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Six Year Old Prophecy!


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This was a status on a church persons facebook. They moved and are in a different church now so I know nothing of this.

Y'all, we had a SIX YEAR OLD prophecy in kids church today! I'm telling the truth! He told every "demon of destruction to flee!" And declared "We will fight for God and He will protect us from the danger Satan puts in our path. It can't touch us. He will give us wisdom to win!" These are the end times. We should expect to see this happen more and more! It's Scripture being fulfilled!

Everyone tells her how amazing this is.

I cant figure this out. Not that a 6 year old COULDNT be a prophet, but would he speak that way? If God speaks through a child, is it the way a child would speak, or just like above? Or did this childs parents coach him?

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I think it depends on the 6 year old. Most six year olds aren't going to use that kind of vocabulary. But a few have very large vocabularies ( obviously the content of their vocabulary is going to depend on what they hear people talking about...a kid with parents who are scientists and talk about their jobs over dinner is going to have a different vocabulary than the kid whose parents are discussing politics or religion or home repair ) . And some kids with large vocabularies are really good with context and inflection. I have a pre- school granddaughter who talks like she is everyone's mother... She sounds like an adult when she talks, except she still has the super high pitched slightly garbled little kid sound, its pretty funny, and she'll lecture everyone about safety and cleanliness.

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Is that a public facebook page? If not, I didn't think we were supposed to post stuff from private pages....

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Always kind of shocking to me that prophecies are so banal and expected. I could totally be a (false, but convincing) prophet in any church that doesn't automatically disregard me for my girl parts. It shouldn't be that easy.

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So if a kid stands up and regurgitates the crap he hears his parents and community spout all day it's a miracle? Kid's are great mimics and are quite capable of understanding social context so it's likely he associates this style of speaking with church and he stood up and said what he thought what was expected.

When you need a six year old to reinforce your beliefs, it's a wee bit sad.

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Why is it that if a non fundie kid (even ones of way older than 6) decides that they are an atheist/Muslim/Jew/any other non Christian religion, or comes out as gay, or is a feminist, or pro choice, transgender, says that when they are older they would vote Democrat, writes a letter to the president in support of gay marriage, believes in evolution over creationism, makes their own sign to stand up to the WBC (like the kid who made one that says "God doesnt hate anyone"...they must be indoctrinated by their parents and society, and brainwashed. But then they all get so excited over some little fundie kid who is barely out of diapers who is saying that they love God, hate abortion/gay marriage/feminism or have their parents politicial beliefs are so intelligent and Godly. Seriously, there are fundies who talk about how their three year old understands religion so well because he says he loves God and quotes the Bible, but no, he doesnt, he just copies what his parents say because he gets praise for it.

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It's really weird that after 20 odd years of attending a catholic church nobody received such an epiphany or had a stigmata or vision, or really having walked this earth for 44 years nobody I know in public, you know when shopping in busy places, or even in the myriad of different countries I have visited and different cultures etc. Different religions by the score. I have never seen anybody have a 'Prophecy' unless you count Professor Trelawny in HP. I move in the wrong circles. Would be cool to see somebody speak in tongues though, Billy Conelly does a great piss take of this.

It's very convenient that this '6' year old happened to just be in church when his epiphany occurred. A church which actually believes in this kind of crap anyway. I mean if God was so random he could have been on the loo right? But no in church speaking in true prophet style.

To answer the question can a 6 year old be a prophet? No I personally think it is a load of absolute shite.

Can his parents coach him to sound like one? Yes. Dead easy to do.

Most 6 year olds are totally influenced by their parents and environment. Even the clever ones. Prophet not so much. If we are all dead (again) in 6 years well sue me.

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There's a kid in my old churh, the same age as my son, 17, who did that stuff when they were little kids. His parents, grandparents, his entire extended family were heavily involved in the church, to the point of being there almost every day. His dad ran the sound & produced all the dramas (mostly consisting of video skits of people doing good or bad things, then live acting of them being judged & sent to heaven or hell. There was a "hell pit" under the stage with red lights & a fog machine where the sinners would be dragged down by demons. The "saved" walked up a ramp into a gold lamé heaven to dance with Jesus.).

This kid was obsessed with the hell pit & the actor playing satan (in a classic Party City devil mask).

I taught him in Sunday School, preschool & childrens' church, & he would constantly disrupt the classes by standing on tables or pews to "prophesy," always about in & hell & God's judgement. When he was in regular services, he would go to the altar crying to pray at every opportunity from about the age of 3. (At this hurch people went to the altar all during the service, not just at the altar call at the end. During choir songs, solos, opening prayer; some folks, including me, would be kneeling at the altar 4 or 5 times douring one service.)

Today he's a troubled young man, having attempted suicide twice, been suspended from school several times & finally expelled, sent to the local alternative school, expelled from there, & now attending the state-run virtual school for his senior year. He's also stalked & terrorised his former girlfriend.

His FB page (not private) is plastered with Bible verses about sin, hell & God's "fiery judgement."

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There's a kid in my old churh, the same age as my son, 17, who did that stuff when they were little kids. His parents, grandparents, his entire extended family were heavily involved in the church, to the point of being there almost every day. His dad ran the sound & produced all the dramas (mostly consisting of video skits of people doing good or bad things, then live acting of them being judged & sent to heaven or hell. There was a "hell pit" under the stage with red lights & a fog machine where the sinners would be dragged down by demons. The "saved" walked up a ramp into a gold lamé heaven to dance with Jesus.).

This kid was obsessed with the hell pit & the actor playing satan (in a classic Party City devil mask).

I taught him in Sunday School, preschool & childrens' church, & he would constantly disrupt the classes by standing on tables or pews to "prophesy," always about in & hell & God's judgement. When he was in regular services, he would go to the altar crying to pray at every opportunity from about the age of 3. (At this hurch people went to the altar all during the service, not just at the altar call at the end. During choir songs, solos, opening prayer; some folks, including me, would be kneeling at the altar 4 or 5 times douring one service.)

Today he's a troubled young man, having attempted suicide twice, been suspended from school several times & finally expelled, sent to the local alternative school, expelled from there, & now attending the state-run virtual school for his senior year. He's also stalked & terrorised his former girlfriend.

His FB page (not private) is plastered with Bible verses about sin, hell & God's "fiery judgement."

Yeah, some kids who have a really intense personality and are deep thinkers will get completely flipped out by this kind of thing. I dont have a particularly intense personality and was very shy, but I was always worrying about things like a nuclear bomb, or how could the nazis have been so evil and why didnt the other people in the community stop them, or how could war exist, or children starve or why would someone kidnap someone ......or any other acts I randomly heard about that I found terrifying. And I would freak out about these things when I was very, very young. I can't even imagine how I would have coped if I was sent to some hellfire and brimstone church :shock:

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Is that a public facebook page? If not, I didn't think we were supposed to post stuff from private pages....

I think it's ok as long as we don't post names or identifying information. I could be wrong.

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So if a kid stands up and regurgitates the crap he hears his parents and community spout all day it's a miracle? Kid's are great mimics and are quite capable of understanding social context so it's likely he associates this style of speaking with church and he stood up and said what he thought what was expected.

When you need a six year old to reinforce your beliefs, it's a wee bit sad.

Yep, I think the most likely explanation is that the child was parroting stuff that he heard from his parents.

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