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3rd anniversary of AS Botkin's post re: singleness

Seven Severn

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That would require both the Botkinettes to get to the dress buying stage. That ain't happening anytime soon. Side note, I hear TLC's new series "Say Yes to the Quiverful of Cats" will be a smashing success.

I know a fundy lite woman whose mother took her wedding dress shopping for her 19th b-day. She was not even dating anyone. Her mother's reasoning was that she didn't want her envisioning any other future than marriage and kids.

She wore the dress four years later when she did marry. But she is now a progressive feminist who does not go to church. Oops.

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I know a fundy lite woman whose mother took her wedding dress shopping for her 19th b-day. She was not even dating anyone. Her mother's reasoning was that she didn't want her envisioning any other future than marriage and kids.

So, basically these people don't view their children as people separate from themselves, and if the children allow it, will consume and subsume their child's life into their own.

What selfish, narcissistic pricks these parents are!

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Hey, caring for a houseload of cats can be a MINISTRY don't you know?

Good luck to them trying to take dominion over cats and their attitudes. My cat won't even groom her nether regions in private. I keep telling her it's not feminine to put the wares on display in the living room, but her rebellious feline spirit just won't allow her to care.

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So, basically these people don't view their children as people separate from themselves, and if the children allow it, will consume and subsume their child's life into their own.

What selfish, narcissistic pricks these parents are!

That pretty much sums up the Botkins, Maxwells, etc. and really puts the Arndts in perspective for me.

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In all honestly, I would like a quiver full of cats. Then I could brainwash them into my religion.

I'm not sure that would work for me... I might have to convert to the Church of Cat first... :lol:

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Not promiscuous, (as it was with my husband) but per Wikionary the def for fxxxing like a mink is To be extremely amorous while copulating.

It used to be more commonly used (Basic Instinct used the phrase a couple of times) so maybe I'm showing my age by using it. :D

fair enough! here it's rabbits.

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It does strike me as strange that Anna Sofia and Elizabeth aren't married yet. I feel the same way about Sarah Maxwell.

They are very pretty, relatively intelligent women who have whole-heartedly take up a cause that is important to many, many men- so what is stopping them? Is it that they haven't met a man that they like, or is it their parents? I can't imagine going 28 years without meeting a single person I was attracted to and interested in, and that seems to be all it takes for these people to jump into marriage, so what's the deal?

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I agree with you. They MUST know that with every passing year their fertility goes down. That wouldn't be a problem except they are supposed to fill a quiver. They just make me so sad and angry all at the same time. They have such a deathgrip on their theology that they will end up alone. They are beautiful women and there are very handsome fundie men out there. Time is ticking you know? Those VF guys seem to like younger women. Steven Bowman and Lacie Verret come to mind.

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The Botkinettes: Miss Havisham #1 & Miss Havisham #2.

They have to get to the wedding day to even approach Miss H. status. As for me, mods, I'm a reasonably prolific (post count transferred from Yuku), reasonably well-liked poster. I'd like a special status as "Crazy Cat Lady" or something similar.

The Botkinettes are hotties. If they're not married off now, they never will be. Geoff needs them for $$$ now that some sons are off supporting wives and small families.

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I think they're too in love with Daddy to marry anyone else.

I think there's more to that than you may have realized.

There is more than a whiff of emotional incest in the Botkin family, at least to me. I don't think Pappa Botkin has physically assaulted his daughters in any way, but there is so much more husband-wife to their relationships than father-daughter that I think he has been abusing them emotionally their entire lives. If you feel like being really skeeved out, look up emotional incest. It's just as damaging as the physical kind, but totally legal. The fundy insistence on fathers maintaining their daughters' "purity" encourages emotional incest. It's all just so sad and gross.

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It's not even just maintaining their daughters' purity, it's that the daughters' purity BELONGS TO THEM. Ugh. UGH.

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It does strike me as strange that Anna Sofia and Elizabeth aren't married yet. I feel the same way about Sarah Maxwell.

They are very pretty, relatively intelligent women who have whole-heartedly take up a cause that is important to many, many men- so what is stopping them? Is it that they haven't met a man that they like, or is it their parents? I can't imagine going 28 years without meeting a single person I was attracted to and interested in, and that seems to be all it takes for these people to jump into marriage, so what's the deal?

God (or their father) hasn't dropped some poor schlub off at the house who meets Dad's (or God's) approval :lol: for a true Christian marriage. Of course the longer it takes for them to marry the less breeding of that "Army of Christ" :wtf: they are trying to create. We won't even get into the fact that said Army being home skooled by them won't be able to take over anything more than Walmart on a rainy day. So feeling bad about it, not so much :violin:

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Elizabeth and Anna Sofia will ultimately find themselves, in their forties, belting out "Santa, Send Me A Fella" like Rose-Marie did on the Dick Van Dyke Show Christmas special.

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Anna Sofia and her sister are getting slightly more crazy-eyed each year.

Drifting slightly off topic, has anyone here read "The Virgin Suicides?" The Botkins sometimes remind me of the Lisbons, from the book. And I can see the girls just SNAPPING one of these days.

Not claiming this is even vaguely related. Still, those women (no longer young, really) are staring at a future of being devoted daughters, unpaid labor, childcare for the brothers' children. There was this amazing, fabulous, perfect future ahead of them if they just followed the rules. They not only followed the rules, but they convinced other young women to do the same.

And the reward is.........


Unless you count attending the weddings of countless friends and your own brothers, holding other people's children and babies, and continuing to live at home.

Faithfully serving Daddy.


Kind of sounds like the plot of a horror/suspense flick.

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Whenever I think about the Botkin sisters, it's usually to wonder what on earth they DO all day. I know I would spend my time reading Donna Leon mysteries and eating Oreos, but that's probably not allowed...

Really, though. Babysitting for brothers? House keeping? Pining? Webinar planning can't be THAT involved.

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Wow, has it really been three years? Time flies.

In all honestly, I would like a quiver full of cats. Then I could brainwash them into my religion.

You don't take dominion over cats. They take dominion over you.:D

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I can understand not wanting to let the girls go, but what has also puzzled me about the Botkins is that only two of their sons are married. I would have thought if they couldn't find a suitable match for the girls, they let their sons go and that's how they will get their army for God.

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I can understand not wanting to let the girls go, but what has also puzzled me about the Botkins is that only two of their sons are married. I would have thought if they couldn't find a suitable match for the girls, they let their sons go and that's how they will get their army for God.

I wonder, sometimes, if the dominionists/army for god talk sounded good originally, but as time went on, making and keeping money and power individually took over for each of these patriarchs. I certainly hope so.

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I wonder, sometimes, if the dominionists/army for god talk sounded good originally, but as time went on, making and keeping money and power individually took over for each of these patriarchs. I certainly hope so.

I imagine that the Botkins are super picky about who they align with. Ben married a skilled (very skilled, in those circles) musician, which works well for him and his music "career," what with all the free labor from someone who probably actually got a music education from something other than a computer. I'm not sure what Nadia's deal is, but her brother was very close with the Botkin brothers. I heard a rumor years ago that Isaac was interested in a girl, but I have no idea how accurate that was. As a twist, it was one of the girls (the nanny) that the Dougie thread was speculating on, so in my head, Isaac tried to court her and Doug made up some reason why he couldn't, and then the Botkins moved away from San Antonio and Doug's controlling ways.

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Wow, has it really been three years? Time flies..

Not for them I bet!! Lol!

I was actually just thinking about this article the other day and thinking about how her situation will likely still be the same in another 3 years. AS and her sister just think too damn highly of themselves and while they could've definitely been married at this point they are seeking perfection. Any would-be suitors in their world are no doubt turned off by their holier-than-though attitudes and are likely fully aware of other guys who have tried to court them and have been turned down. So why would guys even bother!?! I mean who wants to deal w/ Pa Botkin and guys rule Fundie-land so they can have their pick of any young 20 year old.

It's a shame but AS has made her bed... and she'll be alone in it for a looooonnnngggg while I predict.

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