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Bates and Duggar DC outing - merged


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I don't see any Duggars in these pictures. But a lot of the boys look alike, so maybe I'm missing it.

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Christy from Florida February 13, 2013 at 8:21 pm

Very cool. What an opertunity. What John-David just there or hangining with you guys and went along?

Kelly February 13, 2013 at 8:45 pm

Dear Christy,

John drove down with a few friends to go with our crew. They had a great time! Love, Kelly

They also got a tour of the Capitol from everyone's favorite (lying, totally not a) historian, David Barton.

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Hartono was with them as well. Thats a little weird considering his tweet from the other day...


He would have been with the Bateses when he tweeted that...

I truly hope that JD is courtin one of the girls. Perhaps Hartono was his chaperon?

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The show needs something like that.

I think it would be a total snoozefest.

Boob needs to get Jessa hitched up if he wants to keep the show going much longer. That I'd watch.

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umm... did no one clue this kid into the fact that talking about good looking men in public restrooms is, uh, not exactly in line with their image :lol:

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Is Hartono gay? That is a weird comment about good looking men in the bathroom for any straight guy let alone a fundie...

He's king of an unknown element. I assume that he's some type of fundie because he's permitted unfettered access to the TTH and the Duggarlings. I chalk it up to social ineptness but... you never know... the comment is VERY odd.

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Hey, do you think he might be courting one of the Duggar sisters. Seems like he visits every year or so. Not bad looking. Some fundies are clueless about talking in the mainstream world. I'm surprised he actually said, FARTS!

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Hey, do you think he might be courting one of the Duggar sisters. Seems like he visits every year or so. Not bad looking. Some fundies are clueless about talking in the mainstream world. I'm surprised he actually said, FARTS!


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I would like to see Michaela and JD together. They are a lot alike and would get along well. I think they need a couple courtships going on to keep the gravy train going. Boob, it's time to let a daughter out under someone elses headship.

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He's king of an unknown element. I assume that he's some type of fundie because he's permitted unfettered access to the TTH and the Duggarlings. I chalk it up to social ineptness but... you never know... the comment is VERY odd.

He's from another country; I don't remember where exactly. But this could be an example of humor that works in his native culture but not in ours.

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Bates and Duggar outing. So, any courtship with John Duggar here or is he enjoying the freedom of being single?

Opps, my bad. I got Zach confused with John. I found it interesting that John is not with another sibling or two, then I remembered Josh visiting the Kellers during his stage of courting.

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He's from another country; I don't remember where exactly. But this could be an example of humor that works in his native culture but not in ours.

I was thinking the same thing. They Duggars and Haratonos met when JD and Janna went to Asia on their mission trip, right? The Haratonos go to school in the US, but English is not his first language. There a probably several layers and language and culture that could get lost in translation when he tweets.

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I think all the families will eventually inter-marry. It's like Sirius Black told Harry Potter when he found out he was related to the Malfoys - when you only let your kids relate with those of "pure" blood, you'll all wind up related anyway. Statistically, it's only a matter of time before a Duggar marries a Bates... tho I hope one of the Duggar daughters is the lucky bride

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I would like to see Michaela and JD together. They are a lot alike and would get along well. I think they need a couple courtships going on to keep the gravy train going. Boob, it's time to let a daughter out under someone elses headship.

I agree with everything you said. I've always considered JD and Michaela the likeliest Bates/Duggar pairing.

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