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It's Time to Put an End to the Democratic Party


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I ran across this gem when linking from somewhere else. It is downright frightening, the venom in this diatribe by a so-called Christian. Here's another one:


This is religious nuttiness at its finest, the kind that is devoid of love and kindness. The most dangerous kind, because these folks have a militant belief in their self-righteousness that they believe is supported by the bible. These kinds of folks are the ones who think Gilead would be a good thing. They consider Christians like me to be milk toast compromisers. I just share nothing with these folks. The abuse and misuse of religion to foment hate is seriously one of the major ills of this world. Horrible.

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This bullshit has caused my BFF of 40 YEARS to unfriend me.  She she's a really nice woman, with horrible political believes, she's also gullible AF and not the sharpest tool in the shed. She prone to believing the stupidest things, like underwires cause breast cancer, cuz she read it on the internet.  She's fallen into the the only Fox, infowars & bretbart as her "news". 

Its also cost me another friendship of about 35 years but this one I ended because she's just a horrible person, and the Trump administration has brought out all of her horrific beliefs, she's racist, homophobic, self absorbed and basically a c^nt. She said she loves to rub Trump being prez in her parents face, because they are "stupid libtards" when she said that TO MY FACE I looked at her and said nice so basically I'm a stupid libtard, and you are basically a racist c*nt. threw $25 dollars at her and said here tight ass that should cover both our meals and walked away (we were at lunch and we hadn't even gotten our food yet) haven't talked to her since.  She's always going on about how horrible her sister is, because  when the housing market crashed they lost everything, he owned a mortgage company and they lived in a big house in San Francisco. They lost his business their house one of their cars. So they moved to an apartment near her job so she could walk/bike to work or he could drop her off and he could get their daughters to school and he could look for work.  He got a job as a youth pastor and they started living poor, they started doing mission work, mostly in Mexico where he is from (he's a dirty immigrant). She's said many times him losing his business was the best thing that ever happened to them.  They love their life now, they still live in a small 2 bedroom apartment, they don't have to work to live, they go to Mexico once a year where he preaches in the village his grandparents and some Aunts, Uncles & cousins live and she teaches a computer coding to middle & high school students who want to learn, free of charge, she said she usually has 10/15 kids and she has kids come back year after year. Their church pays for most of the trip, she works for a big computer company & they will donate the laptops for her to use & students can buy them for a reduced cost since they are all used refurbished computers. 

All that to say my ex friend hates her sister because she's happy and doesn't care about money and things anymore.  And is basically doing everything she wishes she can do but won't because she's afraid to let loose and do it. 

She also constantly complains about her in-laws, all of her family expect for 1 cousin, her coworkers and everyone around her who annoys her or are stupid.  

Thanks for reading all this if you made it this far, I get very wordy when I talk/post.

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What did I just read?

This part was rich.


Stop voting for criminals to fill governmental positions in our land. How can so many have such a high tolerance for the corruption and tyranny they represent? It's pure madness and defies logic.

How many were indicted under Obama? How many were convicted? How many were indicted under Trump? How many convicted?

Also, so in their book, adultry is totally cool?

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4 hours ago, SilverBeach said:

The blindness of these haters is epic.

I want to give the angry reaction, but think that would count as a down vote. And angry doesn't even come close more like filled with rage.

(Quick drift: Can somebody post the link to how the reactions are ranked? This time I'll bookmark it so I don't have to ask again)

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7 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

Also, so in their book, adultry is totally cool?

Not a deal-breaker, apparently.  Death is also cool (excepting embryonic cells) judging by the number of Republican candidates who are for the death penalty. 

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7 hours ago, onekidanddone said:

(Quick drift: Can somebody post the link to how the reactions are ranked? This time I'll bookmark it so I don't have to ask again)

I don't have a link, but I'm pretty sure only the red downvote and the ones to the left of it are  downvotes to the poster.

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