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Hazing Incident at Wheaton College


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A horrific hazing incident occurred at Wheaton College and it seems there was little discipline done to the 5 young men at the college (50 hours of service and an 8-page essay); however, they are now criminally charged with felonies. 

Update:  They have now been suspended from practice and games. It's about damn time!  Why weren't they expelled??



The freshman told investigators that his teammates restrained him with more duct tape during the drive, pulled down his shorts and underwear, then repeatedly tried to insert an object into his rectum. After the freshman yelled at them to stop, he was beaten, he said. 

The players drove to a park located off campus and carried the freshman onto a baseball diamond, according to his account. The players threw dirt on the teen, took his cell phone and left him half-naked on the field, he said.

The freshman, who went to the hospital and spoke with police officers later that night, suffered two labrum tears that required surgery, authorities said. He withdrew from the school a short time later. 




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This is beyond horrible.  Kidnapping and elements of sexual assault.  These "good Christian boys" better get more than a slap on the wrist.  Hazing implies a prank of sorts.  Assuming the case as presented in the article is correct in the particulars, this was full out assault, with a lot of hostility.  They took him to a baseball field (I assume he was still tied up with duct tape) and threw dirt on him as a parting gesture.   WTF? 

With a labrum tear in both shoulders, it sounds as though the victim was struggling hard.  I'm heartsick for this kid. 

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This is beyond horrible.  Kidnapping and elements of sexual assault. 

Exactly! The word "hazing" really minimizes the offenses. If the news read, Wheaton Football Players Sexually and Physically Assault Incoming Freshman Player, it might get more outrage. 

I'm glad this boy left school immediately after it happened, but something stinks to high heaven that we are just now hearing about it. 

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WTF?!  I'm sorry, but inserting an object into someone's rectum against their will and with force is basically rape, IMO.  This goes way beyond hazing.  My heart breaks for the victim.  Wheaton College should be ashamed of themselves for giving those abusers what amounts to a slap on the wrist.  This is straight up assault, and those perpetrators should be in jail.  

Edited to add: in the Chicago Tribune article linked above, it sounds like when they kidnapped the victim, they played "Muslim music" and pretended to be Muslims who were going to force this kid to have sex with a goat.  It also sounds like when he was taken against his will from his dorm, employees witnessed this and did nothing.  

Pardon my language but fuck these people.  What a bunch of trash.  This shit just infuriates me to no end.  

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A positive vote wasn't enough to say how much I agree with @Hmmm_idolatry. This is disgusting.

If the above report is true, he was subjected to sexual assault at the least, rape at the worst. And also kidnap - bound with duct tape and abandoned on a baseball field?

This is not hazing. This is criminal.

I hope he sues for civil damages. Both those involved and the college.

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I'm physically nauseated reading the above. The perpetrators are sick fucks. God, this infuriates me. I hope they pay dearly for their crimes!

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I hope they do some serious jail time and have to register as sex offenders for the rest of their stupid lives.  What they did is so unacceptable and dangerous and hateful and just flat-out wrong.  In addition to that, any administrators and coaches who deliberately covered this up and impeded investigators should also face charges.  I won't hold my breath, but it would be great if the accrediting body who gave this school their accreditation conducted an impartial investigation on the school's handling of this. 

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I don't even know how to begin to express my horror at this awful incident. I felt sick to my stomach as I read this. 

Two other things of note:

1. While Wheaton College isn't quite as restrictive as Crown College or PCC, it was definitely a Fundie school of choice for my public high school classmates in the early 90's. As I recall (don't know if it has changed its rules), it was a required chapel, skirts/dresses to class, no alcohol, no dancing, no cards school). 

2. One of the twits involved was the son of former Pro Football player Chris Spielman. 


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I've read on Patheos that you can be expelled from Wheaton if you kiss your boyfriend/girlfriend goodnight.  In addition to that, Wheaton freaked out and either fired/tried to fire a professor who stated that Muslims and Christians worship the same God.  That school is just as fundy and insane as PCC or Crown.


Patheos article

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