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Kelly Reins- cognitive dissonance abounds.


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Kelly and Andrea Reins are so fascinating to me. Kelly has been stepping up her posting on her public facebook page lately. It's mostly recycled stuff from LAF. So today she posts

Putting off marriage, putting off children, settling for work oriented singleness and all it’s necessary substitute comforts just don't cut it.

With a link to:


which contains the quote:

My advice stands: Don’t settle for less than God’s best. Too many Christian women today have ended up with an Ishmael because impatience pushed them into an unhappy marriage. Please take my fatherly advice: You are much better off single than with the wrong guy!

So, what exactly does she believe? Does she even know?

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I've been watching her posts, too, and I think she's officially nuts. Another one from further down on her FB page: "Fight socialism. Stay home. Make babies."

Uh, Kelly? You're 37 years old (per public record), and single. Is it time for a basic biology lesson?

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I think they are trying to justify their sad existence the only way they know how. They have been sold down the river by their movement and they know it is too late for them. They only way they can reconcile this is by "encouraging" other women through all of this nonsense. To me this is the saddest part of this movement, these women could have had marriage and children but the SAHD movement all but inhibits that.

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It is sad - they are the "oldest sisters" of the Dominionist stay-at-home-daughter crowd, followed closely by Sarah Maxwell and the Botkinettes.

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I find it surprising that the article linked to by LAF (and Kelly) warns against controlling men. If someone is a Christian, this list actually isn't half bad. It seems to definitely be geared towards a far more "in the world" set of readers, as opposed to fundamentalists.

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Her Pinterest "fashion redesign" board is funny- pinterest.com/ahthelife/fashion-redesign/

She just comes across as so prim and judgmental.

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If you want to keep reading get on the LAF Facebook page....There are some truly insane women I have argued with on there.....Mostly about homosexuality and how it needs to be outlawed along with divorce and adultery, how we need to be a religious state, and the Reins sisters believe it as much as their readers do... They are truly scary as are most Christian Reconstructionists. So this is a blessing they don't have children, we have enough fundies breeding.

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It's sad that they ended up this way- preaching a lifestyle they can't understand and will probably never experience. I feel they have every right to be angry, and agree with whoever posted above that they have to double down on the "baby makin' homemaker" thing in order to feel less betrayed by their movement, which turned them into permanent SAHD's at an age where it's just embarrassing for it to still be going on. Can you imagine telling anyone outside of that very small circle about your life? It makes me cringe.

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I think they are trying to justify their sad existence the only way they know how. They have been sold down the river by their movement and they know it is too late for them. They only way they can reconcile this is by "encouraging" other women through all of this nonsense. To me this is the saddest part of this movement, these women could have had marriage and children but the SAHD movement all but inhibits that.

She's just grabbing at anything at this point to justify her life and her beliefs. The cognitive dissonance is still astounding though.

Considering how much pressure, stress, and fear many single secular women in their late thirties face, I can't imagine what it's like for a fundie SAHD. I start to feel bad for her, but then I read one of her articles...

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Her Pinterest "fashion redesign" board is funny- pinterest.com/ahthelife/fashion-redesign/

She just comes across as so prim and judgmental.

I needed the laugh. Lose the "Look At Me" glasses and the tattoos. :lol: Why, so that I could be just like her? No thanks.

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Actually, after reviewing her Pinterest "fashion redesign," I have to amend my earlier comment - it seems like Kelly and Andrea's homeskoolin' parents skipped out on spelling and grammar completely.

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I needed the laugh. Lose the "Look At Me" glasses and the tattoos. :lol: Why, so that I could be just like her? No thanks.

Does that mean I have to throw out my pink mascara? Because I really do like that stuff.

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One of her FB posts: "The wicked will perish."

Well, Kelly, as far as I know Doug Phillips is still alive. But I'll keep you updated.

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Does that mean I have to throw out my pink mascara? Because I really do like that stuff.

They make pink mascara???? I want!!! Where can I get it??????

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I needed the laugh. Lose the "Look At Me" glasses and the tattoos. :lol: Why, so that I could be just like her? No thanks.

I guess you gotta do something to occupy your time when you are a SAHD in your upper 30s with no job, no higher education, no children, not even your parents children, to look after, no significant others, and no prospect for any of that changing...there's only so much cleaning you can do everyday. :roll:

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I guess you gotta do something to occupy your time when you are a SAHD in your upper 30s with no job, no higher education, no children, not even your parents children, to look after, no significant others, and no prospect for any of that changing...there's only so much cleaning you can do everyday. :roll:

Can someone tell me what the hell they do all day? There's three women in that house to clean, no children in sight, and God knows they ain't volunteering anywhere.

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I needed the laugh. Lose the "Look At Me" glasses and the tattoos. :lol: Why, so that I could be just like her? No thanks.

Right? I like my "Look At Me" glasses, thank you very much. I suppose her advice is good for anyone looking to wordlessly express how uptight and boring they are! Looking to keep the men far, far away? Make sure they're totally disinterested with Kelly's easy advice!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So Kelly has a post on facebook from a couple days ago about how horrible contraception is, and a commenter asks "Isn't perpetual singleness just as bad as contraception?" :lol: Surprisingly enough, she didn't reply!

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Why are these girls still unmarried? They seem like good looking, well trained women. Shouldn't some fundie guy have swopped them up ages ago? Do fundie fathers realize they are killing their own movement by placing severe restrictions on their children's suitors? Geesh, if I was one of these 30yo+ SAHD, I'd be feeling pretty anxious now. All those years of training to be the perfect wife and mother, and it comes to nothing. I can imagine the Hope chest getting dusty through the years, the multitude of items made for future children lay there unused. It's kind of tragic.

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I see Kelly and Andrea's homeskoolin' parents skipped the lesson on it's versus its. :(

As well as loose vs lose. Apparently, in one pin, she thinks that the tatooes should be loose!

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I breathe a sigh of relief every time I read about another fundie not procreating. No child should have to be raised that way just to feed some sahd's desire to play mom. If you're living as a child in your parents' home and waiting for your father's permission to marry, you're not mature enough to raise kids anyway.

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