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A Year of Biblical Womanhood


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Has anyone read A Year of Biblical Womanhood? The author decides to live by all gender rules in the bible for a year. She looks at the fundamentalist version of biblical womanhood, talks about the Duggars, Doug Philips, the Pearls and other frequent FJ topics.


I'm nearly finished and recommend the book.


Here is her blog:


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Just bought it. I have about 15 hours of flying this weekend. I know what I'll be doing!

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I'm still waiting for a copy from the library. Apparently, it's so popular that all the copies in my local system have multiple holds. I can't wait to read it though.

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How does it compare to AJ Jacobs "Year of Living Biblically"?? Is it meant to be a humorous take? Or is it more "real"? Because I found myself rolling my eyes at Jacobs book.

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Love the book. Glad to see her dismantle the bs from fundamentalists...and even some mainstream Christians. For example the often given command of "ladies, you are to have sex with your husband any time HE wants to. 'No' should not be in your vocabulary." BULLSHIT. And Rachel calls it as much.

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How does it compare to AJ Jacobs "Year of Living Biblically"?? Is it meant to be a humorous take? Or is it more "real"? Because I found myself rolling my eyes at Jacobs book.

I thought it was more sarcasm and joking. Still very funny though, I laughed out loud a few times.

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I haven't had a chance to read this, although I want to. I read her blog regularly and she is so spot on about so many things.

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Read it.

Wasn't crazy about it.

But, I'm less into the "super duper funny day to day stories of how my husband and I are progressive and super fun" and more into hard-core historical analysis of biblical gender roles.

It'll \wet your snarking whistle though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Resurrecting an old thread because I've just finished this book and have a conflicted response. I really love her vignettes about the significance of the women who are mentioned in the Bible-- some of those parts are lovely.

I found her writing about it as a book deal project very annoying. The constant crowdsourcing online, getting validation from her fans, and dissolving into tears when someone was critical -- all this could have been left out if she were really interested in living Biblically. What came through is that she is A Writer with A Book Deal, and that's what came through as her story, not the significance of how unrealistic it is to follow to the letter anything mentioned in a 2000 year old text. All the navel-gazing took away from what could have been an interesting message. She seemed to be justifying her failure to complete almost anything as planned, over and over, to an audience of established readers. I've never read her work or her blog, so I'm not among those who look up to her; I found the whole thing completely self-serving and annoying.

Thanks for reading my rant. I'm done reading stuntbloggers. Feh.

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Resurrecting an old thread because I've just finished this book and have a conflicted response. I really love her vignettes about the significance of the women who are mentioned in the Bible-- some of those parts are lovely.

I found her writing about it as a book deal project very annoying. The constant crowdsourcing online, getting validation from her fans, and dissolving into tears when someone was critical -- all this could have been left out if she were really interested in living Biblically. What came through is that she is A Writer with A Book Deal, and that's what came through as her story, not the significance of how unrealistic it is to follow to the letter anything mentioned in a 2000 year old text. All the navel-gazing took away from what could have been an interesting message. She seemed to be justifying her failure to complete almost anything as planned, over and over, to an audience of established readers. I've never read her work or her blog, so I'm not among those who look up to her; I found the whole thing completely self-serving and annoying.

Thanks for reading my rant. I'm done reading stuntbloggers. Feh.

This is why I won't read the book. I find the whole "project self promotion" blogs/books annoying, and somewhat tedious. Plus, I don't care a bit what her experience was... so there is that.

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I read it about two months ago, and don't even remember how it ended. That's how much of an impression it made on me. I think I remember her writing about liking football, not shaving her legs, and I think she called her husband master and he was skeeved out by it. I had to buy it because the library here sucks and I feel like I wasted my money.

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I read it about two months ago, and don't even remember how it ended. That's how much of an impression it made on me. I think I remember her writing about liking football, not shaving her legs, and I think she called her husband master and he was skeeved out by it. I had to buy it because the library here sucks and I feel like I wasted my money.

Yeah, it ended with her ineptly blowing a shofar on her east Tennessee back deck to pretend-celebrate Rosh Hashanah.

Dabblers irritate me.

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