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WIN Hospitality w Michelle Duggar DVD


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The Duggar Family Blog has a contest to win the HOT new DVD on Hospitality by Michelle Duggar! You two can serve ttc on paper plates to distinguished, internationally known pastors!



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Just when I thought it couldn't get worse than her parenting advice :?

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Hahaha what does Michelle actually do?

Is she teaching us how she sits on her ass on the sofa, babytalking at the kids "Johannah, Jackson, Jenny, go draw pretty patterns on the paper plates so they look fancy enough for company. Jinger, Jessa, Tater Tot Casserole for 30, get it done in five minutes or God will kill you. Jill, one of the kids pooped on the dining room table, go put something over the top of it so nobody will notice. Joy, make sure Grandma has washed my best outfit, dont worry about the underwear as I dont wear any as your Daddy needs access at all times. Dont cry like that, youve heard us doing it every night since you were little. Joseph, go round up the Howlers and shove them all in the prayer closet until company arrives, so they dont destroy the house that the girls are making nice for us."

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Hahaha what does Michelle actually do?

Is she teaching us how she sits on her ass on the sofa, babytalking at the kids "Johannah, Jackson, Jenny, go draw pretty patterns on the paper plates so they look fancy enough for company. Jinger, Jessa, Tater Tot Casserole for 30, get it done in five minutes or God will kill you. Jill, one of the kids pooped on the dining room table, go put something over the top of it so nobody will notice. Joy, make sure Grandma has washed my best outfit, dont worry about the underwear as I dont wear any as your Daddy needs access at all times. Dont cry like that, youve heard us doing it every night since you were little. Joseph, go round up the Howlers and shove them all in the prayer closet until company arrives, so they dont destroy the house that the girls are making nice for us."

:rofl: :lol:

Thanks for that, I needed the laugh.

Edited because I was trying to get a smilie to work.

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I was just reading on that site and am baffled. Baffled that someone encouraged Michelle to dictate her thoughts, experiences and knowledge about being hospitable; that some publisher believes it's a sellable product and that anyone who has ever watched the show would feel she is a special hostess enough to buy said book! I think it's wonderful of them to have always opened up their home to more people than it holds comfortably to serve a meal, through a party and/or sleep them. I'm not sure if it is exceptional "hospitality" worth sharing when you have a few basic decorations, food served on paper plates and very tight sleeping arrangements with the possibility of no sheets. Kind of fun or acceptable when you're a young couple/family just starting out in life; but their situation is, well, different!

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heh, I might check this out for the same reason I'd get Mama June's (of Honey Boo Boo fame) upcoming recipe book. (June's cooking consists of pouring potted meat, canned corn, and an entire tub of Country Crock into a casserole dish and cooking it, and her kids eat the resulting mess with their fingers.)

There's no educational value but plenty of entertainment value.

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:rofl: :lol:

Thanks for that, I needed the laugh.

Edited because I was trying to get a smilie to work.

I thought Michelle wore those plaid low-rider crotchless pantaloons we discovered a while back.

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Does any one actually want to watch this?

I was given a copy of this dreck. It's basically her standing up at a podium yapping for 45 minutes. I have no idea what she talks about because there isn't enough liquor in the world for me to actually watch it through.

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this is a typical example of If you honor or do it for god whatever you do is encouraging and good. Please Just cause you think god loves you does not mean he does. I swear if she took a dump on a sidewalk in the middle of a park as long as she was covered by a dress at the time she would get praised.

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I would sooner want to watch a DVD on Hannibal Lecter's hospitality tips than Michelle Duggar's. At least he knows his wine.

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I was just reading on that site and am baffled. Baffled that someone encouraged Michelle to dictate her thoughts, experiences and knowledge about being hospitable; that some publisher believes it's a sellable product and that anyone who has ever watched the show would feel she is a special hostess enough to buy said book! I think it's wonderful of them to have always opened up their home to more people than it holds comfortably to serve a meal, through a party and/or sleep them. I'm not sure if it is exceptional "hospitality" worth sharing when you have a few basic decorations, food served on paper plates and very tight sleeping arrangements with the possibility of no sheets. Kind of fun or acceptable when you're a young couple/family just starting out in life; but their situation is, well, different!

I'm pretty sure it was filmed and marketed by Vision Forum.

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they probably have a ton of these things and are trying to draw attention to them to get rid of inventory.

I will get any advice I need on being a hostess from Emily Post.

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Sorry; in all my excitement-I miss-read Michelle's new product as a book; ooops it's a DVD. Which makes it kind of worse. I can't imagine her either being filmed in snippets demonstrating her fine hospitality skills or past video with her baby-talk voice over as narrator of her fine hospitality skills! What a mess!!!

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I'm waiting for the director's cut on blu ray with Jim Bob's BBQ recipe. I hear the production value is so good you can see the children's skin turn colors as they get sick knowing they'll have to eat it.

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I don't know why or how, but this makes me think of "keeping up Appearances" a British comedy show from the 80s or early 90s. 'Chelle reminds me of Hyacinth Bucket ("It's pronounced 'Boo-KAY', dear") if she chugged the fundie kool-aid....very into herself and oblivious to the outside world.

and DAMMIT, please, I had just had dinner when I read about crotchless plaid pantaloons. Dear Penn Jillette, now i have to think of Professor McGonagall in a tartan thong to just ease off the sick. :ew:

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Will she demonstrate the best way to make TTC or will she have her guests make it?

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Will she demonstrate the best way to make TTC or will she have her guests make it?

She'd have her guests make it, of course. The only ones who ever get waited on in that house are Boob and J'chelle.

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