to keep doing it to your children.

My mother jokingly said to my daughter a few years ago that she was going to spank her. My daughter had no idea what crazy granny was talking about. It's one of my favorite memories.

This, I said it a hundred times.

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I threaten to spank my kids all the time, they find it absolutely hilarious, my son (9) will stick his butt out at me and say 'go on then', then I take a faux angry step towards him with my hand in the air and swing at his butt deliberately missing so he can run at top speed yelling 'haha you miss'.

How wonderful to have these books there to tell me how to turn his laughter and happiness into crying and fear, much better for his emotional and psychological health and well being. :cray-cray:

Around here it's "don't make me beat you" said in our best faux threatening voice. For some reason they don't take us seriously. :think:

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Around here it's "don't make me beat you" said in our best faux threatening voice. For some reason they don't take us seriously. :think:

I get creative. I have been known to threaten to hang them by their toenails or sic the (lazy, docile, spoiled) cats on 'em. :whistle:

Mind you, I don't do this when they're actually misbehaving. Usually just when they're hyper or being silly when they're actually supposed to be doing something else (dishes, homework, whatever). Or when the little one is annoying his brothers. Deliberately.

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THIS^^ I don't condone spanking in anger, but I can understand that occasionally a kid can push your buttons enough to make you do something you regret. I CANNOT understand calmly beating a child far less delighting in it as these folks tend to do. The idea of hitting a small child with a wooden spoon really makes me ill. I can't imagine what type of mental gymnastics are required to keep doing it to your children.

My mother jokingly said to my daughter a few years ago that she was going to spank her. My daughter had no idea what crazy granny was talking about. It's one of my favorite memories.

Yes! My little guy had no idea or concept of the meaning of the word either. I mourned his loss of innocence when he learned that some of his friends were punished/ spanked and what it meant. "Why, Mom, why?"

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I get creative. I have been known to threaten to hang them by their toenails or sic the (lazy, docile, spoiled) cats on 'em. :whistle:

Mind you, I don't do this when they're actually misbehaving. Usually just when they're hyper or being silly when they're actually supposed to be doing something else (dishes, homework, whatever). Or when the little one is annoying his brothers. Deliberately.

I threatened to cut fingers off...with a plastic spoon.

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I threatened to cut fingers off...with a plastic spoon.

At academy this was actually a threat: the (metal) spoons were sharper than the (metal) knives... I used to tell people "I'll spoon you!" before I ever had a concept of what that meant.

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Around here it's "don't make me beat you" said in our best faux threatening voice. For some reason they don't take us seriously. :think:

Friday nights we said to them, we beat you up in advance so you are going to be good during the weekend......

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When my toddlers and preschoolers were over reacting to small hurts I used to tell them I was going to have to chop the injured part off, going into great detail until they started giggling. It shocked a few people, but it worked for us. Even now they are older I occasionally say it to them or they say it to each other or me, and it still makes them laugh every time, especially when someone has a banged head and the siblings get to shriek "off with his head" Alice in Wonderland style.

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I'm not against spanking if a kid isn't responding to other discipline (lucky are those whose kids always respond to time-outs instead of deciding they'll push limits and see what you'll do if they simply will not sit down), but my god, those books make it sound like it's a fun, exciting thing to do. To me, the pro-spankers are the people who think every kid needs to be spanked right away instead of using it as a back-up when other methods fail, and those books take it to the level of sounding like a fetish and like the downfall of society will be a lack of liberal spankings.

No child deserves to be hit imo :( It's a child, what could they do that deserves hitting and scaring them?

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Spanking is crappy parenting, imo. People always make the argument that spanking works, and while I'll concede in a lot of cases it does, it doesn't mean it's necessary. I was spanked once or twice, and not a single person involved left that scenario pleased with the outcome. Which is why my parents quickly retired that parenting strategy.

It seems lazy, because time-outs and other punishments take effort. It's also really asinine if your punishing your kid for "hitting" or "pushing." Eh, it's a sad world.

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No child deserves to be hit imo :( It's a child, what could they do that deserves hitting and scaring them?

Although spanking ( as punishment ) was tried and quickly abandoned, there was one time I remember spanking my daughter, she threw a tantrum so epic it coulda made anyone believe in demon possession, and she did it right in the middle of the shopping centre, so I left my shopping picked her up and left, while trying not to draw anymore attention to us, she bit my shoulder and wouldn't let go, I had bags and her in my arms and I dropped the bags gave her a smack, she let go of my shoulder and screamed, I grabbed my bags and got the hell out of there. She doesn't remember it but thinks the story of her public beating is hilarious.

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Although spanking ( as punishment ) was tried and quickly abandoned, there was one time I remember spanking my daughter, she threw a tantrum so epic it coulda made anyone believe in demon possession, and she did it right in the middle of the shopping centre, so I left my shopping picked her up and left, while trying not to draw anymore attention to us, she bit my shoulder and wouldn't let go, I had bags and her in my arms and I dropped the bags gave her a smack, she let go of my shoulder and screamed, I grabbed my bags and got the hell out of there. She doesn't remember it but thinks the story of her public beating is hilarious.

I've never used spanking as a punishment, in fact we don't use punishment at all, but I digress. The fact is, I have a similar story. My little guy has high functioning autism, and all the epic meltdowns that come with it. For the first 7.5 years, he could become extremely aggressive, and sometimes that would last for well over an hour. I made things safe, held him through all the hitting, biting, spitting, gouging... Trying to separate us was traumatic for him and he would become much more unhinged. As he grew it took more effort to help him stay contained. Anyway, one time he latched on with a bite so severe that I reflexively slapped his leg. There was no thought involved only a reaction to the pain on my part, but I was horrified with myself. The look on his face devastated my heart and I wanted to vomit. I apologized to him and told him that what I had done was not okay. That hitting and hurting people solves nothing, but it makes our bodies and hearts hurt. He is okay. In fact, now that he is older, and has really gotten control of his actions, we have talked about that incident a few times in terms of lashing out, people's defensive mechanisms, power and the responsibility that comes with power. Life changing stuff.

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Although spanking ( as punishment ) was tried and quickly abandoned, there was one time I remember spanking my daughter, she threw a tantrum so epic it coulda made anyone believe in demon possession, and she did it right in the middle of the shopping centre, so I left my shopping picked her up and left, while trying not to draw anymore attention to us, she bit my shoulder and wouldn't let go, I had bags and her in my arms and I dropped the bags gave her a smack, she let go of my shoulder and screamed, I grabbed my bags and got the hell out of there. She doesn't remember it but thinks the story of her public beating is hilarious.

I'm not saying I'm perfect (I don't even have children yet), everyone makes mistakes and it's good when the children don't remember it. But what if they do? Everyone I've talked to about this remembers when they were hit by their parents, even if it was just one time. I'm sure to many it's not a big deal, but that's not the point. You don't know what it does to your child until you've done it. It can be dangerous imo, and damaging to the relationship. Why risk that for a few minutes of peace?

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I'm not saying I'm perfect (I don't even have children yet), everyone makes mistakes and it's good when the children don't remember it. But what if they do? Everyone I've talked to about this remembers when they were hit by their parents, even if it was just one time. I'm sure to many it's not a big deal, but that's not the point. You don't know what it does to your child until you've done it. It can be dangerous imo, and damaging to the relationship. Why risk that for a few minutes of peace?

Exactly. It's not about turning out fine, it's what's best in the moment. People turned of fine before seat belts, but hat doesn't mean hat seal belts aren't better for people.

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Exactly. It's not about turning out fine, it's what's best in the moment. People turned of fine before seat belts, but hat doesn't mean hat seal belts aren't better for people.

I remember my mother spanking me, she use to spank in syllables - don't ( whack ) do ( whack ) a(whack) gain(whack). I don't remember it hurting but I remember thinking maybe I went a step too far putting the garden hose through the bathroom window while she was on the toilet and ruining the wall paper. Honestly I was spanked very rarely and I was a shit of a kid. I think if there is a healthy loving relationship then rare spankings aren't going to do any damage. I reminded my mother the other of it and she said 'that wasn't funny' - it was/is to me, lol but I never did it again..

But all kids are different my son is sensitive and will be heart broken if he is told off. My daughter is more like me and will either fight back or laugh in your face but usually they are both good kids but I have to disapline them differently even if they do the same thing wrong. Physical punishment isn't a good thing but when those teeth are sinking into your skin and they ain't gonna let go your not really worried about if it will upset them it was a safety issue for me and her coz I coulda dropped her. I honestly can't think of another way I could have dealt with it. And no she isn't autistic or have anything else, she knew not the throw tantrums and not to bite. I'm not defending spanking but there are very rare occasions that it may be the lesser of two evils.

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I remember my mother spanking me, she use to spank in syllables - don't ( whack ) do ( whack ) a(whack) gain(whack). I don't remember it hurting but I remember thinking maybe I went a step too far putting the garden hose through the bathroom window while she was on the toilet and ruining the wall paper. Honestly I was spanked very rarely and I was a shit of a kid. I think if there is a healthy loving relationship then rare spankings aren't going to do any damage. I reminded my mother the other of it and she said 'that wasn't funny' - it was/is to me, lol but I never did it again..

But all kids are different my son is sensitive and will be heart broken if he is told off. My daughter is more like me and will either fight back or laugh in your face but usually they are both good kids but I have to disapline them differently even if they do the same thing wrong. Physical punishment isn't a good thing but when those teeth are sinking into your skin and they ain't gonna let go your not really worried about if it will upset them it was a safety issue for me and her coz I coulda dropped her. I honestly can't think of another way I could have dealt with it. And no she isn't autistic or have anything else, she knew not the throw tantrums and not to bite. I'm not defending spanking but there are very rare occasions that it may be the lesser of two evils.

Like you said, all kids are different. But even if the kid has no lasting effects from it, I don't think it's ever necessary to spank. In your example, I probably would have dropped everything (except the child) (carefully if possible) and sat her on the floor to calm down. I'm sounding all arrogant and I don't mean to, I just want to point out that there is always an (imo better) alternative.

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