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Lori responds to a comment on feminists and college

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I loved Cokie Roberts's book We Are Our Mothers' Daughters, which gives due recognition to the parenting skills of educated, professional women. In it, she quoted someone who whined about how "sorry" she felt for all the children of working mothers, who "would never know the joy of baking cookies with Mom." Cokie, an accomplished journalist and author, apparently never got that memo, mentioning all the times she'd baked cookies with her kids. She also talked about the gorgeous custom draperies her mothe, Lindy Boggs, made--and Lindy Boggs was a Congresswoman and a US Ambassador.

I swear, I did more dressmaking and scratch baking when I had a kid in the house--and a fulltime AND a parttime job--than I do now as an empty-nester!

Seriously, I learned to sew and cook and bake from my mom & grandma, both of whom worked their entire lives, with my mom being a doctor, so not exactly in a flexible 9-5. I don't have the patience for baking the way they do/did, but my mom somehow managed to stuff carp and bake giant pies and make platters of meringues from scratch. And the house still got vacuumed/dusted/cleaned. :shock:

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Her responses just drive me up a wall. "Oh don't mind me, I just speak for GOD HIMSELF. If you don't want my advice that's fine, I guess you can just BURN IN HELL on judgement day." :whistle:

Good god, how obnoxious can you be. This is why I can't bring myself to feel sorry for her.

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I was a SAHM for 14 years now I go to school full time, premed, not exactly a "job" but I am away from the house 7 days a week at school. I also have 5 children, so not a housewife to 1 or 2 kids. You know what I realized, working moms do everything SAHM's do except they also have to work. We love our kids just as much, I actually do funner things now because I am not with them 24-7. I home-schooled, I know my kids are getting a better education at school, not because I didn't try because we actually did school, but because I was spread so thin.

I still get up everyday, and feed my kids make lunches drop them off go to school myself, come home do laundry, cook dinner, read bedtime stories, make crafts etc. You don't see many working moms on the internet because we don't have time.

So many SAHM's make comments like it must be nice to get a break and crap. Do they think some magical fairy comes in and cleans my house, takes care of my kid and cooks all day?

What I don't understand is how these girls who are not getting an education are supposed to home school their children, especially their sons? Lori is an idiot. I think she is secretly miserable and spews this crap to lift herself up.

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I don't think college is necessarily for everyone. My husband and I will encourage our girls to do whatever makes them happy. That being said, they need to do something, whether it's college, trade school, the military, or starting their own business. We have a college fund for them, which were hoping to have 40k apiece for them by the time theyre 18. If they choose not to go to college, they can use the money for a down payment on a house. Either way, they don't have to depend on a man. Then, if they want to be housewives/sahms, fine. But they're not stuck, and god forbid, something happens to their spouse, they have a fallback plan.

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I don't think college is necessarily for everyone. My husband and I will encourage our girls to do whatever makes them happy. That being said, they need to do something, whether it's college, trade school, the military, or starting their own business. We have a college fund for them, which were hoping to have 40k apiece for them by the time theyre 18. If they choose not to go to college, they can use the money for a down payment on a house. Either way, they don't have to depend on a man. Then, if they want to be housewives/sahms, fine. But they're not stuck, and god forbid, something happens to their spouse, they have a fallback plan.

Totally agree - college is not for everyone and I really wish hiGh schools had more trade based programs for people that are not interested in a 4 year school, but are interested in a serious trade. I think if they did, more kids would graduate HS knowing what they want to do, and what it takes to get there. So I think it comes down to knowing your kid, what they love and are good at, and helping guide them in the path that would work for them, but that includes college for girls too!

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The world was not safer. A few cases in point: WWI, II, Korean conflict,the Cuban missile crisis (a close call), Civil Rights,Vietnam and the turmoil that went with , etc..... Took place predominately when women were staying at home and all the wise men were in charge. Fail.

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