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Keeping Those Pesky Daughters in Line


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I had thought of Raising Homemakers as trying to lean more fundie-lite so they can attract a wider readership, but every now and again, they go unabashedly pure fundie. See this article on how to make your daughter into a good SAHD for those years when they are "still in their father's home" (am I the only one who wonders what happened to the mothers here?)


Gee, I'm almost sorry I went off to college instead of planting a garden, volunteering at the pregnancy center and staying around the kitchen to annoy the crap out of my mom.

And really, can't you do just about everything on this list and still get an education/training for a skilled job/etc..?

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You can do all of that and go to college if you live at home. Or even if you don't.

I don't like children, so I didn't babysit very often in college, but I think there may have been a time or two I helped a friend out. I would never in a million years help at a crisis pregnancy center, but I did help distribute condoms in my dorm. We started a knitting club, but we didn't give our half-finished projects away. But I suppose if I had finished something or it was 1945, we might have donated our knit hats to an orphanage. I also grew tomatoes in a topsy turvy tomato planter. :-)

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I've been following the SAHD movement for many years and I wonder how they don't see that their online ministries (ie: blogs) are almost copy/pastes of each others blogs. Every time a new on gets the internet they write up some garbage that's been repeated over and over and over by those who beat them to it. Their ministries are circle jerks, their home businesses are hobbies. I can get behind volunteering but if you are PAID to do similar work it's somehow a dirty thing. Education for educations sake is fantastic too, even if you never work for a living. It's hard to see this happening but you can't fight with kids who think they have it all figured out, especially when the only figuring they do is what dad tells them. So sad.

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^that is so true. They all write the same things over & over & over. It's practically plagiarism. It IS plaigirism, actually, but they're all too busy stroking each other's Internet egos to care.

And for Jesus' sake (literally), a blog is not a ministry. It is a hobby, or an outlet, or a communicative tool. Miriam Webster's dictionary, a ministry is: duties, or functions of a minister 3 : the body of ministers of religion : clergy 4 : a person or thing through which something is accomplished : agency, instrumentality."

Noticeably missing: inflicting your whack ideas on others, spewing hateful opinions, sharing gross unhealthy recipes, and dictating to others how they should live. I respect many actual organizations that actually minister, and it so irritates me that these idiots think that writing a blog is the equivalent to passing out HIV drugs in Rwanda, or running a food pantry for people down on their luck.

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Oh my... a light at the end of my - otherwise really bright! - tunnel! Is divorce and single the same? Ok, I am a glass that has been drunk from so I'm being passed around unwanted by godly men due to this fact, but golly, I must lay my hand on this book. If not for other reasons, for the laughs. Damn.:)

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If i had been a SAHD I suspect my mother and I would have tried to kill each other.

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It annoys me that these girls are taught to define themselves by the men (or lack thereof) in their lives. They are either single women, stay at home daughters, unmarried etc. Why can't they just be women?

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If i had been a SAHD I suspect my mother and I would have tried to kill each other.

Seriously. I love my parents, and we are very close, but two weeks seems to be about our limit of tolerance. LOL When I lived at home and worked one summer, it was fine because I was out of the house most of the day.

Amazingly, I live alone, and I can balance my checkbook and clean up after myself. I have also been told I'm a good cook. So... not sure how that happened. I guess Girl Scouts could have constituted homemaker training? Since we did learn crafts and campfire cooking (and they support birth control :dance: ).

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I've been following the SAHD movement for many years and I wonder how they don't see that their online ministries (ie: blogs) are almost copy/pastes of each others blogs. Every time a new on gets the internet they write up some garbage that's been repeated over and over and over by those who beat them to it. Their ministries are circle jerks, their home businesses are hobbies. I can get behind volunteering but if you are PAID to do similar work it's somehow a dirty thing. Education for educations sake is fantastic too, even if you never work for a living. It's hard to see this happening but you can't fight with kids who think they have it all figured out, especially when the only figuring they do is what dad tells them. So sad.

That is what I was thinking when I read the stay at home sons' blogs the last couple of weeks that people have posted. The arsenal one was basically him setting up strawmen and knocking them over by parroting arguments he has heard, without even a glimpse of personal experience or growth behind him. And he gets a bit of applause from the audience. His job is editor of an online xian writers magazine (likely unpaid) and a home based MLM selling beef jerky?? And he offers a multi segment diatribe against dating? I can see him 5 and 10 years down the pike, selling jerky and writing more unpublished manuscripts (people-- you have not written a book if it is not published-- you have written a manuscript)

My husband and I were talking about this and view it as self limiting. Most men, even most fundie men are not wanting to go through some daddy to get to a girl. IF they are supposed to be out working to earn enough to have a house and support a family, chances are they will run into a fundie light (or not) girl who catches their eye and can be courted in a much simpler, sort of way (aka daddy approved dating) Eventually the SAH daughters age out. I'm hoping the whole thing goes the way of the Shakers.

As a complete aside, Every time I see SAHD I read it stay at home dad--until I realize where I am.

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