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Women are all lying bitches


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http://markymarksthoughts.blogspot.com/ ... bitch.html



He had it wrong because he TRUSTED a woman! Women have always done this, but they were never caught until the advent of modern, DNA testing. Modern DNA testing has shown the real nature of women...


On the other hand, cuckolding is the preferred reproductive strategy for women. They have sex with the alphas whom they REALLY want but won't commit to them, while getting the betas to help support and raise their bastard children. This way, women get the best of both worlds; they get sex with the men they REALLY want, while also getting a sucker to raise her bastard children.


To put it another way, as has been said elsewhere, women put men into two categories upon meeting them: suckers and fuckers. In this case, Mr. Rodwell was the sucker, while Mrs. Rodwell's paramours were the fuckers. Don't be a sucker, Fellas!


You ever wonder why women and women's groups are against paternity testing? Did you ever wonder why women and women's groups raise a fuss about this? I think it's for a couple of reasons. One, they don't want the cover blown off their TRUE natures; they don't want all men knowing what the wise men have known forever: mainly that women are anything BUT goddesses! Two, women don't want an end to their gravy train; they don't want an end to their preferred reproductive strategy. Finally, because of women's and women's groups opposition to paternity testing, we men are seeing what wise men have known for generations: that women have no INNATE sense of honor or justice whatsoever. If they did, why oppose paternity testing?


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Quick reaction: paternity testing is what gets child support; who is opposing testing?

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I've never heard of women and women's groups being against paternity testing as a whole.

I've known individual women who were faithful in their marriage/relationship and are offended when the man demands a paternity test when it ends. I also know a lot women roll their eyes when an insecure man suddenly demands paternity testing after a relationship ends (for non-infidelity reasons) when he's been happy to act as the child's father up until that point (basically until the point where he might be held accountable by a court for some of the kid's expenses) However, neither one of those situations is a case of women hating paternity tests in general.

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Why bother reasoning with Mark's rambles? Isn't he in the same boat as the creepy guy who wrote a blog on how to get away with rape?

They're jealous of people who are better than them, but are too lazy to get up on their asses to actually do stuff. Cuz you know, typing up crap about women on the internets is so productive. But I'd rather they type this crap up and dream morbid fantasies than take this out on REAL people. Just worried about potential people inspired by them though...

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It's marky, everything he says is bullshit. He's an older, single man living in NJ alone and whining that no woman will fuck him so he blames women. Typical of MRA thinking.

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Why bother reasoning with Mark's rambles? Isn't he in the same boat as the creepy guy who wrote a blog on how to get away with rape?

They're jealous of people who are better than them, but are too lazy to get up on their asses to actually do stuff. Cuz you know, typing up crap about women on the internets is so productive. But I'd rather they type this crap up and dream morbid fantasies than take this out on REAL people. Just worried about potential people inspired by them though...

Can I please have a link to that post?

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Yep, you've got it all figured out. Retreat to a womanless cave or island; take the others that understand our true nature. You deserve not to live around the foul, evil plans of women, you poor soul. Move along now.

Don't take a computer.

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Yep, you've got it all figured out. Retreat to a womanless cave or island; take the others that understand our true nature. You deserve not to live around the foul, evil plans of women, you poor soul. Move along now.

Don't take a computer.

I'd be willing to chip in a few bucks towards their airfare.

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My son looks exactly like my ex husband. Either I'm faithful OR I picked a fucker that closely resembled my ex. You decide.

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Two thought come to mind.

First through my years of exhaustive research, ie watching the Maury Povich show, it's not the women who are against the test but the men. Jim, you ARE the father!!! :lol:

Second if women are so evil why are you still trying to have sex with them? It's much easier to be a big man when you are sitting behind a keyboard then to realize that the common denominator in these stories are you.

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Here's what happened: I clicked this link on FJ, saw that the original comment came from that demented closet-case markymark, posted a suggestion that he's not worth the time to refute, and then left the thread. Bye.

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You're right, dude. My son is totally not really my husband's. Even though he looks just like my husband, he's some random guy I picked up at a bar while my husband was working.

Indeed, no children actually know their real fathers. We're all the products of affairs with a few dozen alphas that our moms pass off as other men's children.


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Can I please have a link to that post?

Sorry! he pulled it, apparently... but here's one of his choice quotes...

2. When you’re done raping your victim, kill her. Also self-explanatory. Dead men don’t tell tales, and dead women don’t file police reports. But because this generation is completely wussified, modern rapists can’t even work up the nerve to slap their victims across the face after they’re done.


You might be tempted to just shove the body in the trunk of your 1992 Ford Festiva and dump it in the nearest body of water, but the problem with lakes and rivers is that it’ll eventually wash ashore, and then people will start asking questions. You’d have to live near the ocean and be willing to motorboat out into international waters for this to have a chance of working.

Jebus it reads like a sociopath's advice. Now, when you search for it, you'll see another blog returnofkings defending this drivel.

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Yep. It was going 'round tumblr. There's ten bullet points. I suppose someone might have saved his drivel, but I'm not sure why you would bother reading it. If you're really curious, just search for it on tumblr.

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Mark would rather preemptively reject women as evil ugly bitches because whenever he tries to use his winning personality he gets no here! Shocker!

He's obsessed with how apparently all women get uglier as they age. Notice he never shows his own picture on his blog. I bet he's as handsome as he is nice.

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Meh. We have a guy like this in my state, only instead of women, he target lawyers, academics and city officials. About every third or fourth day I get a fax that accuses me of various crimes against men. I've also recently been compared to the holocaust, called a traitor and accused of metaphorical lynching (I'm not really sure, the writing became incoherent at points.)

With people like this, you just have to shrug your shoulders and walk away. It's not even worth the snark, because they don't get it.

Oh, I am a feminist and I've never heard of any feminist or other woman being "against" paternity testing. Ever.

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So, women are awful, and men are wonderful. Got it. I would say this guy should get himself a boyfriend, but I'm pretty sure men won't want to fuck him either.

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So, women are awful, and men are wonderful. Got it. I would say this guy should get himself a boyfriend, but I'm pretty sure men won't want to fuck him either.

A blow up doll wouldn't want to fuck him. And I bet if he offered the most desperate hooker a million dollas she wouldn't fuck him, either.

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Is it funny that MRA never talk about, you know, being fathers? I mean, it's always about the woman's bastard, there's never mention about the father's involvement. Men are just victims of women's play on their wallets and their sperm. There's never mention of men who should take responsibility for their children. Hey, it takes two to tango.

As for paternity testing...I think most women, especially feminists, supports it. It's one way to get child support. Single women for years were ostracized while the men got away with such behavior. Paternity testing is a sure way to uncover the man's culpability. If anything, MRA like MarkyMark, with their talk about being promiscuous and never being tied down should hate paternity testing because it would (theoretically) tie them down to a woman and child. You see, MarkyMark only sees himself as a "fucker". He thinks he's gotten it all figured out because he would never be a "sucker". The thing is, paternity testing would actually right the injustice of those "suckers" providing for children not their own. Instead, it would set the financial burden on the "fuckers" that MarkyMark and MRAs thinks they are.

I do concur that men like MarkyMark are just bitter losers who rage against women because they can never get women. He's angry that women aren't interested in a bitter, washed up misogynist like him. Therefore, he makes up fantasies about raping women, about hot women all wanting him and anyone who isn't are washed up man eaters anyway. It's appalling how anyone would listen to his garbage. On one hand, he says women are evil, conniving bitches that just want a man to take care of her and "her" kids. On the other hand, women are also unstable, emotional animals who can't do anything well except to be a house slave. On, and these manipulative, unstable lazy bums really just want to pop out babies and take away jobs from men?? Yeah, I'm starting to lose track of what these misogynists say is the true nature of woman.......

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