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Massage Your Opossum


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I would like to see this woman team up with the Prancersize lady...

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So that's what the kids are calling it nowadays.  :output_eeMbjt:

(Haven't seen the video yet; will do so when I can.)

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I died at the cleansing of the aura.  The opossum was a cutie, but had that, "Is this my life?" look on her face.

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1 hour ago, church_of_dog said:

I would like to see this woman team up with the Prancersize lady...

I had to look her up.  What in the hell?  She's a joke right?  But she has a blog and appears to take herself seriously.  I laughed nonetheless.

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3 hours ago, VooDooChild said:

I had to look her up.  What in the hell?  She's a joke right?  But she has a blog and appears to take herself seriously.  I laughed nonetheless.

Your guess is as good as mine. 

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This was suggested to me this morning because I'd watched the first video:

Yeah, I think the gal is trolling us.

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Does she know that possums have teeth?!? Sharper little biters! We had one that lived in our garage for winter-I have seen those teeth, up close and personal like!

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That poor critter! The faces that opossum was making were killing me! I couldn't stop laughing even though I felt guilty as hell, lol. 

On 12/3/2016 at 1:19 PM, PennySycamore said:

This was suggested to me this morning because I'd watched the first video:

Yeah, I think the gal is trolling us.


omg, Potato just keeps eating throughout the whole thing! roflol! This is killing me!


I'm wondering if she has a rescue and uses youtube to raise funds. I could watch these all day.

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That critter needs to be released back into into the wild. Wild animals are not pets.

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I dunno who she is, and bless the opossums who behave (pretty) well for her during this.... but this is some pretty funny stuff.  Just when I think our fundie-fams cannot be any weirder, there is THIS lady :P

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On 12/8/2016 at 5:08 AM, RosyDaisy said:

That critter needs to be released back into into the wild. Wild animals are not pets.

It is possible that the possum is not completely wild anymore, but has become dependent on this woman for food.  It would die if released into the wild without teaching to fend for itself.   In general, though, you are right, @RosyDaisy, that wold animals are not pets.

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My eyes have been opened. I appreciate this brilliant guru and her willingness to share her vast marsupial massage knowledge. All this time, despite my purest intentions, I've been throwing my opossum's chi off. Frankly, I feel just terrible about it. 

Seriously, that is one chill little opossum--she's really a good sport.

This video makes me feel like Christmas came early, and I'll share this present with other friends who appreciate a good belly laugh--thanks @MarblesMom!

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@Palimpsest,  I like on that page she has the Wiccan saying about "Harm none, but do what you will" and on another page she has Guan Yin with a squirrel face. Guan Yin is the bodhisattva of compassion.  

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On 12/8/2016 at 4:08 AM, RosyDaisy said:

That critter needs to be released back into into the wild. Wild animals are not pets.

If you watch her other videos, she makes this clear. I don't believe she owns opossums as pets. It seems to me that she's a rehabber, and these are animals that cannot be released for whatever reason (maybe someone found them and took them in and habituated them before realizing they were too much to handle?). Anyway, she's funny and silly, and she seems to be a genuinely decent person. 

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On December 2, 2016 at 2:10 PM, MarblesMom said:

2 things:  Why would you want to massage an opossum?  Those suckers are mean! and secondly:  Georgina Spelvin?  Couldn't she have picked something better than an old porn stars name?  

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