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Kelly Crawford Brags About Not Being of Food Stamps


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Well, that answers that.

Kelly had no insurance (why would she since it's the churches "job" to support her?)

She says they were in a "rent to purchase" agreement.

Which leads to 3 questions:

1. Why didn't Kelly pay extra so her parents could get home-owners insurance on the house?

2. Why didn't Kelly's parents insure their assets?

3. Why didn't Kelly have renters insurance?

There is one woman down thread talking about how home owners doesn't pay for everything anyway, so why bother? Ummm, maybe so Kelly wouldn't be a complete charity case right now?

Our insurance will pay to replace our home and a little extra for the interior. That isn't a lot but it is better than nothing.

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Kelly was in a rent-to-own agreement? Huh.

That's what she claims in comments. Rent to own, and not a lick of insurance.

Debrand~ We have pretty good home owners as well. I'd be worried to death if we didn't. I don't have any blog readers or church friends that are going to pony up $35,000 and a sewing machine if god decides to "bless me" via a tornado.

Treemom~ I agree. Vacation is very important to us as well. We also want to be able to buy our kids cars and pay for their college educations. We factored all of that in when we decided how many children to have, and I don't feel one bit bad about it. In fact, I wouldn't change a thing.

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I am on food stamps and buy none of the things on Kelly's list. I am taking out student loans for the first time, but I think that $12k will be easy enough to pay off once I am a doctor. As for vacations: we are discussing going to a theme park when we are visiting relatives this summer who live near one. That's the closest thing to a vacation that we'll see for the better part of a decade. If we can scrape up the money, I am all for it. Even poor kids deserve occasional fun.

I remember that truffle thing. Fundies are all about spoiling themselves--and, yeah, a mother with a passel of kids deserves an occasional treat. Children deserve treats, too. They deserve them more than their parents, because they have no say in their financial circumstances. They can't take on a part time job to get the Barbie they have always dreamed of or a new pair of shoes. Their dreams are in our hands. Kelly should put down her rod and actually get to know her children's hearts.

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Kelly was in a rent-to-own agreement? Huh.

I have a feeling this translates to, we were paying my parents what small amount we could afford each month and they were going to leave us their property when they die and/or can't take care of it anymore.

If they did have a rental agreement, I would also seriously question the lack of renters' insurance. That shit costs almost nothing, and it would at least pay to replace the contents of her home even if it wouldn't replace the structure. She could maybe even buy her own BabyLock sewing machine :roll:

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I have a feeling this translates to, we were paying my parents what small amount we could afford each month and they were going to leave us their property when they die and/or can't take care of it anymore

Yes. Exactly. Which translates to: We are living off my parents.

I am always amused byt the hand-wringing from the Kelly Lites. HOW DARE WE??? Dumb asses.

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"Do you even go to this school?"

Great response!

Did anyone else think of this movie scene when they saw that response?


Ok, back to your regularly scheduled snarking. :whistle:

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There is nothing wrong with taking food stamps, or any other kind of public aid when you have fallen on hard times. The economy is in the shitter and a lot of very hard-working, responsible people need every help them can get. Instead of Kelly and her ilk pointing their pitchforks at a people on any type of dole, they should point their pitchforks at Wall Street shysters, corporate greedheads and dicey politicians. Sadly, Kelly's attitude reminds me a lot of the same people who aided in the downfall of AIG, Goldman Sachs, Enron, etc. "I got mine; fuck the rest of you." Or as Bob Dylan once sang, "Steal a little and they throw you in jail. Steal a lot and they make you king."

From reading Kelly's blog, I can gather that she's pretty much lived off the largesse of others her entire life. Until recently, she and her brood were living in a huge house provided by her parents. She pretty much gets everything handed to by her church every time she pops out a kid. And in the wake of the tornado Kelly's psychophants have raised her boat load of cash and have gifted her with other goodies.

Now I usually wouldn't usually get too bothered by this, but Kelly never acknowledges that she is one privileged little princess. It's all about her goodness and her selflessness through her blog. God will provide! She's such an arrogant and thoughtless twat. I know countless people who are a million times more giving, loving and caring than Kelly, and they are in need. Why aren't they be given money and gifties? Is it because they're not besties with God like Kelly?

And it kills me how Kelly pats herself on the back for sending thank you notes to the people who have sent her stuff. Um, Kells, you're supposed to do that.

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Because I am getting rather sick of the sanctimonious sycophants on Kelly's blog, I thought I would turn up the sarcasm a little.

In reply to Jane, who ripped Deana one over her post I put this;

Jane, I personally DO understand the concept of the ‘body of Christ’. However often the ‘body of Christ’ is stretched so thinly that donations such as the $35K that Kelly has received are impossible.

If a family living in a poor inner city area has a total disaster such as a fire for example, it is very highly unlikely that the church community is going to be able to find enough donations to help the family rebuild.

If a family in a poor inner city area loses their breadwinner through tragic accident (and I do feel so, so much for the Lee family, it must be devastating for them so I do not for a second begrudge them their donations), the church is unlikely to be able to support the surviving members; especially if it is a large family.

Kelly is lucky; she has a large community of friends who have the means to help her and I am absolutely sure that Kelly appreciates this and thanks God daily for it. But there are many, many people who do not have Kelly’s resources. I’d like to bet that Kelly herself knows of some people within her own devastated local community who don’t have access to the resources she does and are going to find rebuilding their lives so much harder than she is.

I’m not knocking the donations Kelly has received; I can’t even imagine how hard it must be for her with a tiny newborn to lose everything in a few seconds – and then her dad’s health to worry about. But all I ask is that people do not forget that there are many people – thousands even – who face tragedy every single day and do not have the resources to hand which Kelly has.

Bless you.

Jane replied:

You’ll notice my last sentence said “how the Body of Christ is SUPPOSED to functionâ€. Unfortunately, most of them do not and it’s shameful.

Kelly belongs to a local Body that does what it’s supposed to do and it’s a beautiful thing. Kelly’s “resource†is Almighty God.

Many Christians may be stretched thin but we’re all supposed to give to God’s people in need of basic necessities, food, shelter, clothing. I’m not talking about 35K here, although it’s wonderful to see her family receive that.

No church is stretched so thin that it can’t feed and shelter it’s people in an emergency.

and then Kathy from teaching all good things stuck her oar in and said:

You are spot on Jane! Feeding and clothing! Just for the record $35,000 does not rebuild a house! Not to mention the loss of income while you rebuild.

And let us be careful not to be humanistic in remembering where our “resources†come from, as you stated, it is our Almighty Father. If He increased 2 fish and 5 loaves, He can surly increase any measly gift we are willing to give.

God calls us to faithfulness, the results are up to Him.

Because I am feeling a little facetious today I 'misunderstood' and replied just now with this:

Kathy, are you saying that the Body of Christ should (considering the sheer vast devastation and the huge level of need from the tornadoes) just feed and clothe Kelly and her family?

Obviously 35K is not going to rebuild a home and yes it would provide a large amount of food and clothing for a large amount of people- is that what you mean by referring to the five loaves and two fishes?

Perhaps I am misunderstanding you here, but to me what you are saying is that the donations should be used to feed and clothe ‘the many’ (perhaps tornado victims in Kelly’s locality), rather than as an attempt to just help Kelly and her family alone rebuild?

Whilst 35K is a large amount of money, it would be a drop in the ocean if it were directed to feeding and clothing ‘the many’. Yes, the result of such a gesture would indeed be pleasing to our Almighty father, I am unsure if that is what Kelly’s donors would have intended. Perhaps they would, I really don’t know.


Can't wait for her reply!

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So what are non Christians supposed to do?

Well non christians can go to hell can't they? :twisted:

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Well non christians can go to hell can't they? :twisted:

As in, they can go right now. Immediately. 'Cause GC readers sure as heck aren't going to give them money to buy life sustaining food and water.

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As in, they can go right now. Immediately. 'Cause GC readers sure as heck aren't going to give them money to buy life sustaining food and water.

And that is precisely why the whole bullshit church body thing is stupid. Their Messiah never said anything about only helping your own.

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Jane is absolutely right! Many people do not have a church community that responds to disasters as Kelly's has done.

That's why we have these nifty things like insurance and FEMA and temporary aid.

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First of all, I think it's beyond stupid to refuse help from the government when it's offered in a situation like this. Please. I pay my taxes, and I know that my money (ok, some of my money) goes to give food and shelter and housing to people in need. I'm happy to do it.

HOWEVER, I do not understand why Kelly has gotten $35,000 dollars while the Lee (? I think?) family that lost the husband/father/provider has only gotten $10k. I guess their home wasn't destroyed, but their "breadwinner" died, which will likely have far far more difficult consequences than losing a house.

I haven't donated to either of these people (I'm poor too!) but if I had to choose, I would give it to the family without a father. As far as I know, the Bible does say to help the orphans, widows and Fatherless--not the people who were too stupid/cheap to buy insurance.

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As far as I know, the Lee family has got 100K not 10K.

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I've had a reply from 'Lori':

Kathy appears to be comparing the $35K to the fishes and loaves in that both are “measley†in comparison to the seemingly insurmountable need of the moment. But like the fishes and loaves, God can take the offerings and multiply them even beyond our expectations or even hopes. She isn’t saying that the money should be used to feed the 5,000, she’s saying we believers need to share even when things seem too much (we’re not allowed to cowardly back away from the big trials), and let God do what only God can.

Sorry if I stepped on your toes answering for you Kathy!

I carried on being a bit 'thick' and responded;

I see (I think!). So do you mean that Kelly should share the 35K even though she has been through so much and lost so much?

Very admirable, but surely it would be just a drop in the ocean. Although as you say, the Almighty does indeed do wondrous things with small amounts so who knows.


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Ok, LOL @ Sola :lol:

They should really learn that the first rule of the interwebz is "Don't feed the trolls".

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Damn, I think I'm busted!

Lori wrote:

Hmmm, I believe I detect a pattern developing… ;)

While I am often less clear than I wish to be, in this case I mean just what I said, and only what I said. :)

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It amazes me how so many Americans seem to look down on welfare.

In most European countries, Australia & NZ we have generous welfare programs. We DO NOT have food stamps as people are given money to buy food-therefore no stigma attached. (Although money may be quarantined in some cases-ie child neglect)

My father, a Vietnam veteran, who is comfortably well off, receives a government pension.

My aunt received a single mothers pension for 5 years before her little girls started school and she got a job.

My brother received a mature aged student (over 24 yrs of age) allowance for the final two years of his second uni degree.

No stigma. No drama.

Kelly needs to realise the whole world doesn't feel the same way as she does, and they reason she feels that way is because she is in the USA, belongs to a fundie cult and is stupid. If she was born to a Muslim/Catholic/Hindu/Atheist family in Denmark she would feel very differently, and believe very differently.

Edited as I am finishing up my last night duty and can no longer spell. Or think clearly.

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