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Australian Election - Tone Abet Our New PM?


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It seems like the landslide predictions will come true. :D

It seems like PUP might actually get a seat. How is old Clive going to have time for Titanic 2 if he has to spend so much time yelling at people in parliament? Who knew the Australian election would have a direct effect on Doug The Tool?

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I'm so glad to see Labor out, but I can't feel as happy as I should because I despise Tony Abbott and their "turn back the boats" bullshit actually made me vote independent and give my first preference to the Liberals. I so wish it was a Turnbull landslide instead.

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Because the ALP is a union and faction controlled mess that wanted to spend BILLIONS we don't have on a broadband network that private enterprise will eventually provide.

Australian federal politics has a pattern where Labor governments spend, often on laudable and necessary projects, and run up debt, then liberal governments pay it off. It makes people see the Liberals as the bad guys, but it's necessary.

The Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government took us from a large budget surplus to a large deficit in the middle of a mining boom when cash was rolling in. Another term and the NBN would have left a deficit that my kids would be paying off, at the same time as the Baby Boomers retire and our medical and pension costs balloon while our percentage of working tax payers decreases or at best remains stable.

There is a lot I don't like about Tony Abbott and the Liberal platform, but they are the lesser of two evils right now.

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