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Who is the Blerch?  

The Blerch is that voice in your head that tells you to take a break from achieving your goals.  He's the spirit that possessed the vending machine the other day to give me TWO snickers when really I didn't even need one.  He tells you to nap instead of go outside.  He tells you to binge 4 seasons of Call the Midwife instead of going for a run and order takeout instead of cooking.  He insists you grocery shop when hungry, and then follows you there when you do, filling up your cart with nonsense.  

He tells you to stop.  To quit.  To give up.  That this is too hard.  That you're not worth the effort.  

But he is wrong.  

No matter what our goals are, one of the highest hurdles we will have to clear is silencing the Blerch, that inner voice that holds us back.  There are many ways to do this, because each and every Blerch is different.  Who is your Blerch?  How do you silence him?

(He was also created by The Oatmeal and can be found here: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/running ) 

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I had an attack of the Blerch last week, after doing so well for 6 weeks.  In 3 days I gained back a pound that didn't budge after 2 days fully back on the wagon.  I've only lost 6 total, so Blerch!   Why is it so easy to gain and so hard to lose?  I feel like our bodies are really dumb (for many reasons, hello chronic illness) and I've hated mine for one reason or another my whole life.  But I also know thinking like that causes stress, and stress causes weight gain, and we should love ourselves no matter what our physical form looks like.

So this time I told myself that it's not a failure.  I am not a failure.  Each time I eat stands alone.  It's okay to have times when I eat too much, or something unhealthy, as long as the times when I eat in moderation and healthily are the majority.

I also noticed I binged much less than usual.  It might not even qualify as a binge, I just ate what were "normal" amounts pre-"lifestyle change" (which is depressing in a different way, but also a big improvement, yay me).

I only ever crave sweets when I am dieting + depressed, and have been finding it helpful lately to try having some fruit first, before anything else.  It usually helps a lot and prevents me from eating junk.  Grapes or a date in particular.  I didn't think it would work but it does and I am pleased when myself afterwards. 

It also helps to congratulate myself out loud on my progress and choices.  Things that have nothing to do with the weight too, it seems silly but it helps to hear kind words about yourself said outloud, even -maybe especially - if you are the one saying them.  I've been telling my husband what I've eaten in a day and what didn't eat even though I really wanted to, and when he is proud of me it also gives me a boost to keep going.

I am still working on finding something that is a reward that isn't food and also isn't buying myself something.

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