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Do you think Michelle will ever get pregnant with number 20?

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Josie is 19 months old now, and still no sign of the elusive # 20. Do you think it will ever happen?


Personally, I don't. I think something happened during Josie's birth that made it impossible for Michelle to conceive again. They will never admit this, but when asked about number 20, although they stress they would LOVE to have another, I have seen a flicker of something in their expressions that makes me think they know it isn't going to happen.


Plus her age may be catching up top her. She's almost 46- despite her ultra-fertility, at some point it will stop.



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Michelle is actually almost 45, but I doubt there's much of a difference between 45 and 46 re: fertility.

A year ago, I would have said she'll have another baby. Now I'm not so sure. She has never gone so long between pregnancies, she's at the upper limit of age for conceiving naturally, and something indeed may have happened when Josie was born that would limit or prevent pregnancy.

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I've said it here, DWOP sand TWOP numerous times. In a word?


If she gets pregnant and MISCARRIES, we'll never hear of it since their entire schtick is built around the Pill causing miscarriages. I can't help but use Doc Sharon's expertise as evidence that actually conceiving will be harder due to the vertical incision c-section she had with Josie. If she actually conceives, the chances for pre-eclampsia even earlier in her pregnancy (making the fetus not viable outside the womb) jump exponentially.

IF by some joke of God, she does conceive and hangs onto the fetus, her pregnancy will be kept under wraps for some time, IMO. Until recently, having a premie and no baby for over a year and a half, she looks slimmer than she's been, probably since she started having kids, but she hides weight gain easily and looks five months pregnant when she's actually 12 weeks, so they could hide a pregnancy for a while until they've passed that crucial stage of viability.

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I doubt it.

IIRC, she indicated at some point that they were rather surprised at becoming pregnant with Josie, given Michelle's age. Sounded like she had already started shifting her thinking to a different stage of life. I think it is possible to be open to the idea of another--even happy about the thought, while understanding and accepting that it is increasingly less and less likely--both.

Not even Duggar fertility is eternal. :)

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I've said it here, DWOP sand TWOP numerous times. In a word?


If she gets pregnant and MISCARRIES, we'll never hear of it since their entire schtick is built around the Pill causing miscarriages. I can't help but use Doc Sharon's expertise as evidence that actually conceiving will be harder due to the vertical incision c-section she had with Josie. If she actually conceives, the chances for pre-eclampsia even earlier in her pregnancy (making the fetus not viable outside the womb) jump exponentially.

IF by some joke of God, she does conceive and hangs onto the fetus, her pregnancy will be kept under wraps for some time, IMO. Until recently, having a premie and no baby for over a year and a half, she looks slimmer than she's been, probably since she started having kids, but she hides weight gain easily and looks five months pregnant when she's actually 12 weeks, so they could hide a pregnancy for a while until they've passed that crucial stage of viability.

Ditto, everything here.

Marmalade is a Slychic.


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Didn't someone post something on a more recent thread that quoted Doc Sharon who said that whatever kind of C-section that Michelle had does drop fertility?

If Michelle's worth and the family's fame is based on hitting that number 20, what are the chances that they might sneak off secretly to an IVF clinic? (My husband came up with that one.) It would be a matter of fame/money vs. pro-life beliefs. Which ever is more powerful will prevail. Then, if they did pursue IVF to hit 20, they'd have to find (or buy) a doctor who would actually do the procedures.


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Reading their new book I'm going to say it doesn't seem likely--however they really, really believe they must trust God on this. They acknowledge that Josie's birth put a real strain on their marriage. And, I think it really did scare the you-know-what out of them and, sadly, the kids. We may harp on Michelle, but she's still the Mom of that whole tribe and losing a Mom is a scary idea. Personally, I'm hoping she doesn't. I'm 5 years older than she is and the only folks I've known who got pregnant without spending thousands of dollars for a fertility specialitist had the type baby I'd call an "Ooops!" Like the last kid was ready for college and then wham! new baby. Michelle has been incredibly fertile, but I think TERROR is the word for another pregnancy.

f Michelle's worth and the family's fame is based on hitting that number 20, what are the chances that they might sneak off secretly to an IVF clinic?

Have you read my newest Duggar parody?? The hire a "rent-a-womb" [surrogate Mom] from India and pass her off as an exchange student....................I'm sure THAT won't happen. I really don't think they'd do fertility treatments at this point. After all that is NOT trusting God.

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Not that I view ABC as the best source for medical info, but this was the first thing that popped up:

For Women Who Want Kids, 'the Sooner the Better': 90 Percent of Eggs Gone By Age 30




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Jan. 29, 2010

By the time a woman hits 30, nearly all of her ovarian eggs are gone for good, according a new study that says women who put off childbearing for too long could have difficulty ever conceiving.

The study published by the University of St. Andrews and Edinburgh University in Scotland found that women have lost 90 percent of their eggs by the time they are 30 years old, and only have about 3 percent remaining by the time they are 40.

It's common knowledge that women have more difficulty conceiving as they age, but this is the very first study believed to quantify the number of eggs lost and it shows that the decline is more rapid than previously believed.

Over time, the quality of ovarian eggs also deteriorates, increasing the difficulty of conception and the risk of having an unhealthy baby.

The study was based on information collected from 325 women of varying ages in the United Kingdom, the United States and Europe.

Dr. Marie Savard, "Good Morning America" medical contributor, visited "GMA" to discuss the issue and its implications for moms-to-be.

"Women lose eggs a lot faster than we thought," she said. As you get older, conceiving is "much more difficult. ...Even all those assisted reproductive techniques are challenges."

Photo: A recent study suggests women lose 30% of their eggs by the time they are 30 years old.

ABC News Photo Illustration

A recent study suggests women lose 90 percent of their eggs by the time they are 30 years old.

"That biological clock does tick," she said, adding that her advice to women who want kids is, "the sooner the better."

(the article continues with a Q&A)


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I don't think she'll have any more, but I've always suspected that they would start adopting the minute they figured out they couldn't have any more bio kids. Hopefully, no reputable adoption agency will even give the Duggars a second look.

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What's interesting... my mom was incredibly fertile as well, ended up with 12 kids (no twins or anything)... She had the most kids during her thirties, in the years between 30 and 40. 3 in her 20s, 5 in her 30s and 4 in her 40s. She just hit 50 last year and STILL hasn't hit menopause. o.O Though I think she is somewhat of an oddity, rather than the norm...

/rabbit trail

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I had my first child at 35 and the second at 38. No problems conceiving either one. No problems with either pregnancy.

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What's interesting... my mom was incredibly fertile as well, ended up with 12 kids (no twins or anything)... She had the most kids during her thirties, in the years between 30 and 40. 3 in her 20s, 5 in her 30s and 4 in her 40s. She just hit 50 last year and STILL hasn't hit menopause. o.O Though I think she is somewhat of an oddity, rather than the norm...

/rabbit trail

My great grandmother told me she didn't hit menopause until she was close to 60. And she's not senile or loosing grip on her mind so I'm inclined to think she was serious.

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My great grandmother told me she didn't hit menopause until she was close to 60. And she's not senile or loosing grip on her mind so I'm inclined to think she was serious.

Yeah. I think all women are just different! My mom says she ovulated twice each cycle and hasn't stopped yet... But she did get something... permanent... done after #12. There were quite a few complications with my baby sister... not with my mom, but with the baby.

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I think they removed her baby making parts during Josie's birth/gallbladder issue. Just a hunch. She seems even more spacey and depressed than before.

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You can get pregnant in your mid to late 40's but the odds are against it - even with fertility treatments. However, I suspect that given her prior pregnancy related complications - even if she does become pregnant it will be a high risk pregnancy which will need lots of medical intervention to support her and the baby. I also suspect that her marriage has suffered under the strain of a very premature baby and the constant intrusion of tv cameras ( this year it seems she is always up in her room with Josie and Jim Bob is away somewhere else). I suspect that sort of strain/tension will just further decrease her odds of getting pregnant. I am not sure how she will handle this part of her life. She has put so much stock into bearing children that I fear the loss of her fertility will be very depressing for her.

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Going OT for two seconds here: I'm sorry "strain on your marriage"?! I understand that these type of circumstances often strain marriages but seriously how hard can their marriage be? She basically just stares at him adoringly and then agrees. I can't see these two having meaty discussions.

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It honestly wouldn't surprise me either way, though I certainly hope not. I just hope that they let the stick dry for a few months before they announce it to the world if it does happen.

Going OT for two seconds here: I'm sorry "strain on your marriage"?! I understand that these type of circumstances often strain marriages but seriously how hard can their marriage be? She basically just stares at him adoringly and then agrees.

Ah, but she surely had to drastically cut back on the "staring adoringly" time since she actually had to care for Josie. And with Boob and the kids on the road a lot with Michelle staying behind I can see how it would affect a couple who is used to being in each others company 24/7. My husband I are the opposite. We'd probably kill each other if we spent all day, every day together. We're simply not used to it. He takes a week off work and we're both usually ready for him to go back by the end of the week!

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My husband is more cynical than I am, but given what we've seen in many of these leaders who supposedly share the same convictions, sometimes I wonder. Greed and fame can tempt good men into miserable things. I don't know much about the Duggars, save what I've read here, on your blog, and what you and Vyckie have written about them on NLQ. I only know of them through Vision Forum's interest in them. I don't doubt that they are earnest "true believers," but Michelle seems pretty enterprising, too.

I hope with everything in me that they do stick by their convictions, and that may be a telling journey in the end if they don't conceive again. And then there's that part of me that pokes me, saying, "Money's involved." We don't know what will happen.

Before my computer totally crashes again, I'll go catch up on your blog. (I'm not even keeping up with my blog! I have about 20 things I want to write up and post but haven't yet.) I just wind down with the laughs here at FJ for the most part.

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I don't think it will happen. Michelle's fertility probably is already dropping. My bet is that Kelly B, will beat Michelle.

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Which leads to another question:

Would they adopt a Betron to make it an even twenty so as to beat out the Bates family?

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Well the Duggars and TLC have shown themselves to be highly sensitive to their fanbases's criticism. And I think that they know they'd be a huge backlash from the media not only because the health risks but also because Josie's still very medically fragile and potentially adding another very sick fragile preemie to the mix is not a very good idea. I wonder if any of their doctors begged and pleaded with them not to have kids.

I think the most obvious clue is that Michelle has now gone over 18 months without getting pregnant, which the longest period of not being pregnant that she's ever had. Normally she conceives when her current baby is about 6-9 months old. Sure she's been separated from Jim Boob a lot more than normal and has her hands full with Josie but I'm sure if that enough to really stop her from conceiving if she was using her "God decides how many babies I'll have" approach to birth control. So they are probably doing something to stop from having a baby.

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