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Pope Francis considering having next synod focus on ministry, maybe ordaining married men


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Francis is thinking about maybe having the next Synod of Bishops focus on ministry, including the possibility of ordaining married men...



In response to acute priest shortages around the world, Pope Francis may well decide that his next Synod of Bishops should focus on ministry -- including the question of whether married men could be ordained to celebrate the sacraments, in effect creating a parallel priesthood.

If a vast topic such as the Church’s preparation for marriage and its handling of divorcés can be discussed, it means other burning issues can be too. And top of that list are questions about ministry: access to the sacraments, the role of women and lay people, as well as the role of deacons.

Some are saying that pastoral ministries will the topic for the next synod, likely to be scheduled for 2018-19.

No one doubts the question is an urgent one. More than half of the Catholic Church’s communities worldwide have no resident priest.

I can't wait to hear what ol' Lord Ray or other conservatives reaction to this development is.  Getting the ol popcorn ready now.

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What very few people seem to know is that there already are married Catholic priest, legally married and legally priests. They are from the Eastern Catholic Churches, whose rites have an oriental flavour but who are every inch as Catholic as...well, as any Catholic person. They have been allowed to marry for centuries but those who do cannot become bishops (go figure).

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There are also some married priests in the U.S. who were Episcopal or Lutheran pastors that converted then completed an abbreviated seminary program and were ordained in the Catholic Church. 

I'm more interested in the discussion of ordaining women as deacons. Deacons can officiate marriages and do baptisms. 

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