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Faux News: Who Says the USA Doesn't Have State TV?


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Along the vein of Faux News, there was a documentary that showed how Faux News preys on older Americans, making the more and more right wing. Does anyone know the name of that documentary?

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On the topic of kitten TV, this is my version of kittens

Cuz this is how I get my geek on.

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When we had Dish since I was paying for the goddamn thing I blocked Faux News.  I figured since I was paying for it I was the one who got to say what's shown on TV in the house.  People can watch "adult" stuff in the house for all I care but they're not using the service I pay for to watch Faux.  If they want it they can pay for it themselves.  I gotta check to make sure I can block state TV now that we're using streaming. 

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5 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

When we had Dish since I was paying for the goddamn thing I blocked Faux News.  I figured since I was paying for it I was the one who got to say what's shown on TV in the house.  People can watch "adult" stuff in the house for all I care but they're not using the service I pay for to watch Faux.  If they want it they can pay for it themselves.  I gotta check to make sure I can block state TV now that we're using streaming

I sure hope you can block it. I'd hate to hear that your parents got sucked into the Faux universe.

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The answer to "What happened to Tucker Carlson?" has actually existed for years, Lenz said.

"We want to think that, oh, this is a whole new shtick for him," Lenz told Stelter. "But actually, I think it's just part of who he's always been. If you look at a lot of his early writings... there has always been kind of a latent racism."


When it came time to sit down with Carlson, Lenz expected to have a fruitful conversation. She thought he would be similar to Hamlet -- "pretending to be crazy while pulling off a bigger scheme," she told Stelter.

This didn't happen. "It ended up just him yelling at me for two hours about free speech," Lenz said.


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Since when does North Carolina have half a billion people?



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Do they have a secret competition going on at Faux to see who can say the most blatantly and egregious idiocy and still have it believed by their viewers?

Do they secretly laugh while they come up with the next dumb ass obvious lies and see them spread around as the gospel truth on social media?

Do they secretly sneer at their gullible viewers, hungry for the next rehash of overt falsehoods about Hillary?


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10 hours ago, 47of74 said:

Since when does North Carolina have half a billion people?



Wikipedia says an estimate from last summer was a population of 10,273,419 for the whole state. And other than isolated falling-tree related outages, most of the Charlotte area (where over 2.5 million people live) didn't lose power. Nor did the entire western half of the state. 

But their precious president lies every time he forms words in any form, so I guess they figure their viewers will swallow whatever they say without question.

I want to be positive and think maybe they inflated the numbers just for Trump, to encourage him to send funding and help. But I kind of think they are so used to the lying that the truth is a foreign concept to them. And like other foreign things (that aren't pretty white women or exotic cars) they want nothing to do with it.

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Don't laugh, maths is hard folks, who can count all those zeroes... they all  look alike. Thousand million, thillion mousand... it's all Greek to Faux

There' aren't 500 million people in the whole of USA...  I had to check and ABC news says there are about 470 000 without power now, might have been 500 000 earlier? 

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Hannity, oh Hannity, will you be original tonight?


Diane Feinstein is awful for what she's doing to Brett Kavanaugh.  "The Democrats goal, from day one, has always been to delay, derail, malign the character of Judge Kavanaugh." Okay then....

(clip of Ted Kennedy arguing against the confirmation of Robert Bork in 1987)

(clip of Clarence Thomas defending himself during his confirmation in 1991)

65 women who knew Kavanaugh way back in high school, and they're defending him.  Hannity fails to mention that most of the 65 are rethinking their actions (https://hillreporter.com/kavanaugh-loses-support-from-63-out-of-65-women-who-vouched-for-him-7467, written earlier today)

Kavanaugh is awesome!  How dare the Democrats not want him on the Supreme Court! But no mention of Merrick Garland, who was super qualified, but the Republicans squashed any hope of him advancing to the SC.

Onto Lisa Page and the leaking she did with Peter Strzok.  Surveillance this, dossier that.

Lindsey Graham asks why, if the accuser never intended to come forward, did she pay for a polygraph in August and get a lawyer in August?  Hannity calls this a "poignant point".  It can't be tried in criminal court, because the statute of limitations has run out, and no civil court will touch it because it might be hard to prove.  Take that, Democrats!

More Lisa Page and Peter Strzok.

More about the so-called fake accusation against Kavanaugh.  But not really.  It's just stuff repeated from earlier in the hour.

Jay Sekulow  (ACLJ guy and Trump's attorney) stops by but doesn't really say anything.

Carter Page thinks its "incredibly stupid" that he's mixed up in the FISA mess.

To finish out the hour, Hannity debuts a new video for the NRA, featuring Oliver North (the new president of the NRA) complaining about NFL players who kneel during the anthem.  I'm not sure what kneeling has to do with gun ownership, but again, I'm not sure what Fox News has to do with the news, either.

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19 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

@JMarie, can you please watch this?

Thank you! :pb_smile:

DVR'd it, don't have the strength to watch it tonight.  I'll need to pick up some wine on the way home from work tomorrow.

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23 hours ago, JMarie said:

DVR'd it, don't have the strength to watch it tonight.  I'll need to pick up some wine on the way home from work tomorrow.

So I'm trying to watch it now.  Hannity's live from a rally in Las Vegas, and he's whining about the accusations against Kavanaugh.  He shows a commercial from MoveOn and says what if a bunch of conservatives made a commerical saying they supported Kavanaugh?  "Can you imagine the outrage from The Left?"

No, I can't.  And I can't watch anymore of his awfulness, at least not tonight.



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