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Posting in are you there FJ?


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Hi! I have been around long enough now to have access to are you there free Jinger, but though I can read threads I don't have the ability to respond. Do I need to have a certain number of posts in the other areas before this unlocks? I've attempted reading and searching for this but I'm stumped.  Thank you!!

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You should be able to post.  Have you tried clearing your cache, closing, and then reopening your browser?  Let us know if that helps.  Thanks.

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Just cleared all of the things, and closed the tabs I had open and so on. No luck. I'm on my phone at the moment, if that matters? Haven't tried this on an actual computer, I rarely break out my laptop over the summer, but could attempt that later tonight

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1 hour ago, Sequoia said:

Just cleared all of the things, and closed the tabs I had open and so on. No luck. I'm on my phone at the moment, if that matters? Haven't tried this on an actual computer, I rarely break out my laptop over the summer, but could attempt that later tonight

Try it again. I think I just fixed it.

Success, thank you!!

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