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I do not want my trolls to misunderstand, but they will, that Ken and I have no ill will towards them. Actually, we are often amused and entertained by some of their comments, and find it fascinating that particularly one troll can be so prolific in what they write, just to have it find the trash can without being published, and often not even read. It is amazing how many ip addresses and false email addresses the same troll can use to disguise who they are. If the comments are somewhat objective and modestly fair, I have no qualms with publishing them. But to spew unkind attacks and liberal rhetoric all over my blog in the name of making me more loving and open minded is not happening.

Come on Lori, we here at Free Jinger know that being somewhat objective and modestly fair will not get you published on your blog. Fawning over your mindless drivel will.

I do wonder who this "prolific" troll is. Someone from FJ? :)

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Lori is being bullied. She is not a bully, but she's being bullied. She knows that because people disagree with her.

For a long time now I have had two bully sites often visiting my blog.

It took me awhile to realize this. I was getting many dissenting comments on my blog that made my blog not such a fun place to visit.

Love, love, love this. Beautiful.

~If you post a dissenting comment to a public blog you are a bully. Dissent=Bullying

~ If you beat your children, encourage other people to beat their children, force feed babies, and encourage others to force feed babies you are "godly". But dissent? Remember, dissent= bullying.

~If people disagree with Lori, then it is no longer "fun". Fun is when her fan girls pat her on the back and blow sunshine up her ass.

Ken and Lori do not speak for God, but if you disagree with them you probably just bought a first class ticket to hell...just saying.

Ken and I do not claim to speak on His behalf, nor do we think we know it all.

Their non-conservative bias is obvious, along with their inability to see, believe or understand the authority of God's Word.

they obviously disagree with the time tested wisdom based on God's Word

See? They don't speak for god. They're just telling you that if you disagree with them, you're disagreeing with the almighty.

Lori's mission statement for her blog:

The purpose of my blog is to train Christian women in the ways of God's Word, sharing how my disobedience led to destruction and my obedience to a fabulous marriage and a life filled with joy.

With all my love, my hopes and my prayers I ask God to bless your lives as much as He has blessed me ...

Translation: Fuck you.

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Lori, the only people who take your shitty advice are the ones like you. Quit with the "training Christian women" bullshit. You and your husband are both sick in promoting the obedience and submissiveness crap. I wonder which other "bully site" is visiting Lori's blog.

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linky? I don't follow her closely and the blogger list is kind of hard to navigate unless you know their name AND the blog name

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Mods, can we get her on the reference blogger list?

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Is there something in the water lately? Since when did "I disagree with you, and here's why" become bullying, FFS?


Mods, can we get her on the reference blogger list?

Done :)

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It cracks me up that she thinks only one person is "trolling" her blog, who with access to a shitton of IP addresses. It must take a lot of cockiness for her to never have thought that maybe more than one person disagrees with her.

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What the hell is a "non-conservative bias" apart from a terrible mangling of the English language?

And that piece is bouncing around everywhere. Cats! Liberal rhetoric! Trolls! "Nail scared"[sic] hands! It hurt my head to read it.

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It cracks me up that she thinks only one person is "trolling" her blog, who with access to a shitton of IP addresses. It must take a lot of cockiness for her to never have thought that maybe more than one person disagrees with her.

She is stupid to think only person is "trolling" her blog. Some of the other fundie bloggers we discuss here would disagree with Lori on several things. She is fundie lite and I don't think she promotes courtships. Steve Maxwell and others would rip her apart not promoting courtships. The more hardcore fundies would dislike her for wearing pants. Lori doesn't realize that when she was a public blog anyone can stumble onto it. I'm sure some of the readers who disagree with her, don't know about FJ unless they do google searches. Last year, there was an incident in which someone joined FJ because their friend was reading crazy Jessica's blog and the friend did research and found out about FJ. If I was to show Lori's blog to my mainstream Christian friends and relatives that wouldn't like the blog or Lori that much. Based on a few recent postings, it seems she has told people that she knows in her day to day life.

Even if FJ didn't exist, Lori would still get comments from people who disagree with her. I did quick search on GOMI to see if they have been talking about Lori and nothing came up. I do wonder which other site is talking about Lori. If the GOMI members knew about Lori's blog they would have a field day. They would rip her apart like we do here. There are some GOMIers who are pretty brutal at times.

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"If I get up from the table they pounce on my food and eat it because they have no compass based on the authority and integrity of God's Word."

How do you know the interpretations of God's word precisely, given you have not written the bible? Has he had a conversation with you or something? Did you forget the passages that teach about unicorns? I'm sure your children didn't study much into those. How about a whale's digestive system? Do you really think a chipmunk could survive more than a day in a stomach which has more corosive properties than most cleaners? I don't think Jonas tolerated it either. The same God that causes great people to suffer isn't one i want to follow. Maybe one of these days he will teach you how to be a mother.

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Hard to tell who's the bigger asshat - Lori or her husband, Ken. Clearly, they believe themselves to be among the chosen, if not actually speaking for God & Jesus. Boy, will they be shocked at who else is in heaven -- if they make it there. I am doubtful because Lori's favorite authors include Michael & Debi Pearl who, as we all know, will be among the first tied by their necks to the millstone as it plummets to the bottom of the sea.

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Is there something in the water lately? Since when did "I disagree with you, and here's why" become bullying, FFS?

I've been seeing this in real life for about a year. I got into an epic argument with a fundie-lite Catholic I know on birth control that boiled down to my refusal to accede to her views was "bullying."

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Their non-conservative bias is obvious, along with their inability to see, believe or understand the authority of God's Word...they obviously disagree with the time tested wisdom based on God's Word.

In other words, those who do not share the political conservatism of Ken and Lori are obviously incapable of understanding the Bible, and so anything such people might say should be disregarded wholly. Worse, dissenters are accused of being bullies merely for daring to disagree with the unimpeachable "logic" of two self-absorbed, arrogant dust creatures who fancy themselves to be among specially chosen mouth-pieces for God.

I've read the Bible. I disagree with you about what it says, including that it's a conservative document (in the sense that social services are somehow evil, etc.) You do not have a corner on the truth.

Alas, you are so deaf to good sense there's no point in crafting a long, well-researched rebuttal only to be met with the inevitable, “Nya nya; you're wrong. LA LA LA LA LA! We can't hear you – bless your heart.â€

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I would be willing to bet she recently read the post from the blogger who met his troll (http://www.traynorseye.com/2012/09/meeting-troll.html) and became convinced that she had a troll, too, because that's how it works in her brain--tiny nugget of fact, crazytown extrapolation, Gospel Truth According to Lori Alexander™ (GTALA).

I also love the "anti-conservative bias". Not "liberal bias". It has to be ANTI conservative, because once again, it's all about her/them/conservatives. :roll: Oh, and it's a bias. Not an opinion, a BIAS. Kind of like how disagreement=bullying. No one could possibly disagree with her, she is right as right can be. Whatever.

Dear Lori, I am a Liberal, Feminist, Pro-Choice, Gay-Welcoming straight woman who has a vibrant and glorious relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ******BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!********* (Lori's mind blown)

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I would be willing to bet she recently read the post from the blogger who met his troll (http://www.traynorseye.com/2012/09/meeting-troll.html) and became convinced that she had a troll, too, because that's how it works in her brain--tiny nugget of fact, crazytown extrapolation, Gospel Truth According to Lori Alexander™ (GTALA).

I also love the "anti-conservative bias". Not "liberal bias". It has to be ANTI conservative, because once again, it's all about her/them/conservatives. :roll: Oh, and it's a bias. Not an opinion, a BIAS. Kind of like how disagreement=bullying. No one could possibly disagree with her, she is right as right can be. Whatever.

Dear Lori, I am a Liberal, Feminist, Pro-Choice, Gay-Welcoming straight woman who has a vibrant and glorious relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ******BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!********* (Lori's mind blown)

Knowing Lori, she will say that you aren't a good Christian woman.

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For a long time now I have had two bully sites often visiting my blog. It seems their whole purpose is to sabotage Christian fundamentalist's values.
Christian fundamentalists are liable to Biblicism which can become a form of idolatry. Biblicism is a serious crime against the First Commandment. Fundies make the Bible their idol. It is God alone that they must worship and serve, not the Bible literally.

I commented on Lori's blog a week ago. I wrote that she shouldn't say that it's very clear that homosexuality is a sin, unless she has in fact studied Hebrew and Greek. I also mentioned that it would be very unchristian of her to condemn a group of people, based on certain Greek and Hebrew words, which we do not completely understand (e.g. malakos and arsenokoites).

Ps. Can you really see someone's IP on blogspot?

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I had a blog on blogspot a couple of years back, from what I recall there wasn't any way to view other people's IP addresses.

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There are cookie-based tracker sites (like statcounter) that can be embedded in blogs, so she could be tracking IPs that way. However, most of those sites let you see a map of visitors and visit times, which should probably clue her in that there's physically more than one "troll."

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I do not want my trolls people who have different opinions than my bronze-age opinions to misunderstand ever disagree with me, but they will because I can't controll their thoughts, that Ken and I have no ill will towards them. Actually, we want as many hits and attention as we can get, even if outsiders have different opinions than us that should be outlawed because we think soare often amused and entertained by some of their comments, and find it fascinating that particularly one troll can be so prolific in what they write, just to have it find the trash can without being published, and often not even read . It is amazing how many ip addresses and false email addresses the same troll can use to disguise who they are we can't stalk anonymous commenters because they disagree with a public blog that I created that the whole of the world wide web is able to view and not just my leg-humpers. If the comments are somewhat objective and modestly fair, I have no qualms with publishing them. I will only publish comments that agree with my opinions because I cannot accept different viewpoints. But to disagree on my public blog spew unkind attacks and non-Christian conservative liberal rhetoric all over my blog in the name of making me more loving and open minded is not happening. getting me to actually behave like my hero Jesus won't work.

Lori, FJers aren't stupid. We can translate fundie and will read what we damn well want to.

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She doesn't have any skills at logic, as she deleted my post which wasn't even mean. I mean, I just told a personal story about my life growing up and how I think that God gives different people different skills. But since my life doesn't fit the fundie ideal, I get deleted.

Whatever. The most I can hope for is that she realizes that life is not black and white. Which she won't because she's undereducated and willfully ignorant.

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