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Early Cat-mas presents!


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So, I'm having a grumpy week....
So the kiddo and I decided to give the cats part of their Christmas present early--because it's a Christmas decoration.  kinda.
If you have a spare $13 and a nearby target, I recommend.  my cats and dog are currently fighting over it (the dog just to eat bits).

nova house.jpg

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I got my feline niece and nephew some toy mice for Christmas.  Sister sent these pictures of them with their gifts.



As always it makes my Christmas when my feline relatives actually like their gifts.

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@47of74, one of our cats  loves those little stuffed mice toys that smell like catnip. The only problem is that once he's done with them, he leaves them in the cat food. We feed our kitties wet food, so it gets kinda messy! :pb_lol:

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20 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

@47of74, one of our cats  loves those little stuffed mice toys that smell like catnip. The only problem is that once he's done with them, he leaves them in the cat food. We feed our kitties wet food, so it gets kinda messy! :pb_lol:

My sister and sister in law's feline kiddos are total stoners when it comes to 'nip.  They see a new catnip toy they'll come running to investigate and hopefully snag such toys before anyone else can. 

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Sorry the for long pet related rant.

I just hosted my elderly mother in law for Christmas and she is lucky to still have her eyeballs!  I have a territorial and protective cat, Jane.  She has a large cat tree where she likes to hang out on the lower branches, or where she runs to the top if she's feeling insecure.  So, I pick up my MIL from the airport late friday night.  We're both cat people and she and I talk regularly on the phone, so she knows all about Jane's somewhat salty disposition.  All weekend Jane was giving her little hisses from the top of her tree.  Nothing outrageous, just enough to let MIL know that she wasn't happy with her intrusion.  Out of nowhere my mother in law sneaks up to the tree and proceeds to loudly hiss in Jane's face ?  Jane went ballistic ?  Think of the raccoon scene in Elf.  Luckily the scratches are healing and weren't that deep.  I don't know what got in to my MIL. She apologized profusely, and feels really bad about what she did.  Sadly, Jane now hates her with  a passion and has started stalking her from around corners, under the bed etc..  MIL goes to the airport tomorrow night.   I hope Jane forgets the incident and gives her another chance when she visits again this spring. 

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bad MIL!
( will confess to ocasionally hissing at MY cats.  But everyone knows that hissing at my 'mean' cat [not the one in the picture, the other one.  and he's not so much mean as 'tries to eat people who don't live in his house sometimes'} might get your face ripped off)

I'm guessing Jane will not forget.  Cats are like Dwarves with their books of grudges.

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