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Dominican monk blames earthquake on recent legislation on seme sex civil partnerships


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Last Monday a Dominican monk was on air on Radio Maria (an important conservative Catholic radio) answering to people's questions. He said that natural disasters are caused by the original sin and consequently the last earthquakes that destroyed many towns in Central Italy can be linked to our state legalising civil partnerships for same sex couples. 

The RCC distanced itself from this position, denying it being the official teching of the Church and defining the statement as bordering to superstition. Radio Maria ended its collaboration with the priest and apologised to the population that lives in the afflicted areas (not to gay people though, those are filthy sinners ready for hellfire /sarcasm). Unfortunately the monk didn't take back his statements nor apologised but said that people in Vatican should reread the RCC Catechism 'cause he is right, of course.



Leaving alone the offensive, insulting and utterly unacceptable beliefs that are the basis of discrimination towards gay people, from a theological point of view the whole reasoning makes no sense. The RCC believes in evolution sparked and guided by a superior intelligence,  namely god, that governs through the laws of nature that we can discover through science. Science tells us that earthquakes existed long before humans had the possibility to commit the "original sin". Logic says earthquake and sin have no relation whatsoever. Right?

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Unless the Italian edition of the catechism has some extra parts that the English version doesn't, I know for certain that the Catechism of the Catholic Church doesn't say that sinful behavior (however that's defined) causes natural events. Even the section about how homosexuality is supposedly "intrinsically disordered" doesn't go from that to, "normalizing same-sex attraction will cause natural disasters." This friar is correct that traditionally natural disasters were interpreted as signs of god's displeasure, but that view has largely died out in the West, especially since we know that earthquakes, hurricanes, and the like have naturalistic causes. What would this friar make of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake, which is believed to have killed over 100,000 people, many of whom where in church because it was All Saint's Day?


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It's been legal 11 and half years here and we still haven't died. I guess someone must be praying extra hard for us.

Seriously, do these people ever come out of their bubbles? 

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I'm guessing Francis would be like this if he heard that line of horseshit;



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