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Santorum is back in first place


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He won't be president, and he won't even win the Republican primary. He's just the latest in a string of experimental flings that conservatives are having before they settle down and realize that Romney is their only choice. So don't buy your plane ticket to Cuba just yet.

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He won't be president, and he won't even win the Republican primary. He's just the latest in a string of experimental flings that conservatives are having before they settle down and realize that Romney is their only choice. So don't buy your plane ticket to Cuba just yet.

I agree. The Republican leadership knows that he is unelectable. The independents would never go for him.

That being said, I hope that he gets the nomination. I think right now Romney has a decent shot at winning, even if he is a Mormon.

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sigh... If he's the new president, I'm moving to Cuba.

I can think of many, many places better than Cuba to move to. There's a reason Cubans risk their lives to come to the U.S., and many die in the process.

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Did anyone watch the debate last night? It was painful for me. Seriously. Here is my ramble:

Someone needs to tell Romney that when other people are speaking, he needs to lose the pained, constipated look. And was it me, or did he not answer a single question all night? At one point, he told George Stephanopolous basically, no disrespect, but I'm not answering your G-D questions, I'm going to recite my script.

Huntsman seems like the most sane, but he doesn't stand a chance in hell.

Ron Paul looks like Mr. Magoo, poor thing -- and why did they keep saying Dr. Paul. The man is a Congressman, call him such. It just seemed weird.

And at one point Perry interrupted someone, Gingrich I think... I told my husband that I guess he felt like he had to jump in somewhere because no one was asking him any questions way down there on the end of the podium.

And Santorum needs to crawl back in his hole. Seriously, how did this man get elected to anything? I wouldn't vote for him for city dog catcher.

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Ha, I read the subject title and thought an avatar named Santorum took over the leaderboards in Makaziville. Oops.

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Did anyone watch the debate last night? It was painful for me. Seriously. Here is my ramble:

Someone needs to tell Romney that when other people are speaking, he needs to lose the pained, constipated look. And was it me, or did he not answer a single question all night? At one point, he told George Stephanopolous basically, no disrespect, but I'm not answering your G-D questions, I'm going to recite my script.

Huntsman seems like the most sane, but he doesn't stand a chance in hell.

Ron Paul looks like Mr. Magoo, poor thing -- and why did they keep saying Dr. Paul. The man is a Congressman, call him such. It just seemed weird.

And at one point Perry interrupted someone, Gingrich I think... I told my husband that I guess he felt like he had to jump in somewhere because no one was asking him any questions way down there on the end of the podium.

And Santorum needs to crawl back in his hole. Seriously, how did this man get elected to anything? I wouldn't vote for him for city dog catcher.

Ron Paul's voice alone should disqualify him.

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Ron Paul's voice alone should disqualify him.

I've never followed him because of the media premise that he's unelectable. He did say some things that I agree with (like if we don't stop spending, we're going to go broke). I don't vote Republican because they scare the crap out of me (the ones now... the moderate republicans of long ago didn't seem so bad. But then again, I'm only 32 so my interest in politics is within a decade or so, so I may be wrong.) But this cycle does seem like the Republicans are saying "anyone but Romney". They had to go all the way to someone who has a "frothy mixture" subtext attached to his name. That says a lot.

Gingrich made the comment somewhere that if Romney is the nominee, Obama is going to laugh at him during a debate. You can say a lot of things about Obama, but it's hard to deny that he's a great speaker and he's smart. Against Obama, Romney looks plastic and jumpy.

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It's still a while until the real presidential election but who here suspects that Obama will get another four years?

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It's still a while until the real presidential election but who here suspects that Obama will get another four years?


The Republican candidates are either rodeo clowns or unelectable. The only two with any chance of being nominated are Romney and Paul, and Paul is considered a whackadoodle by Republicans who aren't college "libertarians." The GOP has basically proven that it's completely unsatisfiable and unwilling to listen to the other side; and it's actually starting to split them up. You have Tea Party and "libertarian" fundie nutjobs taking over, and more moderate/liberal Republicans who seem unwilling to leave. I can see a whole bunch of Republicans refusing to vote or voting for 3rd party candidates just so they won't have to vote for Paul/Romney or Obama.

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It's still a while until the real presidential election but who here suspects that Obama will get another four years?

srsly, my right wing Republican husband is voting for Obama. All signs point to yes.

The Republican party called asking for money the other day and he yelled at them. Told them he would not vote for them, much less give them money, until they came up with some fucking solutions and stopped shitting on everyone else's. In those words. This is a man who bought GWB's biography in hardcover and has gotten in screaming matches with me over whether certain conservative signs can be in our yard.

My 16 yo son told me the other day, "I used to feel like conservatives were more logical. But now, they just sit on their fat asses and whine about shit."

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Rommey has flip-flopped his positions so many times, I want the Duggar girls to send him a pair of real flip-flops.

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I agree. I knew that Rick Perry would flop and Bachman is just freaky. Michelle can do her baby voice all she wants for Santorum but my money is on Barack.

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