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July 4th Parade of Problems


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My hometown's 4th of July parade is the largest in its metropolitan area. It draws such a large crowd that they've had to pass laws stating how far in advance people could stake their spots along the route. My dad and I had a tradition of going to the parade together that lasted over a decade, and it used to be my favorite event of the summer.

I say "used to be my favorite" because in recent years, it's taken a sinister turn for me. I guess that as a suburban event, it always had a conservative and Christian undercurrent. Even as a child, I asked my dad why people applauded for the Republican party and not the Democrats. The parade was filled with floats from churches, some of them passing out advertisements instead of candy. My town has no synagogues, and the ones in neighboring towns were apparently not interested in having floats.

Now the undercurrent has become blatant. The last several years, the local Knights of Columbus chapter has marched with a float that says "One Nation Under G-d" and has a giant American flag held up by crosses. As a Jew, the message comes across to me as, "You don't belong here. You aren't really American." It's a slap in the face to Americans of other faiths and non-faiths. They have every right to march, but I don't know why they would take the opportunity to present such divisive imagery on a day meant to celebrate our unity as a country. (Even though I believe in G-d, I much prefer our country's old motto of E Pluribus Unum--"Out of many, one.")

Then the last time I attended the parade, there was a large pro-life organization participating. They handed balloons to children that said, "Smile! Your mom is pro-life!" I HATE it when anti-choice groups use children to spread their message. The people in the group would shout, "Thanks for being pro-life!" I got so upset by this that I turned my back and buried my face in my fiance's shoulder until the group passed.

I'm getting married soon and I'll be going to my parents' house a week prior to get things ready, so I'll be back for the 4th again. I'd feel weird about not being at the parade, but at this point these things get me so angry I don't think it's worth it. If I went, I'd probably end up bringing signs to hold on the sidelines. ("I'm pro-choice and my mom is too!") Does anybody else have to deal with this kind of thing at their July 4th events?

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I'm so sorry. I wish you could come to our amazing neighborhood 4th of July party, instead, but it's quite a haul from Ohio. No, that would never happen here.

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I'm sorry that your city's parade has become such a sad spectacle. If I were you, I'd not go. No sense in making yourself miserable and angry. Especially the week before your wedding.

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Don't go, make a new, FUN tradition with your new husband!! I live in the country and we get a big pack of sparkly things and light them off in our driveway . :) Sometimes we all wave sparklers around while I do a singing and dance routine to "Yankee Doodle", but that is as patrotic as we get. The kids and husband like loud things that go "boom," thats enough for us.

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\ The last several years, the local Knights of Columbus chapter has marched with a float that says "One Nation Under G-d" . . . (Even though I believe in G-d, I much prefer our country's old motto of E Pluribus Unum--"Out of many, one.")

I also prefer the pre-1954 pledge of allegiance -- "under God" was not added until the pledge had been around for three decades.


I agree with the idea of a new, personal tradition. I'm not much of a holiday person, and detest crowds, in any case. I like to watch 1776 and sing along on the 4th!


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Then the last time I attended the parade, there was a large pro-life organization participating. They handed balloons to children that said, "Smile! Your mom is pro-life!" I HATE it when anti-choice groups use children to spread their message. The people in the group would shout, "Thanks for being pro-life!" I got so upset by this that I turned my back and buried my face in my fiance's shoulder until the group passed.

O/T I was about 8 months pregnant with my 3rd son when I had to go to the hospital across the street from myob/gyn for blood tests. I had my 2 toddlers with me and I was waddling across the street with my huge belly leading the way when a group of protesters stopped me. They were protesting abortions and wanted me to wear a ribbon that said I was pro-life. I said no and they of course demanded why. I said I was pro-choice and felt that a woman had a right to her own body. They couldn't believe I was pregnant and had 2 toddlers and could feel that way and demanded that I wear the ribbon. I said it was my choice to be pregnant and have children and I wouldn't force my choice another person. Thankfully they let me pass when some burly men from the hospital came to help me through the protesters. I didn't even understand why they were protesting at the hospital as it is a Catholic hospital that doesn't allow abortions unless it is life or death matters.

back on topic I'm so sorry you have to ddeal with this. As far as I'm aware of we don't have to deal with this which is surprising with this being Fundy headquarters.

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Geo, I feel your pain. I live in a very conservative suburb and do not enjoy our community events such as this as they are so over-the-top with the only-white-Christians-are-true patriots crap. Ack. The only time we went to our local parade was when our eldest boy was marcing in the band.

On July 4th, we've been just getting together with friends for years. We can watch the fireworks as our friends' house is not too far from where they're set off, which is nice.

Maybe it is time for a new tradition. I know, it sucks when people flaunt their narrow-mindedness so blatantly and shamelessly.

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I would not be offended by the KoC thing BUT then I am not offended by religious speech as long as it does not put down other religions. You can be proud to be an American Catholic or proud to be an American atheist, I am personally proud to be an American Jew. Well, sometimes, it depends on the news that day. ;)

But the abortion thing is not okay and I would complain to the city council or write a letter to the newspaper. Women have a legal right to abortion and that is not just my opinion. It is fact upheld by our courts, so bringing that out at a 4th of July parade is like passing out balloons bragging that you are against freedom of speech. It is anti-American because it is contrary to the liberties guaranteed to Americans,

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Thanks for the support. My fiance and I are relocating to a new city, so after this year it won't be an issue. New traditions sound great!

I found an article about a town that kicked the local Respect Life chapter out of their parade because the group refused to comply with the organizers' request to remove a photograph of a fetus from their banner.

http://palatine.patch.com/articles/pala ... ver-banner

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