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Orphan Black on BBC America


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I don't know if anyone else started a topic on this, but I haven't seen it if there is one.


It's a new show that airs the 30th of this month and has been advertised all over youtube for a while now.

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I watched it - what did you all think? I think it shows real promise. I think it was well set up for future episodes, with the back story of foster care/dumping her daughter/abusive boyfriend - it makes sense shed burn bridges.

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We watched it last night. The first episode was entertaining enough, although I had a little trouble understanding the British accents at times. I thought the part about her drinking an entire container of handsoap was a bit much; I don't think anybody could get all that down. As soon as you got the first bit down, it would immediately start coming back up. I come close to gagging just thinking about that. Wasn't expecting her German doppleganger to get shot like that, either.

So, bitch is a clone, right?

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  • 1 year later...

Watched the entire first series last weekend. It was great. I don't know how the main actress (Tatiana Maslany) is able to play so many roles so convincingly different from each other! Looking forward to the second season.

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I loved the first season of this show! Brilliant, especially snippy Alison the suburban housewife with interesting uses for craft supplies, Cosima the scientist, and the sibling snarkiness of Sarah and Felix.

The second season starts April 19th and I can't wait. :D

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We watched it last night. The first episode was entertaining enough, although I had a little trouble understanding the British accents at times. I thought the part about her drinking an entire container of handsoap was a bit much; I don't think anybody could get all that down. As soon as you got the first bit down, it would immediately start coming back up. I come close to gagging just thinking about that. Wasn't expecting her German doppleganger to get shot like that, either.

So, bitch is a clone, right?

Re your spoiler: yes

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This is a show I have been meaning to watch but haven't gotten around to it. Children really cut into your television time. :lol: I have nothing to add except I'm going to try and watch it so that I can then discuss it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OB back tomorrow (Saturday) night on BBC America! Set your DVRs! I thought this show got better and better all through season one; I'm looking forward to season two. I caught a little bit of the special Wil Wheaton hosted about this show. Interviews with Tatiana, the lead actress, and the guy (forget his name) who plays her stepbrother. Those two do such a fantastic job. The Allison clone is my favorite one, too. Such a badass soccer mom :lol: :lol: Hopefully we'll get some interesting new clone characters this season.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dammit. Sev got me hooked on this show, and thanks to the wonky world that is his job, we haven't been able to watch it together. We haven't watched season two yet, and I hate the cliffhanger. Though I am looking forward to seeing the fundies! :)

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I love this show.

My DH and I love coming up with off the wall theories about it. Our current one is:

Whatever is wrong with the scientist actually has nothing to do with her genetic code. In fact, they're poisoning her to get her motivated to work on the genetic code projects. Maybe Katia was poisoned too, for putting a foot out of line somehow. They won't let scientist girl see the original DNA sequence because she would figure this out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn this show is good. I just watched the last two episodes and they blew me away.

Poor Allison :lol:

Helena :o

Love Felix :romance-heartbeating:

I don't know what to think about Mrs. S. :doh:

I hope we can trust the new guy; he's cute :shifty:

You know who the fundie guy is, right? And his elder wife? :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Orphan Black is my show! I am so here for Tatiana Maslany. Girlfriend deserves ALL the awards. CloneClub all day e'ryday. I have a thousand and one questions....

Regarding the last epi, anyone think Gracie's mouth was self-inflicted as a way to not confess?

Is Rachel the spare for the docs of Project Leda? If so, was that really Sarah in those home vids?

Could Fe be a clone too? Could Mrs S. be both their monitors? I'm down for a Fe-Alison spinoff.

Helena is my ride-or-die chica. I wanna give her a bath, Jello pudding pop, and a hug.

How is it that Cosima has so much body? Much praise to the hair/makeup dept.

What ever happened to the Neolutionists? Did that story just drop after the de-tailing?

I don't trust Cal. I can't decide if he's cuter here or as Daario2.0

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It would be fun to go on a road trip with Helena!

I have no idea which characters to trust on Orphan Black, but I love them all (the good, the bad and the creepy).

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Helena may be overtaking Allison as my favorite clone. I could not sleep in a tent with her. I'd be afraid she'd stab me in my sleep! Their road trip was hilarious, though. Also, "White Russian?"

Two of my favorite things on this show: Allison's craft room and the way Helena eats. :lol:

I was wrong in my spoiler. I thought the head fundie dude and his wife were the scientists who created the clones and they were still at it (that part may be true). I thought maybe they had some kind of religious experience and faked their own deaths to take their research underground. Guess OB fooled me on that.

I still have no fucking idea who Mrs. S. is or why she's always a step ahead.

This ep needed more Fe.

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I don't know anyone who doesn't love Helena. She's so innocent and adorable and she just wants to be loved and her attachment to Sarah and Kira is kind of adorable. Also brother sestra was hilarious.

My favourite clone is definitely a cross between her and Cosima.

Does anyone else often forget that Tatiana plays all the characters sometimes? She's so good at showing the small differences, from their facial expressions, intonations, and the way they walk... it's amazing.

Anyone else surprised that Gracie was allowed to leave the compound to go get helena without a chaperone/buddy?

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Oh I just LOVE this show and no one else I know watches it (except my hubby who found it). Thank the FSM for FJ and you guys in this thread!

Helena may be overtaking Allison as my favorite clone. I could not sleep in a tent with her. I'd be afraid she'd stab me in my sleep! Their road trip was hilarious, though. Also, "White Russian?"

Two of my favorite things on this show: Allison's craft room and the way Helena eats. :lol:

I love Helena, too. She is so fascinated with the tactile qualities of food, you can really see how deprived/starved of everything she must have been. Not enough food, love, nurturing....not enough anything. :( As soon as she appears on screen though, you just know shit's gonna go down :D

And I love Allison's suburban, too-tightly wound, ready to become unhinged side...I think I can relate a little too well to that :lol:

This ep needed more Fe.

Oh he's just awesome!!!

Edited cos I really can spell...

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I just thought of something: If they're clones, why is only one of them gay?


Unless they're all bisexual. Helena certainly seemed to be enjoying her "boyfriend" this last episode.

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I just thought of something: If they're clones, why is only one of them gay?


Unless they're all bisexual. Helena certainly seemed to be enjoying her "boyfriend" this last episode.

Please clue me in. Why would the clones have identical sexual orientation?

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Please clue me in. Why would the clones have identical sexual orientation?

it's the nature vs nurture argument i suppose.

really, the whole show is basically the ideal sociological experiment. imagine the possibilities for statistical analysis!!!

see, i think sexuality is a spectrum and I don't necessarily think cosima identifies as gay. in fact, she herself has never said she's gay, but rather it's other characters saying she's lesbian or gay. i think she's probably a bit like me and sees sexuality as a spectrum and, while she may identify more towards one end than another, she's not adverse to the others.

as for the other clones, many people think that both allison and beth are/were gay and that they were in a relationship/had major feelings for one another.

rachel certainly isn't straight, but she's also extremely narcissistic and looking at her own reflection in the mirror turned her on. the sexual tension between her and sarah....

sarah has almost certainly had at least one relationship/encounter with a woman. idk she pings for me.

helena is difficult to tell; she's so emotionally damaged from her upbringing that she attaches to anyone who shows her any kindness, so i can't get a read. we've seen it with sestra, brother sestra, kira, 'boyfriend jesse' and i bet we'll see it with grace now that gracie is taking her to her babies.

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Thanks for this thoughtful response.

My question arose from thinking that homosexuality has a biological basis (Baby, I was born this way, as Lady Gaga would say), and since the clones are identical, why would there be variation in their orientations? But yes, I think it makes sense that none of them are completely heterosexual or homosexual, but fall somewhere in between.

People think Beth and Allison might have had feelings for each other? WUT? That's like having feelings for yourself. How would that be possible? I never got any sexual tension between Rachel and Sarah. I must be missing some stuff. :lol: Sarah seems to despise Rachel, to me. Although seeing the film of her childhood seems to have piqued her interest and possibly softened her stance toward Rachel -- just a little.

Of course, Helena's always the wild card. "Teeeke me to my beeebies."

Possibly they're not really identical, though, since Sarah is the only one that can have children -- and the only one that's healthy? Although when the Prolethean fundies took Helena's eggs, are they cloning or is she going to reproduce too? I assume they used head fundie guy's sperm since they "married" and so we're looking at sperm-egg reproduction for another clone and not cloning. But I'm not clear on this. Somebody clear it up for me, plzthnku.

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Thanks, Joan and Jericho!

Y'all have given me much to think about in my already overloaded brain! If going the nature route, I would guess the clones to be pansexual. None of them strike me as asexual, gay or straight.

I missed the sexual tension between Rachel & Sarah. I only saw them sizing up an equally formidable opponent. Rachel pings femdom to me.

Beth & Alison? Mind blown! I did notice they both craved stability (Donnie being the HS sweetheart, Paul was Beth's monitor for years). I don't picture either Beth or Alison willing to rock the boat and chance being alone. Both clones seemed to be drowning in mental instability before finding each other.

I'm totally on board with Helena trying to feed her physical and emotional hunger. She craves family, in any way she can get it. Sucks she shanked her mama, but I felt where she was coming from. She's so Inigo Montoya, and I lurve her. The revelation to Gracie that she also received the sewn mouth treatment had me tearing up. What has Helena NOT been through at the hands of sick people?

I think the Proletheans' goal is to breed clones, not clone them. Creepy Headship guy seems to get his jollies by controlling/manipulating nature.

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