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How to tell if a toy is for boys or girls?


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I just saw this photo on the A Mighty Girl Facebook page;



Well another thing to consider is that the toy might very well be for children but the person using the toy is using it in an unintended manner.

And they should probably think twice about suing if they injure their genitalia using toys in an unintended manner.


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Oh lord! You made me laugh, @47of74!! My Kiddo says that (do they operate it with their gentalia-no) all the time when we shop for littles, especially Grandboy-who likes dolls, pink and is getting a kitchen for Christmas. Now..if we could just tattoo the Mighty Girls paper to his father's eyelids....we would have something.

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I would be more concerned if a toy is age appropriate than gender appropriate.

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I tend to go with the maturity level of the child too. Some toys for 4+ will work for Wild Child who is 3 and won't work for GrandBoy who is 4. And books work for everybody.

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About the only thing I can think of that's for kids where I would worry about gender would be pull ups, since the absorbant material needs to go in different spots. otherwise, as others have said, I have 100 other things to worry about. I do admit to being disappointed my niece is into pink and ruffles. Not because I think it's wrong -- she doesn't think she's limited to "girly" things which is when I worry --  but because I really don't like pink and ruffles, and it makes shopping for her a pain. I try to get sparkly things, because they don't make me go "ew" in the same way.  

Okay, that's not totally true. I mainly get her books. Books have no ruffles and she loves them.  Also, as a former librarian, I love books! I literally have lists of books to buy my nieces and nephews.

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One of my daughters thanked me last week for bringing her up with non-sexist toys.  She said she's really not a frilly girl even though she likes Betsey Johnson things and cats.  

@Terrie, I think that's awesome that you have lists of books to buy for your nieces and nephews.

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This is brilliant! Thankfully I was brought up with both barbie dolls and toy cars and dinosaurs but more people need to see this.


@DaniLouisiana books totally work for everyone!

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