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Lori Alexander On Entitlement

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Some of you have probably read Lori's latest entry in which she discusses a segment on The View in which vaccinations were discussed and if the government should force people to vaccinate their kids. I was annoyed with the below quote.


I do predict our government will get bigger and more powerful. Too many people in our country want a big government to take care of them, ie. housing, food, education, health care, etc. There was one time in our country people didn't want to accept anything from anybody that they had not worked hard for. Now more and more people feel entitled to get many things for free.

I think a lot of people do their best to helps themselves and work hard for what they want. But sometimes people need help. How the fuck does Lori expect people to become doctors, nurses, engineers, and other professions which are key for society, if they don't have access to pell grants and other resources? She is a fucking cunt and I hope she asks her doctors or nurses if they ever received help for their education.

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Guest Anonymous

When I read things like this, I have to wonder 'What the fuck else is the government supposed to be doing?'. I mean, Christ, it is clearly in a country's best interest to keep its citizens from dropping dead. Basic things, like food and shelter, are a part of that.

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Ben, whoever you are I love your comment.

Ben Yarbrough · 6 hours ago

Lori's response

Lori Alexander · 4 hours ago

Abortion Involves the killing of another human being. Governments should absolutely protect its citizens, especially the innocent and vulnerable. This should be its main job. Marriage has always been between a man and woman since time began. No other society has ever sanctioned gay marrage. They can have civil unions but I would like to see our government uphold marriage between a man and woman. The healthiest institution to raising healthy children is having a mother and father.

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Guest Anonymous
Ben, whoever you are I love your comment.

Lori's response

So, government's 'main job' should be to protect its citizens, 'especially the innocent and the vulnerable', but that doesn't include feeding the hungry, giving shelter to the homeless, tending to the sick, or educating those without the means to educate themselves privately? Wow. Fucking wow.

Also, no other society has ever sanctioned gay marriage? Really? Does she mean aside from the many countries in the world that already have legally recognized same-sex marriage? Even if Lori thought the current world consisted of one giant society, that statement still wouldn't make sense.

Edited: I felt the need to add some gratuitous italics.

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Lori, stop using the roads that the big, bad government built and maintains. Since you're female, you shouldn't be going out of the house anyway.

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The part about no other society not sanctioning gay marriage shows what an idiot Lori is. She should also realize that in many parts of the world marriages didn't start off about being in love.

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Lori, stop using the roads that the big, bad government built and maintains. Since you're female, you shouldn't be going out of the house anyway.

Yeah, her being the "weaker sex" and all, I'd hate to see her driving the evil cars. :o You know how women drivers are! Anyway, it emasculates men if women want to drive. :roll:

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Ben, whoever you are I love your comment.

Lori's response

No other society has ever sanctioned gay marriage? How odd! I do believe my country has and continues to do so! For almost ten years, if I'm not mistaken!

Is my country secretly fictional and did I just not get the memo?

Lori, just fuck off.

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So, government's 'main job' should be to protect its citizens, 'especially the innocent and the vulnerable', but that doesn't include feeding the hungry, giving shelter to the homeless, tending to the sick, or educating those without the means to educate themselves privately? Wow. Fucking wow.

Also, no other society has ever sanctioned gay marriage? Really? Does she mean aside from the many countries in the world that already have legally recognized same-sex Marriages

Edited: I felt the need to add some gratuitous italics.

No fucking kidding. she is such an idiot.

I love how these women blather on about getting nothing for free and working for everything they have and blah blah blah but DONT FREAKING WORK. (not that there is anything wrong with being a sahm in any way, but I just dont understand how they can get up on their high horse when they dont have a job themselves and would be relying on charity or SOCIALISM!!! if something were to happen to their husbands.)

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Totally ridiculous. When someone makes such a completely ignorant comment, clearly without doing any sort of research and making broad statements about every society ever, it just makes anything else she spews out seem idiotic, too. I don't understand how anyone can take this person seriously.

Also, if she really believes that government shouldn't be offering such services, she can forget getting any help from police, or the fire department, animal control, trash and recycling, street maintenance, postal service... forget going to any public space like a library, or a park, or a playground, not to mention schools. People fail to realize how much is provided by the government that they completely take for granted while they go shouting about "socialized" government.

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No fucking kidding. she is such an idiot.

I love how these women blather on about getting nothing for free and working for everything they have and blah blah blah but DONT FREAKING WORK. (not that there is anything wrong with being a sahm in any way, but I just dont understand how they can get up on their high horse when they dont have a job themselves and would be relying on charity or SOCIALISM!!! if something were to happen to their husbands.)

I think out of the fundie wives we discuss here, Lori is one of the few that will be ok if something happened to her husband. He seems to make a lot of money and Lori seems to have well to do relatives. But some of the other fundie SAHMs we discuss here wouldn't be so lucky. I'm remember Latisha Sawyers aka Jessica used to bash the government to an extreme and she used to bash welfare recipients. Other fundies that we discuss here have done the same things. Those women have higher chances of ending up on government assistance. Jessica has no education, vocational training, or job skills. Her husband theChad has a risky job in roofing. If he became disabled due to an accident, Jessica would be in for a rude awakening. Jessica said on her blogs that churches should families in need. Churches can only do so much to help out their members.

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No other society has ever sanctioned gay marriage? How odd! I do believe my country has and continues to do so! For almost ten years, if I'm not mistaken!

Is my country secretly fictional and did I just not get the memo?

Lori, just fuck off.

According to Zsu it is.....

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Ben, whoever you are I love your comment.

Lori's response

Civil unions-- key word: CIVIL. Why should the government uphold something that is based out of religious belief? We have separation of church and state. On the contrary, no one is saying that churches that don't want to should grant religious blessings to same-sex marriages, just that same-sex couples get the same CIVIL rights as other couples. And plenty of societies have "sanctioned" gay marriage.

I can see her perspective on abortion. Note that I am politically pro-choice, but I thought of it when trying to figure out Ron Paul's stance: libertarianism seems to be focused on the "right to life" and then personal liberties, so if you believe life begins at conception than you would argue for protection of that life from conception. What I don't get is how one can say human beings have a right to life and not to things that support and sustain that life, like health care and food.

But yeah, I don't think there's much logic or internal consistency to Lori's beliefs.

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So, government's 'main job' should be to protect its citizens, 'especially the innocent and the vulnerable', but that doesn't include feeding the hungry, giving shelter to the homeless, tending to the sick, or educating those without the means to educate themselves privately? Wow. Fucking wow.

Also, no other society has ever sanctioned gay marriage? Really? Does she mean aside from the many countries in the world that already have legally recognized same-sex marriage? Even if Lori thought the current world consisted of one giant society, that statement still wouldn't make sense.

Edited: I felt the need to add some gratuitous italics.

I get so frustrated when I read the kind of crap these people spew, that it takes me a couple hours or even a day or two to form a rational, cohesive thought other than "what the fuckity fuck does this ass hat.....but why.....how on earth does this dipshit even get their shoes on the right feet in the morning????"

So rather than post all of that and try to pass it off as an intelligent reply, I will just say THIS to Sogba's post, because it put most of my feelings into words. And not bad words, either, so she gets points for that.

Plus, I like gratuitous italics.

ETA And Lori, it's the governments main job to prevent the killing of human beings. But allowing them to get sick and die slow, painful deaths due to lack of vaccination....that's ok.

I'm reminded of something AretJo (I think....sorry if it was someone else) said this morning on another post. Life begins with conception for these people, and ends at birth.

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So, government's 'main job' should be to protect its citizens, 'especially the innocent and the vulnerable', but that doesn't include feeding the hungry, giving shelter to the homeless, tending to the sick, or educating those without the means to educate themselves privately? Wow. Fucking wow.

Also, no other society has ever sanctioned gay marriage? Really? Does she mean aside from the many countries in the world that already have legally recognized same-sex marriage? Even if Lori thought the current world consisted of one giant society, that statement still wouldn't make sense.

Edited: I felt the need to add some gratuitous italics.

Call me crazy, but I never thought of it this way. I mean, I have heard points about how pro-lifers are only pro-life until the baby is born, but I never thought of it in terms of "right to life" meaning a right to food, shelter, and health care. I swear the next time some person says they're pro-life, I'm going to bring that up. I mean, Romney is pro-life, but he doesn't think people are "entitled" to food, to health care, to education. Dick.

Also, Lori, you are a terrible human being.

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The Unabomber look-a-like responded to Ben on the comments section. Ben responded back and then Lori also added a response. Hey Lori, I thought the Bible said that women should be quiet. Shouldn't you be letting Ken and Ben debate?

Ken · 18 hours ago

I might add Ben that for the most part, Lori and I believe with you that the government should stay out of people's private affairs... and when our government spends $500,000,000 on one organization "planned parenthood" with the specific purpose of providing contraceptives to teens and abortions... it crosses the line of its role and morality. IF the government would step out of such things, the churches and other religious organizations would educate the young women and teach them abstinence and adoption.

No smoking and not driving while drunk has a specific function of preventing one person from trampling on the rights of another, or killing another in a car crash. There are always rules and laws developed by society that will protect the rights of others.

I think you would agree that at some point rules are necessary... but they should be as minimal as possible to protect others and not necessarily protect a person from themselves. Where your right to swing your fist stops is at my jaw, or a little before it if I feel threatened by you. Finding tat balance is not easy, but in a FREE country we must protect the rights of freedom, while still have some sensible rules. If we go overboard we are no longer free, so to err on the side of personal of privacy has been the rule of law in this country... and to Lori's point... is being greatly eroded in the name of health care, terrorist and financial protections. I sure hope we can hold the line... and making parents immunize is another erosion of our parental rights to raise our children as we believe is best . And who loves them more ... the parents or the government?

Ben · 10 hours ago

With a response like that, it might be best if you change the title of this post to "Taking Away white, straight, affluent people's freedoms," since those are clearly the freedoms you're talking about here. It's hypocritical to argue that when the government takes away or denies the rights of others, it's fine, but it's a problem when it happens to you.

Since you neglected to back up your claim that no other society has has ever supported gay marriage, I'll provide the evidence for you: http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/126362. While it seems you are basing your decision to support depriving gay people of their rights on what is best for the children, there is scant evidence that supports your claim. Furthermore, many gay people, like many straight people these days, have no interest in having children, making that argument irrelevant in numerous cases.

The last thing I would like to address is something else you talked about in this post. I've noticed that every time you mention a social service like universal health care in this blog, it's invariably accompanied by an insinuation or outright accusation that people that would like access to said service are lazy bums who would like nothing better than to live off the system. Have you ever considered that for people less privileged than yourself, access to these services may be unaffordable, no matter how hard they work? If you read this: http://money.cnn.com/2011/09/13/news/economy/cens...

you will see that many people lacking health care coverage are people who are gainfully employed, but whose employers have decided to cut employee insurance programs. These people are not sitting at home on their couches all day devising schemes to cheat taxpayers out of their money. I worked with people this summer who were working 70+ hours a week and laughed at the idea of being able to afford insurance. The point of universal health care is not to give free services to lazy people, it's to correct a severe inequality that exists in the system. I have never read a version of the Bible where Jesus withholds bread and fish from the masses because he deems them lazy.

Ben · 9 hours ago

Ken, I think there are very few people who would argue against drunk driving laws, and I'm not doing so. Of course we need laws to protect people from being harmed by the actions of others. However, I fail to see how something like gay marriage harms you, and by your own definition, we need to protect the rights to freedom as long as those freedoms do not infringe upon the rights of others. Furthermore, your last point contradicts what Lori wrote. You state that people have a right to raise children as they believe is best, yet Lori is arguing that gay people shouldn't be allowed to raise children. Last time I checked, gay people are people too, so why shouldn't they be able to decide how to raise their own children without interference from you? You may not agree with their methods, but it isn't up to you to decide.

Lori Alexander · 1 hour ago

Ben, It is abortion that is the much bigger issue to me. This is the taking of innocent life and for the government to support it in anyway is very sad. I have already written about gay marriage and my thoughts about it. We will just have to agree to disagree on this issue. The Bible makes it very clear that it is sin so I will always side with the Bible even though it is becoming more and more unpopular to do so. I will love the gays that come into my life but I will never say that their lifestyle is one I endorse. Concerning health care, it is a huge mess I don't think we will be able to solve. How do you propose we pay for this monstrosity when we are already so deep in debt? And something is wrong when a huge piece of legislation is pushed through without one republican vote. Health care definitely needs to be overhauled but it should be worked out with both parties. i don't mind helping those that truly need help but there are many who are able to work and refuse to do so. I agree that health care costs are out of control and something needs to be done but competition seems to work a lot better than a huge government run program.

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Guest Anonymous
Lori Alexander · 1 hour ago

Ben, It is abortion that is the much bigger issue to me. This is the taking of innocent life and for the government to support it in anyway is very sad. I have already written about gay marriage and my thoughts about it. We will just have to agree to disagree on this issue. The Bible makes it very clear that it is sin so I will always side with the Bible even though it is becoming more and more unpopular to do so. I will love the gays that come into my life but I will never say that their lifestyle is one I endorse. Concerning health care, it is a huge mess I don't think we will be able to solve. How do you propose we pay for this monstrosity when we are already so deep in debt? And something is wrong when a huge piece of legislation is pushed through without one republican vote. Health care definitely needs to be overhauled but it should be worked out with both parties. i don't mind helping those that truly need help but there are many who are able to work and refuse to do so. I agree that health care costs are out of control and something needs to be done but competition seems to work a lot better than a huge government run program.

You cannot agree to disagree on a matter of fact. Lori said that no other society had ever sanctioned gay marriage. That is not true. You don't get to 'agree to disagree' on that. Grr! It's so frustrating.

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You cannot agree to disagree on a matter of fact. Lori said that no other society had ever sanctioned gay marriage. That is not true. You don't get to 'agree to disagree' on that. Grr! It's so frustrating.

If she really and truly cared so so so very much about all those babies being born then she would embrace gay marriage. She would support adoption rights for gay couples. Because they would all need homes, eventually.

But wait, no that's right, she doesn't care what happens to them after they are born. :roll:

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I also love Ben. It kind of seems that Lori knows him or they have communicated before, because in one of her replies to him, she said something like "I hope you are enjoying college life and California" It is good to see Lori get her ass handed to her and I love that Ben called her out on her bullshit claim about no society sanctioning gay marriage.

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We will just have to disagree about the factual accounts of both historical and modern societies that accept gay marriage, and whether or not it is valid to deny their existence in the face of the truth...

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Love Ben. Sounds like he knows them IRL too. Also love that when he handed Ken AND Lori their asses on a platter all Lori could say was "we'll have to agree to disagree".

Logic and factz: You does not haz them Lori.

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