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Fundes and abortion fantasies


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And I'm in a weird spot personally for me, myself and I abortion just seems wrong and is something I don't think I could ever go through with. I however respect the rights and decisions of others even if they are very different from my own. Why is it that so few people these days can just live and let live. I do sympathize with the OP I'm a Pagan too and have had people assume I do all kinds of evil things with small defenseless things like babies and animals. I just point out I have five very healthy and happy kids and all the asorted pets they've brought into our home that are all still alive and well.

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Why is it that so few people these days can just live and let live.

I also probably wouldn't get an abortion myself but I am very pro-choice. But I can't just live and let live because then you will get lots of people doing things like beating their kids, starving their pets etc. which I am against, even if they think it's okay because it's THEIR kids and THEIR pets. So I am always going to make a fuss and complain about some things even though you could say they're none of my business. If there's no tangible harm to a third party then I don't give a shit. I suppose the difference is I don't think a foetus counts as a third party. Not really disagreeing with you or making a point just rambling on to myself about when it's acceptable to oppose something and when it isn't.

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Their real fantasies are about who has abortions and how often and why. I recently had the abortion debate of the century online and this is what they all seem to believe.

1. Women routinely get late term abortions for no reason at all.

2. Women will convince a man that they want his baby, even though they are planning to abort the eventual pregnancy. Out of pure malice, to break his heart.

3. Women get pregnant repeatedly because it is easier to abort than to take birth control.

4. And then there is this broad definition of convenience that they share. I suggested that maybe women without a defined medical reason might have a vague medical reason. Like the fact that I nearly died in labor a few times; while not a medically indicated abortion, a person with that experience might see the pregnancy as a threat to their lives nonetheless. The fundies on my board said they classify that as convenience. Same with a woman who is debilitated by pregnancy to the point where existing children are being neglected. That's convenience apparently.

5. Pregnancy is only for nine months, with no long lasting effects.

Honestly, this is all bullshit. Even when I was pro-life I did not believe any of that crap. Also, these women had no idea how an abortion is performed. No fucking idea about the medical procedure they hate so much.


All of which are rooted in misogyny.

I think it can be partly explained by a desire to make things as black-and-white as possible, as lilith said. I also think that the internet brings out a lot of batshit, and while there are pro-lifers who are too smart to believe the tripe we usually snark on, they're just not as visible. Meanwhile, the pro-choice segment of the population has the advantage of not containing every single fundie ever, so you'll be hard-pressed to find a single pro-choicer who believes, say, that CPCs stand to gain from abortion being outlawed because they secretly sell the ground-up bones of dead pregnant people to drug cartels.

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I think a lot of anti abortion people are drawn to that position because it's easier to define things in black and white than to puzzle out subtle shades of grey.

Everyone believes killing is wrong. Everyone agrees children shouldn't be harmed. Instead of asking the hard questions about when a pregnancy actually starts, when a fetus becomes viable, when a fetus has a soul (if one believes in that) and when a fetus is entitled to human rights and legal protections and if those should ever supersede the rights of the mother carrying said fetus, wether it is right to bring a child into the world with severe disabilites and at what point disabilities are considered severe etc, it's much easier to just say abortion is bad and wrong. And to justify that with a few out of context bible quotes and a ramble about Jesus loving little children if you are that way inclined.

Then many people will think you are a good person, and you may feel good about yourself cause you care about these babies so much, more even than their own mothers,and you never have to ponder the complexities of the issue or put yourself in the shoes of the woman who is choosing to terminate her pregnancy.

But the problem with not looking at the nuances of situations and seeing everything as pure white or pure black is that from there it's easy to demonise the people you have decided are pure black. You have already decided they are evil, if you hear something outlandish about their behavior you are more inclined to believe it cause you already think they do terrible things and you don't like to look at complexities, they disturb and confuse you and sometimes make you question beliefs that are central to your sense of self and identity as a good person.

So people go from believing that killing babies is wrong, to abortion is wrong, to abortion is wrong for any reason, even to save the mothers life, to thinking women get $50 abortions every few months cause it's easier than using contraception, to Planned Parenthood coercing young women into having abortions they don't really want, to aborted fetuses being used in consumer products, to abortion clinic doctors sacrificing their medical waste to Satan. All the way believing that they are a good person taking the only logical position, and never once thinking of the actual reasons that contribute to a woman choosing abortion.

I hope that made sense. It did in my head, but I know it's rambly.

QFT. That was fantastic. I never could have put it so succinctly.

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